Thursday, November 1, 2012

November is Family Blogging Month!

Mrs. Yollis and her students to share what they are
learning and experiencing.

In an effort to include more family members in our online community, we are proclaiming:

November is Family Blogging Month!

Each student made a list of their family members. After looking through the archive, students selected specific posts tailored to the interest of a particular relative. 


We're inviting everyone to comment: moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, and cousins. 
We welcome friends, too!

Students will be inviting their family and friends to participate in a conversation! 
Maybe we'll get some 2-point comments

(We frequently evaluate the comments that our blog has received. In order to earn the 2-points, a comment must be error-free and add something to the post.   Many of Mrs. Yollis' second and third graders have already met the challenge!)

If you don't know what to say, here is a video made by Mrs. Yollis' third graders. 
Learn FIVE tips for writing a quality comment! 

If you don't know How to leave a comment, here is a video tutorial about HOW to leave a comment on our blog.


Here is the key we will use for  Family Blogging Month.

What do you think of our idea?

Who are you inviting to be a part of our online community?

Please leave a comment and introduce yourself! 



  1. Dear Mrs Yollis and new bloggers,

    I cannot believe that it is already bloggying month for you all.

    This is a wonderful way to introduce your new members to the wonderful world of blogging.

    I, was first introduced to blogging by my daughters teacher Mrs Morris and that was about three years ago and I haven't looked back.

    This is when I also started to blog Mrs Yollis and a few others and have loved every single element of blogging. My daughter has her own blog too which is where both BB and I love to read all the comments she receives on your blog.

    Blogging is such a wonderful way to learn from all over the globe and not have to travel out of your home. But the best thing I feel about blogging this the friendships which can and are formed one that truly is priceless.

    Also it is a great way to learn with your child together as one.

    May all the new bloggers enjoy and learn and make wonderful connections too.

    From one very happy blogger down unnder,
    AA :)

    1. @ AA, (Australian parent)

      Can it really be three years? Such wonderful friendships have been some of the best parts of blogging! :-)

      I really agree with you that blogging offers so many opportunities for learning! The geography lessons, the understanding of time zones and seasons, cultural differences...blogging is so rich!

      Here's to many more fabulous years of blogging and friendship. Thanks for all your support!

      Mrs. Y♥llis

    2. @Mrs Yollis,

      Yes I am with you I can't believe it has been three years but it sure has been awesome fun.

      Yes, I really do agree that the friendships is truly the icing on the cake when it comes to blogging.

      Three cheers to many years of blogging Mrs Yollis and thank you for taking me on board your blogging train. :)

      Cheers from down under,

    3. Dear AA,

      You must love blogs! I think you are a great commenter and typer. It would be an enjoyable time to meet you. Do you have a blog?

      Are your relatives comming near Thankgiving?
      Do you have a blog?

      Your blogging-loving friend,

      Chloe (From Mrs. Yollis' class)

  2. Bennett, we love you, and hope you are doing great at school. We had a great Halloween as well and got lots of candy, hope to see you soon! love McKenna and Mia.

  3. Mia (your former student)November 2, 2012 at 2:25 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    The memories are coming back! Family Blogging Month was one of my favorite things to do in your class! I'm sure your new students will enjoy it as much as I did (I'm sure they will ;) ). I didn't win, but I was in the top ten. Once they know the prize you get, I'm sure they will be fighting for it! I knew I WANTED IT REALLY BAD! I would love to encourage some students to participate and ask family members to comment.

    Tell your students I said good luck to them!

    Your former student,

    1. @ Mia,

      What a happy surprise to get a fabulous comment from one of my former students! It is wonderful to hear from you! :-)

      Yes, Family Blogging Month is always a fun time of year. If you'd like to stop by and share your blog and give some blogging tips to my new students, let me know! Maybe we can have a group from last year come and give a little presentation!

      Come back soon!

      Your proud former teacher,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

  4. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    It seems like such a long time that we had our own family blogging month! I remember that Sarah came in first, Leila came in second, and Sasha came in third. I was so close, but I came in fourth!

    I wonder if the winner will be in second or third grade. Good luck to all of the second and third graders!


    1. @ ★R♠yce♔★,

      Welcome back, my friend!

      You have a very good memory. Yes, those were the top bloggers during the month. We have a lot of enthusiastic bloggers from both second and third. Stay tuned to see who will be the big winners!

      I told Mia that if you and some other bloggers would like to visit our class, share your blogs or your experience, my students would love it! I would too!

      Your proud former teacher,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    My name is Jim, I’m Bennett’s grandfather. I live in Charlotte N C. We were lucky because the hurricane that devastated much of the eastern US bypassed us; we only had some wind and rain. Do any of you have friends or family living in the path of the hurricane? How did they make out?
    We have relatives on Long Island NY who lived through the storm. They have told us tales of exploding electrical transformers and trees falling on their streets, blocking the roadway, making driving impossible. They are still without electricity. (I am writing this on Saturday November 3, 2012)
    We used to live in a house on the North shore of Long Island on Makamah Beach road. Our front yard was Long Island sound. That house was destroyed by the force of the wind and waves. I’m really glad we No longer live there.


    1. @ Jim, (Bennett's grandfather)

      Welcome to our blog and thanks for leaving such an informative comment!

      I'm glad to hear that you are safe. In class, we were following the news and looking at maps. In fact, we looked up the word sound in the dictionary because no one had ever heard of a body of water being called a sound. (I wonder if any of my students can refresh our memory. What is a sound?)

      Our thoughts go out to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. I am watching the news right now and see that some people are still without electricity, gasoline for their generators, food, clothing, and blankets. Very sad.

      My class and I hope that you will come back often and join in our learning.

      Much appreciated,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis and bloggers,

    I have some family coming from Pennsylvania this month. My granfather and grandmother are coming to visit. They're coming on November 18th. They also lost their power during the hurricane. They are glad to have it back. I hope everyone else does too. I have a lot of family in Pennsylvania and New York. But, not all of them can come.

    I'm hoping to show my grandmother "knit the king and queen." My grandmother loves to knit. That is why I want to show her "knit the king and queen."

    There is a lot to share with family on our blogs.

    I am so happy that it is Family Blogging Month. I did my list and can't wait for my family to join our blog. I also can't wait to meet other people's family.



    1. @ Chloe,

      What a terrific comment about Family Blogging Month and how much we have to share on our blogs! I echo your thoughts! (Do you know what that expression means?)

      I just searched yollis knit and I got a couple of links. One of them is the Royal Wedding.

      Here is a hyperlink to The Royal Wedding knit post for your grandmother.

      Even if your family will not be with you on Thanksgiving, you can forward them a link to the blog. Perhaps they can use my video tutorial about how to leave a comment!

      Terrific work, Chloe!

      Your blog-loving teacher,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

    2. Dear Mrs Yollis,

      Nice reply!

      You asked me if I new what echo means. Well, it means that someone says something and you agree and echo it back.

      I am sad that I can't see all my family :-(.

      But we recently got skype, so we can see them on the TV, iPad, and iPhone.

      Are all your family coming to Thanksgiving? Or are only some of your family coming?

      I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! This is a great month for Family Blogging.

      Your student,


  7. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    My name is Sarah, and I was in Mrs. Yollis class last year. I remember family blogging month from last year. It was a lot of fun reading all the comments from my family. They left so many comments that it helped me earn my own blog.

    I was really excited to get a comment on my blog from 2 of your second grade students. Your class is becoming great bloggers. I look forward to reading all of your posts.

    Your former student,

  8. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    My name is Miriam and I was in Mrs. Yollis' third grade class 2 years ago. I remember family blogging month very well and really liked it when my family wrote in comments. The video on leaving a quality comment came from my 3rd grade class. I am glad it is a big hit and is still teaching new students how to comment.

    Happy Blogging!

    Your former student,

  9. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I really like your blog. My name is Hannah and I am six years old and in first grade. I go to swimming, and I play piano and violin. I have one best friend from school her name is Jada and she is eight years old. She is my study buddy and is in third grade. Her favorite sports is gymnastics.

    I really like to leave comments and maybe when I am older I can have my own blog. I need to learn how to type because I only type with one finger.


  10. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,
    November is the perfect month to initiate Family Blogging.Thanksgiving brings families together on one day,your Classroom Blog encourages us to stay connected throughout the year.
    Bennett is accomplishing skills and putting into practice knowledge I can learn from. Never to old to learn ,right? I am visiting Bennett this week and need to gain the HTML Code skill.
    I am very enthusiastic about Reading Round-Up and Poem weeks.What Blog subjects are you ebullient about?
    Smiles to you all,
    Grandma G

    1. Bennett and C♣llinNovember 6, 2012 at 9:27 AM

      Dear Grandma G,

      Thank you for participating in family blogging month. I'm looking forward to seeing you today. I noticed that you put ebullient in your comment. We were wondering what the word means? How is it in N C? You asked how to use HTML code. If you go to the top of the blog you will find a link that will say HTML code.

      Bennett and C♣llin

    2. Dear Grandma,

      You are really getting on top of blogging! I am so glad that you are here! Maybe you can drop by Mrs. Yollis' class and say hello, because we all know how much Mrs. Yollis' class likes you!

      (Graduating this year)

  11. Hello Ryan and Mrs. Yollis' class,
    I am writing to you from NJ. we are presently experiencing day 8 of no power due to hurricane Sandy. I am visiting family who are lucky enough to have power. Here things are in devistation in so many places, but we are happy that all our family and their homes have come through the storm unharmed. we are just a little cold, in the dark, and unable to go to school. Can you believe we have not been to school since October 26th? And we have learned that we rely on electricity way too much!
    We will miss having Ryan and his family come and visit us this thanksgiving. We are cousins that get to see each other every other year at the holiday. I will look forward to seeing you this year in January in Sunny California. Please keep good thoughts for all of NJ. XO ~Cousin Amy

  12. Dear Mrs. Yollis and her fabulous students,

    I love Friends & Family Blogging!! This is going to be so much fun!

    I have enjoyed reading the other posts so far. I have been thinking so much about everyone in NY and NJ dealing with the aftermath of Sandy. We too have family and friends back east, and have been talking to them often, but I was glad to read from others who are affected as well. Stay safe and keep warm!

    With the Thanksgiving holiday quickly approaching, I'm curious if you'll have a chance to Skype with your classroom buddies in New Zealand or Canada to find out if and when their countries celebrate a Thanksgiving holiday. I was born in Montreal, so I know that Canada celebrates Thanksgiving, but it's not in November like ours. Does anyone know what month it is? What about New Zealand?

    Mallory's mom

    1. Dear Mallory's mom,

      We are Mallory's friends. We are in second grade. You are a magnificent commenter! Your vocabulary is terrific! Do you have a class blog?

      I hope you will stop bye the class. Have you ever been to Mrs. Yollis' class?


      Peter and Chloe

    2. Dear Chloe & Peter,

      Thanks for the reply and the flattering compliments! :) I have been to Mrs. Yollis' class before, but not as often as like. I'm a second grade teacher too so I'm busy with my own class.

      I really want to start a blog with my students. You have all been such an inspiration to me. Keep up the great work!!

      Hope to talk to you soon,
      Mallory's mom

    3. Dear Mallory's Mom,

      Peter and Chloe are right... you ARE a magnificent commenter! You must have paid attention when you were a kid in school to learn proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

      Like you, I was also born in Canada. So, I know that Canadian Thanksgiving Day is in October. This year, it was on October 8. Next year it will be on October 14.

      I do not know if New Zealand celebrates a Thanksgiving Day. But, I work with someone who grew up in New Zealand. Maybe he would know. Does anyone else know?

      Mallory's Uncle Dave

    4. Thanks for commenting, Dave! Did you find out if New Zealand celebrates a Thanksgiving Day? I'm so lucky that you work with someone and can ask them firsthand.

      Excited to see you two Saturday night! :)

      Your sis,

  13. Dear Mrs. Yollis and Students,

    My name is Helaine. Your student, Mallory, asked me to make a comment. My daughter married Mallory's uncle this Labor Day weekend. That is my connection to her, although, I've known her family a couple of years now.

    I'm retired after 20 years working as an office assistant at Vintage Magnet in North Hills. I love your blog and will forward Mallory's email to my friend who runs the computer lab at school, as well as, a techie teacher friend there. Between the two of them, maybe they can set up a similar blog at Vintage!

    Thanks for the inspiration!


    1. Thank you so much, Helaine, for posting a comment! I could definitely see you blogging. You have such strong computer skills and wonderful stories to share! :)

      Wishing you, Lenny, and the Washington gang a very Happy Thanksgiving!


  14. To Mrs. Yollis' class (and Mallory),
    My name is Katherine and I am one of Mallory's many New York cousins. I was thrilled to hear about her class' blog and the amazing work her classroom is doing. I am a 2nd grade teacher in New York City, and I love learning about all of the great projects students are doing across the country, especially when we encourage our students to write, with an emphasis on grammar and spelling.

    Anyway, all is well here in New York...on the way back from recovery post Hurricane Sandy. Thankfully I managed to maintain power and water while school remained closed for the week. But I am excited to be back in the classroom with my scholars and now inspired to use more technology in my own room, thanks to you!

    Wishing everyone my best with the blog.


    1. Mallory and her friend SeanNovember 6, 2012 at 9:42 AM

      Dear Katherine,
      What a great comment!
      I am happy that you and the rest of NY are okay. I've heard that you have second graders. We have a two/three split. So we have second graders too!

      I heard you wanted to get your kids involved in technology. It is really enjoyable!

      Mallory and her friend Se♣n

    2. Hi Katherine!

      So great to hear from you! I thought you would like checking out the blog...there are so many great ideas for the classroom! I can't wait to hear all about your class when we hopefully see you in April for Jules' Bat Mitzvah.

      Lots of love,
      Joanna xoxo

  15. Dear Mrs. Yollis and bloggers,

    I echo Grandma G's sentiment that "November is the perfect month to initiate Family Blogging." Thanksgiving does bring families together on one day though, your Classroom Blog has inspired us to stay connected year round.

    I love the key you are using for Family Blogging Month!

    It is especially meaningful to my family that Family Blogging Month is November. At the onset of this month, on November 1st, 2012, the newest memeber of our family was born. My brother and his wife had their first child the day that your class launced this month! A baby boy! He was born in Manhattan right after Hurricane Sandy.

    I am Chloe's mom. It was touching to see my youngest brother become a father. What relation is my brother to my daughter, Chloe?

    The newest addition to our family is my nephew. What is he to Chloe?

    Looking forward to hearing from more of our family back east as they regain their power! And, from everyon else's family as well!


  16. Dear Mrs. Yollis and Mallory

    I am Mallory's grandmother and I love to talk to
    Mallory about school and I always ask her about
    this blog.. Her enthusiasm makes me smile. When
    I was in elementary school, we had to learn about
    the world in a text book and that wasn't very
    satisfying. It was actually boring to just learn
    facts. A blog is such a great way to bring the
    world closer together. I love that you bring in
    friends and family to this project... It makes
    me want to be a kid again.

    1. Thanks for posting, Mom! I was excited to see you on here...very impressive! You would have so many stories to share since you went to school in Canada. Do you remember the name of your 3rd grade teacher?


  17. ACS 3rd 4th 5th went to austin town. We drank rootbeer played games seen a blacksmith we went to the school. We had so much fun.

    1. Dear ACS student,

      Thank you for leaving a comment on Mrs. Yollis' blog!

      We are wondering what ACS stands for, what grade your in, and do you live in the United States?

      Also, no one seems to know what a blacksmith is. Can you please explain what a blacksmith does.

      Happy blogging!
      Keira and Heather

  18. To Mrs. Yollis' class (and Mallory),

    What a great idea! I think when I was in second and third grade all we had was one computer for the entire school and there was no such thing as the internet. All you did was play the "Oregon Trail" on a floppy disk (maybe Mrs. Yollis can explain all that you...)

    I remember babysitting for Mallory when she was little. One time when she was really little and just learning to talk I made her dinner. I think she had just learned the word "MORE" because I actually fed her three hot dogs. Lets just say she had tummy ache that night. Mallory now has a new cousin Grayson. Recently Mallory came over and babysat for Grayson, she read him a ton of books. She's a great older cousin.

    Good luck blogging.

    Mallory's Uncle.

    1. Dear Mrs. Yollis & Mallory,

      This is Mallory's Auntie Mel. I love the blog and think it's wonderful that you have created it, Mrs. Yollis.

      Uncle Scott and I just arrived in NYC and are now hanging out with Grammy and Grampy. There are tons of photos of Mallory all over the house, some of which when she was a newborn. She was a cutie then, and is still a cutie!

      We love you Mallory!!!!

      Mallory's Auntie

    2. You two are so cute! Thanks for posting! So glad you had such a great trip! Did you see any changes since Hurricane Sandy? Were people still lined up for gas or did things calm down?

      Can't wait to see you on Saturday!


  19. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    How great to be back! My daughter Jaxon was in your class 3 years ago and it was such a wonderful experience for us both. Now our close friend Mallory is in your class and I am reminded of what a great learning tool the blog is. I even wrote a blog post about the blog way back when...

    So here is how I know Mallory. Her mom worked for me when she was in college. Another friend and I introduced her mom to her dad and then they got married. So because of me, Mallory is in Mrs. Yollis' class. (Well, at least I like to take credit for it...). :)

    Have a great day and keep up the great blogging!


    1. Dear Barbara,

      My name is Collin. I am Mrs. Yollis' class now. My sister Kendall is your daughter's close friend. In fact, Jaxon just came over to our house on Monday. I've heard great things about your cooking from my older sister Kendall.


  20. Hello Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I'm so excited to take part in the family blogging month. What a great thought Mrs. Yollis! This could not have come at a better time for us as we all are traveling to India this month to meet our family and friends.

    We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in India but meeting our family there around that time would be a celebration in itself! Our families in India are eagerly waiting to meet our baby, Aashi's younger sister for the 1st time. We usually travel to India once every year and yes, it is indeed a long long flight!

    We all are excited and looking forward to the trip.

    Happy Blogging,
    Priyanka (Aashi's mom)

    1. Dear M♥m,

      I am exited to go to India too! I do agree that India is going to be a long flight. It is going to take a 1 day to get there. Even if it is a long flight, it will be lots of fun!

      While on the flight I think I will play with my baby sister, read, and play games. What will you do?

      Your daughter,

  21. Dear Mrs. Yollis AND MALLORY,
    This is such a great thing you do and we're so excited to be a part of it. We've known Mallory before she's born because we met her while she was still in her Mommy's tummy! We met her parents while boarding a plane from NY to LA and then of course two pregnant women would eventually end up on line for the bathroom together. We clicked immediately and exchanged numbers to get together when we were all back in LA and we did! We've been friends ever since and although we live in opposite sides of LA, we get together for holidays, birthdays and just fun family get togethers. We love you MAL! XO THE PRISANDS

  22. Dear Bennett,

    I like your whole class, but I like Bennett the most!

    (Bennett's brother in Kindergarten with Ms. Kim)

    1. Dear Lawson,

      What a nice comment! I do agree with you. I like Bennett's class and his teacher, and I also like him the most. Let's hope you get Mrs. Yollis when you are in 3rd grade!

      (Bennett's oldest brother)

    2. Dear Bennett,

      Do you like Mrs. Yollis this year? I hope you have a fun year with blogging! Have you skyped with any one yet? I remember when I skyped with Mrs. Morris and Mrs. McKenzie, but I especially liked doing the mystery skype. Have you done any mystery skypes with anyone yet?

      Your brother,
      (Mrs. Yollis' 2010 class)

  23. Dear Bennett and Collin,
    ebullient means overflowing with fervor,enthusiasm or excitement.
    I am leaving out a step in my HTML code process.My motto is never give up and try again.
    I think I need a tutorial in computer skills.
    My Library offers a course for Senior citizens,which is how I overcame my fear of the computer to start with. How and when did you learn the computer?
    Grandma G

  24. Carol (like a grandma to Keira)November 7, 2012 at 2:39 PM

    Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    I am so happy that I can participate in Family Blogging Month! November is a perfect month to do this.

    Thanksgiving will soon be here. It's a time when our families gather together to count our blessings and share our love for each other.

    I enjoy receiving your blog emails. The children are learning so much in your class. Keira and I talk about what she is learning.

    Thank you for including families in this amazing project.


    1. Dear Carol,

      I do enjoy talking to you about what I am learning in this amazing class. Thanksgiving will soon be here and is a time of joy. I also enjoy that everyone's family and friends gets to participate in blogging!

      What is your favorite part about blogging? Why?


  25. Dear Mrs. Yollis & MALLORY

    We survived Hurricane Sandy with only a few small one second blackouts, but our friends still don't have electricity (10 days), so we asked them to live in our house for a few days. They left today. But now we are having a snow storm (4"-6"). Wow! What crazy weather.

    We can't wait to see you, Sean, and Hannah. Maybe we can meet your teacher and your class to tell them all about the hurricane.

    It is fun to blag and we hope you can blog us back.

    Regards to your teacher and class and love to you. XOXO

    Grammy & Grampy

  26. Dear McKenna and Mia,

    I hope to see you soon too. I'm doing great in school. How are you doing in school? Did you get your power back yet?
    I got a lot of candy too.
    Who did you go trick-or-treating with?


  27. Dear Bennett,
    Thank you for instructing me in blogging techniques.I think you are an excellent teacher.
    Your patience is remarkable.
    Charlotte,North Carolina is not too crowded and the people are friendly. Our State nickname,"The Tar Heels", came about because the NC soldiers stood their ground in the fight for freedom . Do you have a State Nickname?

  28. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    My favorite part of family blogging month is leaving comments. This month I am participating in family blogging month. I love leaving comments on the blog. What is your favorite part about leaving a comment on the blog?


  29. Dearest Jenna,

    Thank you for inviting us to view and post on your class blog. What a great idea. It looks like you are learning a lot. As an adult, I am learning from you. Social media is still a bit of a mystery to me. Thank you for helping bring me into the future so I can keep up with Reilly and Alexandra. Have a fun long weekend.
    Love, Aunt Maria

  30. Dear Mrs. Yollis and Mallory,

    Thank you Mallory for inviting me to be part of this very special project. I live in a very small country town called Sutton. Sutton is in the province of Quebec, which is part of Canada. I want to thank you and Mallory for this opportunity to learn how to comment on a blog and perhaps I will even learn how to start a blog of my own.

    I feel very very lucky to have had 3 occasions in the past couple of months to be with Mallory and to have basked in her joyous energy. She brings so much joie de vivre, knowledge and love with her wherever she goes. Just to be with Mallory for few minutes is a total gift.

    Mallory I can now see why you love this blog and school. It is so fun!!!

    Miss you. Lots of Love Auntie Gissa

  31. Hello Mrs. Yollis and Mallory!

    I love reading the blog to see what is happening with the class and this wonderful online community you have created.

    I am Mallory's Auntie Emily. I live in Los Angeles with her Uncle Mike(my husband) and her dog "cousin" Hughes, our puppy.

    We are lucky to live close to Mallory. We bring Hughes up to the Valley to play as much as we can. We love seeing our family and so does Hughes. Mallory helps take good care of him when we bring him over to her house, taking him for walks and bringing him ice cold water in the Valley heat.

    Mallory is very creative. Mallory loves to cook with her Uncle Mike, a chef in LA. Mallory comes to visit us at our food truck and comes up with great recipes to try together. Mallory's creativiy is also evident in her beautiful artwork. Now, she can add blogging/writing as a new creative skill!

    Mallory's Uncle Mike and I also like to blog. I keep a blog for our food truck and Mallory's Uncle Mike writes a blog about food. Blogging is a great skill for all the students to learn.

    We love you Mallory! Thank you for including us in this community, and in your classroom.

    Auntie Emily (and Uncle Mike)

  32. Dear Mrs. Yollis and Ryan,
    Thank you for inviting me to be a part of the class blog. I am Ryan's grandmother longest and bestest friend, making me Ryan's offical Aunt once removed.
    Ryan I can not wait to see your faux Mohawk. Get ready, I begin my three months in California on January 16th.
    Love you,
    Aunt Judi

  33. Dear Mrs. Yollis and Class.
    I am very glad to know UNICEF is still a Halloween tradition.I had 6 ghosts to my door, and UNICEF boxes were missing.
    I was always proud to Trick or Treat for UNICEF every year. Your $100.00 raised impressed me. You are helping so many children buy medicine, clean water and food.
    Will you be fundraising for any other worthy causes this year? I was pleased to contribute to the Chaparral gift wrap drive. Bennett, thanks for asking.
    Grandma G

  34. Bennett's grandmother MaryAnnNovember 11, 2012 at 1:13 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,
    I am Bennett's Nanny. I moved from New York last year and so happy to be near my grandkids.
    I am so excited to start blogging with you, though I'm still learning. Poppy and I are so proud of all the great work you're doing.
    One family tradition that we do is during the Christmas season. On Christmas, I make an Italian meal that everyone really enjoys eating, called homemade manicotti. They are crepes that are filled with ricotta and tomato sauce on top and baked in the oven. They are so creamy, and so good! My family waits for this day with anticipation to eat them. Has anyone in the class ever tasted manicotti?


  35. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    We'd like to wish a Happy Veteran's Day to all those who've served. My father, Bennett's grandfather, served in Korea during the Vietnam War. Every year on Veteran's Day we remember how much we're indebted to him and all those like him, who have served to protect our freedom. Thanks Dad!

    Tucker Sr.
    (Bennett's Dad)

    1. Dear Tucker and Mrs. Yollis class

      Thanks for remembering me on Veterans Day. It was first celebrated in 1919, at that time was known as Armistice Day; it was called Armistice Day in celebration of the end of WW 1. In 1954 the holiday was changed to Veterans Day. It is a federal holiday that is celebrated on November 11th and it is the day we remember the men and women of the armed forces. Do any of you have parents or grandparents who served in the military?

      Jim (Bennett’s Grandfather)

  36. Dear Mrs. Yollis, Keira, and all the other creative minds of the classroom,
    I am Keira's step-aunt who is writing to you from far-off Belgium. What a wonderful project! I'm incredibly excited to keep up-to-date with the activities of Keira and her classmates. I was so happy to receive an invitation to visit and comment on the classroom blog. This was especially exciting since Keira and I had a lot of fun this past summer working together on a few posts for my own blog :) During her vacation here in July, we spent several days picking flowers from the garden which we fashioned into Lonely Bouquets. Keira designed her very own beautiful bouquets and left them in near-by cities to put a smile on a stranger's face. Have a blast you guys, and I hope you enjoy the wonderful world of blogging!
    Warm greetings from overseas,

    1. Dear Emily,

      What a wonderful comment you "typed" on our blog!
      I had a lot of fun picking flowers in your garden and leaving many Lonely Bouqets around the town and different countries. I also had a lot of fun making dinner and having picnics outside. We also visited many castles (and some dungeons!)

      I hope you can come down soon!
      How are Hyde and Deider?


    2. Dear Keira,
      I enjoyed cooking the turkey and eating it with you too! We're so happy to spend time with you and your family. It's so nice that we get to see each other TWICE this year! Maybe next year too? ;)
      Your Auntie Em

    3. Dear Emily,

      I hope that next year we can see each other two times and maybe even three!

      I also enjoyed cooking and eating the turkey with you. Actually, I enjoyed eating everything that we had for Thanksgiving. I am so happy that you and Rene could come down here and spend time with your family. The dogs are getting along very well expect for Cooper and Deiter. I hope we can do LOTS of fun stuff together!


  37. Dear Mrs. Yollis and Class,

    Hi! My name is Ellen and I'm Bryce's grandmother. Bryce has called me Gaga, since he could talk. That's interesting, because the people in South Africa often call their grandmothers Gaga and I'm not even from South Africa. I'm from Woonsocket, Rhode Island.

    Did you know that Rhode Island is the smallest state in the country, but it has the longest name? Rhode Island's real name is The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Now that's a lot to say when someone asks you where you're from!

    On November 2, 2010, the people took a vote to shorten the state's name to "Rhode Island." Now that's easier to say. More people voted no than yes, so the name is still The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.

    Thank you for inviting families to participate in your Family Blogging Month project. It's so exciting. When I was a little girl in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, we didn't even have computers!

    Have fun.
    G for Grandparent

  38. Hi,

    It's Bryce's grandmother again. I forgot to ask if any of you come from other states or countries, too. It would be great to make a map of the world and color in the places where we were all born. I wonder if we would end up coloring in the whole map.


  39. Dear Mrs. Yollis' Class,
    The science session, with the high school students, is very informative.I worked in cosmetic and pharmaceutical laboratories after graduating from college, and safety is extremely important. Experimenting is fun,if you stay safe.
    Balloons filled with helium ,always, make me smile.Therefore, I choose helium as my favorite element.
    I love science and chose it as a career. The Universe is one awesome laboritory.All you need is a hypothesis.
    Be safe,
    Grandma G.

    1. Jim again, Bennet's grandfather,

      We all know that helium filled balloons float and the ones we blow up our selves do not. Do you know why that is so. I'll give you a hint. Look at where helium appears on the periodic table and where oxygen is and I bet you'll figure it out.


  40. Dear Gaga,
    Rhode Island should use its full name more often.I like the fact that the people voted to keep the original name.Thank you for this information.People should be proud of their past and heritage.
    I like your map idea. I believe we would end up with a colorful map.Put me down as born in New York.
    Grandma G.

  41. Dear Tucker Sr.,
    I am proud of your Dad for his service.The Veterans of this country deserve our gratitude and should be extended all available support this country can offer.Their families sacrifices are all too often forgotten.
    I am glad you understand the importance of this special day,and that you remember all who have kept this country safe.
    You are a thoughtful son.
    Grandma G.

  42. Dear MaryAnn,
    Your manicotti is exceptional.I am pleased to say I have shared this Christmas tradition with your family. The Christmas cookies are also a tradition you have handed down to your daughter, I am sure our grandsons will continue these traditions.Will you give the the recipes?
    Happy Holidays,
    Grandma G.

  43. Cousin Gayle and Buddy JoeNovember 14, 2012 at 9:35 AM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis and students,

    Ryan is our cousin and we were thrilled to get news about the family blogging program that is being featured this month.

    It was fun to see updates from all over the world. I wish my sons had a blog site like this when they were in third grade.

    Right now we are in Toronto, Canada working on a television show. This is an English speaking country so it is easy to find our way around and talk to everyone. French is also a popular language up here because many people from France settled in this area during the 1700's. Yesterday we went to Niagara Falls which is on the border of Canada and America. Every minute, enough water goes over the falls to fill one million bathtubs! The sound of all that water crashing into the river below is so loud that you can barely hear what someone is saying even when they are talking right next to you.

    Traveling is a wonderful way to learn outside the classroom!

    We can't wait to see you in January, Ryan, and hope that you and your classmates have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    With lots of love,
    Cousins Gayle and Buddy Joe

  44. Dear Gayle and Buddy Joe,

    I love that you went to Canada. It sounds like a lot of fun. I want to go some day. Did you like Niagara Falls?

    Ryan and Kiernan

  45. Hello Mrs. Yollis and Mallory,

    I'm Mallory's newest Auntie, Sandi. I just married her Uncle Dave on September 2, and Mallory was in the wedding! She was our lead flower girl, and helped show my younger niece and her little sister Hannah what to do. We had a great time!

    Uncle Dave and I just came back from our honeymoon. We went to Europe for my first time. We went to England, France and Italy. Europe was my dream for the longest time, now my next dream is to go to someplace really tropical like Tahiti! What was you favorite vacation you've ever had? Where do you want to go next?

    What a great idea to put this blog together!! I wish we had blogs like this when I was your age. There's so much to learn about almost any topic and about each other.

    Thanks for including me! I hope to check back often and comment some more. Have fun and happy blogging!!

    Love, Auntie Sandi

  46. Melissa (Savannah's mom)November 14, 2012 at 8:37 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis and Class,

    I can't believe how many great comments have been posted!

    I am so excited that Mrs. Yollis has a family blogging month. I love the opportunity to be able to connect with so many people all over the world. Blogging is such a great way to stay in touch with family and friends. It is a wonderful way to involve parents and family in the classroom. Most of all it makes learning fun! I would have loved to have been able to practice my writing when I was young on a blog.

    Melissa (Savannah's mom)

  47. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I am Bryce's mom. My name is Sloane. I love the idea of family blogging. It is a great way to get to know more about the families of your classmates. I've enjoyed reading everyone else's blog posts.

    I am a pediatrician. That means that I am a doctor who takes care of kids. I'm sure that all of you go to a pediatrician at least once a year! Do you get scared to go to the doctor? I certainly hope that my patients aren't afraid of me! I know that some of the little ones get scared though. They cry as soon as I come in the room. Once they grow up, it isn't so bad though.

    Right now, I am at work. I am sitting at my desk waiting for my first patient of the day. I'm going to be performing a checkup on a 2 month old baby. I love seeing babies all day long! I'm very lucky that I love my job so much. What do you want to be when you grow up?


    Sloane (Bryce's mom)

  48. Hello Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I have had to limit my commenting time over the last week or two because of a DVD/2CD project for a community choir but I kept this link.

    Now we are two weeks into your Family Blogging Month, I can see by the number of comments it is a very successful ongoing process. At this time, it is 11 p.m. on Friday here (I see it's 5 a.m. on Friday for you).

    Keep blogging, everyone. :)

    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

    1. Parsa,Kiernan and KatelynNovember 27, 2012 at 9:18 AM

      @ Mr. Mannell,

      We have 104 comments on Family Blogging Month! Today is Tuesday November 27, 2012 and we nominated you for Best Tweeter! We really appreciate all your quality comments on our blog!

      How many students were in your class when you were teaching?

      P&clubsrsa, Kiern&clubsn and Katelyn

  49. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I have a new baby cousin. Her name is Salem Rose, and she was born in Chicago yesterday. My uncle sent us a picture of her, and she is big for being born one month early. I can't wait to meet her.

    A new big cousin,

  50. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I can't believe that there are 78 comments!

    I have really been enjoying family blogging month. I can't wait because
    today my plane is taking off to Georgia, and I will have to leave school early to make my flight. I am excited to see my family. I hope while I am there I can get them to make comments on the blog.


    1. Dear Savannah & class,

      I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! We sure did. We went to south Georgia and had Thanksgiving dinner at Savannah's great Uncle Stanley's house. There were 25 of us and people came from Georgia, Alabama, Minnesota, California (Savannah's family) & Oregon.

      We had so much fun. I think the kids liked riding the four wheelers and golf cart the best. Savannah even learned to drive the four wheeler by herself!

      We had tons of food and Savannah's mom made a chocolate cake that had 12 layers in it! It was everyone's favorite.

      We had so much fun! I am so thankful for my family! What were you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

      Aimee (Savannah's Aunt)

  51. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,
    Collecting items of similar nature is fulfilling and rewarding.I have had stuffed animals,feathers,stones and shells,only to mention a few.My favorite is my drift wood collection.
    I envy your heart rocks Mrs. Yollis, they are perfect replicas.The skylander,coin and doll collections are quite spectacular.
    The subject has sparked renewed interest and I will be adding to my collections...(treasures).
    Search on,
    Grandma G

  52. Dear Jenna,

    Your uncle Stan and I are so excited that we can talk to you on the internet on this blog. This is a great idea because being able to write to you any time makes communication easier. We are sad that we will miss Thanksgiving with you and your wonderful family, but we hope to see you over Thanksgiving weekend. Wouldn't it be fun to get together and shoot off Ty's new rocket together. Maybe we can make holiday cookies too. I just found my mother's old recipes and I bet that you and your mom will enjoy them. We love you very much.


    Aunt Diane

  53. Dear Jenna. Mrs. Yollis and class,

    Hi there. I am Jenna's Aunt Lisa. I am technically not an aunt by blood, so to speak, but her mom and I have been friends for 26+ years. We are like sisters and her children mean the world to me so Jenna is my niece for all intents and purposes. Do any of you have aunts like this?

    I think family blogging month is fabulous. It is such a treat to get a peek into Jenna's school life and also have the opportunity to participate in it. Thank you!

    With respect to Thanksgiving, I know from experience as well as the other comments here that Thanksgiving is celebrated in countries other than the USA. I wonder, however, if the traditions are the same in those other countries. For example, I wonder if they eat turkey on Thanksgiving in other countries? Maybe someone can help me find the answer to that.

    Aunt Lisa

  54. Dear Tucker,
    I had an amazing visit.The Calabasas 5K run tested my endurance and fortitude.I appreciated you sticking by my side towards the end.
    I did not attend your victorious basketball games, but I enjoyed watching you practice the moves it took to win.Shooting hoops and the 1-on-1 in the driveway with your Dad was an awesome undertaking,but challenges make you stronger.
    Your father looked forward to the day he could take Grandpa down in arm wrestling.Do you have such a day in mind?
    Practice makes perfect,
    Grandma G

  55. Richard (Jenna's Dad)November 19, 2012 at 10:11 AM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis and class:

    It's pretty cool that we can learn about each other in this way. These thoughtful comments serve to remind me what a great community we live in and how lucky we are to have such wonderful friends and families around us. That's mainly what I think about at this time of year. Of course, I think about the turkey too!

    Where my family came from - China - there is no Thanksgiving holiday. Jenna's grandma tells us they had a lot of rice and vegetables, but no Thanksgiving turkey. Does anyone know if there are any holidays that are celebrated in China that we don't celebrate here in the US? Happy Thanksgiving to Mrs. Yollis' class!

    Jenna's Dad

    1. Dear Daddy,
      It sounds like Grandma Mah celebrated only Chinese New Year when she grew up in China. When the next Chinese New Year comes along, we can do something for her to make it even more special. What do you think?


  56. Hi Mrs. Yollis & Class,

    I am Jenna's Uncle Stan. This blog is a fantastic idea and it is fun to see everyone participating. I especially enjoyed the blogging about people's travels and the eagle cam blog is fun too. It reminds me of the travels that Jenna's Aunt Diane and I had through the Inside Passage in Alaska. We saw thousands of eagles that were hunting, playing, fighting and just flying around looking majestic. We also saw gray whales, killer whales, sea otters, grizzly bears, moose, wolves, mountain goats and lots of fish. That sure was fun.

    I hope that all of you will get to travel and see all of the wonderful things in the world. I wish everybody a wonderful Thanksgiving. Jenna, I'm sorry that Aunt Diane and I will not be there to enjoy turkey Day with you this year, but we'll see you soon.

    Cheers everybody,

    Uncle Stan

  57. Dear Bennett,
    I will be meeting Salem Rose on the Friday after Thanksgiving.She is my eighth grand- child,you are my second. Five boys and three girls will be bringing me much happiness through the years to come.I have great memories to date.
    I plan on singing songs to Salem Rose.Do you have any favorites that I should include in my repertoire?
    I will tell your new cousin how helpful you are to your brothers ,and that you are very respectful to your Mom and Dad.
    I will also mention you are quite good at swimming,diving,soccer and reading.Salem will hear how you eat all your vegetables and try new foods without a gripe.
    I look forward to the day you meet and play together.
    Proud to be your Grandma!

    1. Dear Grandma G,

      You asked if I have any favorites that I should include in my repertoire? I have three ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Rock a Bye Baby. I'm looking forward to Salem too. When will you be seeing Salem?


      Bennett and Peter

  58. Tom and Linda (friends of Jenna and her family)November 19, 2012 at 10:35 AM

    Greetings Jenna from Tom and Linda!

    We have been friends of Jenna and her family for a very long time. Jenna's mom has celebrated 4th of July with our family for a countless number of years. The tradition has now become that of her children's too. Jenna and her family join us every year, along with the rest of our family and closest friends, on the 4th of July (and the days before and after) at our home in Canyon Lake. We always have wonderful parties, days at the beach, everyone brings wonderful food and the kids even all participate in little productions at the house directed by my sister, Wilma. They even make props and costumes! It is so much fun for everyone!

    Jenna, we have seen you grow and become the sweet young lady you are. Study hard and have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.

    Tom and Linda

  59. Ty (Jenna's brother )November 19, 2012 at 8:05 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I just wanted to tell you what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving. I am thankful for trees and family. Trees help you breathe. What are you thankful for?

    Ty (Jenna's brother)

  60. Hayden (Jenna's brother)November 19, 2012 at 8:07 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Hayden (Jenna's little brother)

    1. Dear Hayden and Ty,

      Hayden, I hope you had a grand Thanksgiving! Where did you go? I went to my friends house to eat. What did you eat?

      Ty, I am thankful for Rocky, my dog, and trees too. Trees can produce oxygen so we don't die. Do you have a dog? If you don't, do you have any other pet?

      A few days ago, the whole class did a "What I'm Thankful for" paragraph.

      Hayden and Ty, can you believe there are ninety-eight comments! Plus my comment will make ninety-nine comments, the greatest two-digit number!


    2. Dear Heather,

      Actually there are 113 comments in the comments section plus mine will make 114!

      For Thanksgiving I stayed at my house. I ate:turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing, pumpkin pie, tri-tip, Hawaiian bread, and chocolate cake. Yum!

      I am thankful for: my family, friends, pets, and trees. A few weeks ago the whole class wrote a paragraph about what they were thankful for.


  61. Dear Tucker Jr.,
    I had an awesome time visiting you last week. The time always goes too fast.Quite a few memories will help me pass the time till my next trip west.
    I enjoyed shooting hoops and seeing you practice your basketball moves.I missed your tournament victory,but I witnessed your commitment to team work and skill in shooting
    baskets.You are a natural.
    The Calabasas 5K run(walk)was a great event.I appreciate you staying by my side during the final mile.Your encouragement and conversation made it effortless.Fun is what I look forward to everytime I am with you and your brothers.
    Yours Truely,
    Grandma G.

  62. Dear Mrs.Yollis and class,

    Hi, this is Jenna's Uncle Art. I am her mothers oldest brother. I want to thank Jenna and her family for having me and her grandfather over for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. Especially the mashed potatoes you made. I was a teacher for many years and before that a policeman in the city of Los Angeles. I wanted to thank Mrs. Yollis and her class for this great blog and the opportunity to share in your education. If you have any questions about police work, you can comment back to me.

    Love ya Jenna,
    Uncle Art

  63. Hi Jenna, Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I am Jenna's grandpa. I came over for Thanksgiving dinner. When I was growing up, we did not celebrate Thanksgiving the way we do today. It has become a much more popular, joyful and very happy holiday. Growing up, we did not gather as much. The family did get together, but it just was not so popular. I think because it is such a happy holiday and places importance on the family being together, that it has grown tremendously in popularity to what it is today.

    My father was a baker by trade so we had a lot of great bread in the house at Thanksgiving and all year. He was best known for his rye bread. We did have turkey as well. I grew up in the time of the depression. Everyone worked very hard in my house because of the holiday, especially my father because his business was food.

    This Thanksgiving, Jenna, your mother made a wonderful turkey and we all got to so spend Thanksgiving together, which is very special. I am grateful for that.

    I am 91 years old (92 in January). Can anyone tell me what year I was born? I have another question. I spoke a language called Yiddish before I even learned to speak English. Does anyone know that language or where it originated?

    With love,
    Grandpa H (Jenna's Grandpa)

  64. Hi Jenna, Mrs. Yollis and class,

    My name is Wilma. I am a longtime friend of Jenna's family.

    First of all, let me share with you how happy my husband and I were when Jenna's Mommy and Daddy told us eight years ago they were pregnant. We were all thrilled for them because we knew how badly they wanted to have her for a baby and she has filled their life with such joy.

    But, there were times when she was also out of sorts, poor baby. I especially remember a grueling 5 hour car ride to Las Vegas, when she was just a few months old, where I had to sit next to her in the car as she screamed her head off the entire trip! Oh what torture, but the poor angel, she wanted out of that darn car seat. Maybe you acted like that sometime when you were a baby.

    But, today she is one of the star performers for our Family 4th of July extravaganza. This year she stood like the Statue of Liberty with her bff Alexandra, my granddaughter. She also did some hip hop dancing. I love her dearly and she is very special to me and she is part of my extended family.


  65. Carolyn (Savannah's grandmama)November 23, 2012 at 10:16 PM

    @ Savannah

    It was so great to have you visiting with us in Georgia.

    We had fun going with you on your first trip to Alabama. I enjoyed seeing you play with your cousins. How did you like Alabama?

    Were you surprized we went ice skating in Macon? Was it your first time? Everyone said you skated like a pro. Maybe all that roller skating helped.

    We have a Thanksgiving tradition of getting together at Uncle Stanley's Farm. Celebrating Thanksgiving this year was extra special because all of your aunts, uncles, grandparents, great grandmothers, cousins and Jobin(Uncle Brien's dog) were there. Good food and lots of fun.

    I have so many things to be thankful for this 2012 Thanksgiving and you are one of them.

    I love you,


    1. @ Grandmama

      I loved Alabama. Especially seeing my cousins do a performance.

      I was so surprised that we went ice skating. It was not my first time.

      I love your comment!


  66. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,
    Thanksgiving brought to mind a family tradition my generation had for 60 years and the next generation continues.the 4th of July bonfire.
    Our summers were spent on Makamah Beach on the Long Island Sound.Every 4th of July we dig a giant hole below the high tide line,gather wood all day and build the biggest and best bonfire,rivaling all others.
    After finding the perfect green stick, we ate roasted marshmallows to our hearts content.The sky was lit with fireworks and we all cherished and celebrated our Freedom!

  67. Donna (Savannah's aunt)November 24, 2012 at 9:23 AM

    Dear Savannah,
    I'm so happy you asked me to be a part of your classroom blog! It makes me so proud to see how much you are growing and learning. Soon you will be able to teach your brother Matthew new things. You are such a great sister. You are also an excellent aunt to baby Gabriel. You were one of the first people to hold him! I'm so thankful you are a part of our family. I love you so much.

  68. Dear Mrs. Yollis's class and families,

    My name is Steven and I am Bryce's (and Hunter's) Papa. The family celebrated Thanksgiving at our house as I am recovering from spinal surgery. Everyone pitched in to help make this a very special Thanksgiving. Bryce and Hunter were busy in the kitchen making shakes and all sorts of holiday treats. We all had a great time and look forward to doing it again next year (without the surgery).


    Dictated by Papa typed by Bryce

    1. Bryce, Nate and GraceNovember 27, 2012 at 9:16 AM

      @ Papa,

      We hope you are feeling better after your spinal surgery. :-)

      We have a few questions for you, if you don't mind. How long ago did you get your surgery? How does your brace feel? How did your stitches feel? Is your special chair working?

      Bryce, Nate, and Grace

    2. Hi Bryce, Nate, and Grace,

      I would be happy to reply and I'm happy to report I am typing this myself. I had the surgery on October 31st, so you can just guess what I was for Halloween... Frankenstein, if you looked at me from the back.

      The brace was awkward at first but now I am used to it and I don't give it a second thought. I can even sleep with it at night.

      I didn't have stitches. They actually used staples on my back. It is different, but it has the same effect.

      The chair, which is called an infinity recliner, is great and I've slept in it every night since I came home from the hospital. The reason it's called an infinity recliner is because it moves to an endless number of positions. That really helps.

      I am feeling better every day and hope to be beating Bryce on the basketball court again soon. Thanks for asking about me. If you have any more questions send them my way.



    3. Dear Papa,

      I do think you are good at basketball, but I don't agree that you should trash talk.

      I wonder when you will be done with physical therapy? I am sorry that I was wrong that instead of stitches it is staples. I am attracted to your special chair. It is like a roller coaster because it goes up and down and side to side. You could have looked like Frankenstein but Frankenstein has a hammer or something like that. I bet you had a good Halloween in the hospital.

      I still hope you feel better even though you arebetter.

      Your grandchild,

    4. Dear Papa,

      We just went to Hawaii and it was awesome. You know what I was going to say, but for the people that don't know I am going to tell you. I saw humpback whales and one of the biggest turtles you will ever see! We played in the ocean, in the pool at the hotel or I would be on the grass playing football.

      It was a great to be there and we will be there going back soon.


  69. ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥

    Dear Families,

    What a fabulous success our Family Blogging Month has been! We still have one more week, but this post alone has so many wonderful comments! In fact, this comment is number 100!

    Thanks for all your support of the blog! Your comments and connections enrich all of our lives!

    Thank you!
    Mrs. Y♥llis

    ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ ♥

    1. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

      We have quite a good streak in family blogging month. I like to see everybody blogging in your blog. It is fun to blog because it is a good way of getting to know everybody. I actually left a comment with my grandpa right before yours. I can't believe that we already have more than 100 comments for November and there is one more week to comment. I think you are very right about making a blog. I think it is a very good way to communicate.


  70. Neil (Savannah's Dad)November 26, 2012 at 10:09 AM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I am Savannah's dad. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Georgia. On Friday, I was able to spend the day with Savannah in Savannah, GA. It was fun because Savannah's name was everywhere. We took a trolley tour and saw the whole city. When we were by the river in Savannah, I saw a sign that said "PLEASE DON'T FEED THE ALLIGATORS!" That scared me a little. I looked around but never saw an alligator. Later that night Savannah made the bed and got her brother ready for bed. She was a huge help to the family on this trip. We love her so much!!!

    Neil (Savannah's Dad)

    1. @ Dad

      I love your comment!

      Thank you for taking me to Savannah, Georgia, and paying for the tour. I loved it so much that I almost forgot we were in Savannah, Georgia. I have some questions for you:

      Where did you see the alligator sign?

      What was your favorite part of the trolley trip? My favorite part of the trolley trip was the when they were saying my name because we were in Savannah! Funny!


    2. Neil (Savannah's dad)November 30, 2012 at 12:52 AM

      I was so happy to go to Savannah with you. Not everyone gets to go to Savannah, Georgia, with Savannah.

      I saw the alligator sign down by the river. It was the end of the night, right before we left Savannah, and you and Matthew had fallen asleep. Someone told me that the alligators don't come up to where I was standing, but they do swim in the river. I guess we won't be doing a lot of swimming in Savannah.

      I loved the trolley tour as much as you did. My favorite part was seeing the church where the song, Jingle Bells, was written. I love that song!

      Now I have a question for you:

      Was it more fun riding on the four wheelers at the farm, or going to the candy shop in Savannah?


    3. @ Dad,

      I liked riding the four wheelers and going to the candy shop both the same.

      Now I have a question for you:

      Did you like riding the big four wheeler or the small four wheeler better?


    4. Neil (Savannah's dad)November 30, 2012 at 11:59 PM

      @ Savannah,

      I like the bigger four wheeler because the small one is too bumpy.

      I am so proud of you for finishing your first season of splash ball. I enjoy watching you play except when you splash me.

      I have one more question for you:

      What are you getting me for Christmas?


  71. Chloe's Safta and SabaNovember 26, 2012 at 10:35 AM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    What a great success family blogging month has been!

    We are Chloe's Safta (grandma in Hebrew) and Saba(grandpa in Hebrew) and we are visiting from Pennsylvania. We had a beautiful time celebrating Thanksgiving and Chloe's 8th birthday with family and friends! We have so much to be thankful for! We are so proud of Chloe and her classmates, teacher and community for all of the beauty and open communication that you have shared with all of us! We are now your "extended" Mrs. Yollis' classroom family.

    Great job and, thank you,
    Saba and Safta (Chloe's granma and grandpa)

    1. Chl♣e and C♣llinNovember 27, 2012 at 9:04 AM

      Dear Safta and Saba,

      You typed the 104th comment on Family Blogging Month! I am really happy that you're here to visit. Collin is wondering if the houses are different in Pennsylvania compared to California?

      Chloe and C♣llin

    2. Dear C♣llin,

      It was enjoyable to be the 105th comment on Family Blogging Month! I hope you enjoyed it?

      Did you learn anything about my grandparents?


  72. Dear Jenna & class,

    I am really enjoying family blogging month. Jenna and I have been able to connect with family and friends and share a part of Jenna's education with them. They all tell me how wonderful it is to get the chance to peek into Jenna's school life.

    Jenna was even able to teach her aunt and uncle how to post on the blog when they were having trouble! It is so cute and quite thrilling that Jenna and her classmates can teach adults a thing or two about technology! Now, Jenna is not just being taught. She is teacher to her elders! It is no longer a one way street. Sometimes, however, it is difficult to teach an old dog new tricks and many of our friends and relatives are still having trouble figuring out how to post on the blog. Jenna's dad's side of the family tried many times to no avail....

    It has also been so fun, interesting and educational to hear from everyone else's family and friends. I think it would be fun to spend Thanksgiving on a farm like Savannah did, but I would be scared too, Neil, to read a sign saying "Don't Feed the Alligators!" That is not something you see in these parts!

    Savannah, ice skating in Macon sounded fun too. Was it on a lake? I had the opportunity to do that when I lived and worked for a short time in St. Moritz, Switzerland. We even ate at a restaurant that you could only get to in winter by ice skating across a lake!

    Want to know something I found very interesting about St. Moritz? There are several lakes that freeze over, but the main one in the center of town freezes so solid that huge events are held right on the lake. For example, they have horse racing on it and polo competitions. Prince Charles even played polo there. The horses wear special shoes on their feet that are spiked so they do not fall on the ice. During these events, many cars park on the lake as well.

    While I was there, they even filmed a movie on the lake that featured several filled grandstands and a large parade with crowds, cars, horses, floats: all on that lake! I even got to be an extra in that movie! An extra is someone who appears in a movie just a little bit and does not have a speaking part. It was fun.

    I grew up here in Southern California so all that activity on a frozen lake was new and quite astounding to me.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week everyone.

    With gratitude for this great blog,
    Gayle (Jenna's mom)

    1. Melissa (Savannah's mom)November 30, 2012 at 7:41 PM

      Dear Gayle,

      I enjoyed your comment! I echo your thoughts on family blogging month. I too have enjoyed hearing from all Savannah's classmates’ family and friends. It is such a unique opportunity to get to know each other.

      My favorite part of your comment was when you shared about living in St. Moritz, Switzerland. What an amazing opportunity to experience living in a foreign country. I cannot believe there is lake that freezes over so solid and so big that it can hold horse racing and polo matches. How fun to eat at a restaurant that you have to ice skate to. I have been to Switzerland in the summer but I have always wanted to go in the winter. I want to ski the Swiss Alps. Did you ski while you lived in Switzerland?

      How fun you got to be an extra in a movie. What is the name of the movie?

      Melissa (Savannah's mom)

  73. Dear Chloe and classmates,

    My name is Nilou and I am Chloe 's Aunt from California . I live in Tarzana and I am so happy to have you as my niece!!! you are very kind and beautiful. I love the way you dance persian style!!! Now few words from my children:

    My name is Abby, Chloe's cousin. I'm in the fifth grade. I had the best time at your birthday party. I love dancing with you, playing cook, and of course drawing with Izabel.

  74. Hi Chloe,

    I just wanted to quickly congratulate you on the gorgeous artwork you created for the calendar that came home today. You are so creative and talented. It was great fun to see one of Jenna's classmates have artwork selected for that calendar. You deserve that honor for sure! Jenna and I kept remarking how talented you are.

    Keep creating and thinking about how to make the world a cleaner, safer place.

    With admiration.
    Gayle (Jenna's mom)

  75. Dear Mrs. Yollis and Bloggers,
    Opportunities sometimes come along once in a life time.I have crossed paths with Mrs. Yollis' twice,and have been privileged to witness my grandchildren's education first hand.The Website is awesome!
    Family Blogging Month has opened the doors of growth and discovery for all of us.I am especially impressed with Bennett's interest and computer savvy . The world is at your finger tips.
    Tucker's class blogged with 4KM&4KJ's 2 years ago and introduced me to the Easiyo Yogurt system. Bennett's encouragement and lessons have perpetuated my growth in computer skills this year,quite a task.
    With two more grand-kids to go, hopefully through Mrs. Yollis' class,I am sure to catch up with all I have missed.
    Glad to have crossed paths with everyone and looking forward to watching your class thrive this year.
    Sincerely, Grandma G

    1. Dear Grandma,

      I think Bennett has a lot of fun in his class. I hope I have Mrs. Yollis so I can have fun too. I love my teacher, Miss Kim. Kindergarten is awesome!

      (Bennett's brother)

    2. Dear Grandma,

      I hope Lawson and Keaton get Mrs. Yollis too. Mrs. Yollis is very kind. She never yells and she cares about us. I want my brothers to learn more about blogging and typing. I think they'll like the alpha smarts best in 3rd grade. Mrs. Yollis makes learning fun!

      I wanted to let you know that I love how you're blogging in Family Blogging Month. It makes me feel very grateful that I have grandparents to love and who love me back!

      Your loving grandson,

  76. Dear Bennett,
    I am glad to report, your new cousin Salem Rose is an amazing little girl.She had a few breathing issues the first few days,but soon was passing every test with flying colors.
    I visited her in Chicago last week and the idea of Skyping was suggested by Tucker.Have you considered that possibility?I believe her eyes will light up when she sees you.
    Yes,I now have an earring for Salem :-).
    That makes eight extra reasons to smile.
    Grandma G

  77. Ty (Jenna's brother )November 30, 2012 at 3:28 PM

    Dear Heather,

    We stayed home for Thanksgiving and had our grandpa and uncle over. I loved eating the turkey and pie.

    We used to have a dog. Her name was Cassidy, but she died over the summer. She was very old. It was sad. My mom and dad had her since she was a puppy. She was a really nice dog. She was a Golden Retriever. What kind of dog is Rocky?

    We used to have a cat and a horse too. Right now, we do not have any pets.


  78. Hayden (Jenna's brother)November 30, 2012 at 3:29 PM

    Hi Heather,

    My favorite thing to eat at Thanksgiving was pie. I miss our dog Cassidy and Jack (our cat) too.


  79. Dear Bennett,
    I keep remembering family traditions.Did you put on a show this Thanksgiving?I was hoping Lawson and Keaton's songs and "You Are My Sunshine" were part of the day.The show we put on while I was there was perfect.
    From as far back as I can remember,once the grownups relaxed after Thanksgiving dinner, it was Showtime.My cousins and I would spend the day practicing songs and little skits.My Uncle Bob was a great home movie buff,and our shows are preserved for all time.It is amazing how each generation rekindle or reinvent family traditions.
    You are my sunshine,
    Grandma G

  80. Hi everyone,

    I cannot believe family blogging month is just about over. The response has been incredible! Well over 100 comments. Wow! It has been such a great incentive for Jenna's family, both immediate and extended, friends and myself to participate and comment on the blog.

    Did everyone, or most of you, have the opportunity to go to the book fair this week? Jenna's grandpa came today for "Goodies for Grandparents" day at the book fair. He generously bought wonderful books for Jenna and her brothers. Plus, by doing so, he helped our school as well since a percentage of everything sold goes to the school.

    Tying into the book fair theme, Ty's class (Jenna's brother who is in Mrs. Levy's class), as a part of their homework this week, had to interview a parent about their reading habits. Ty interviewed Jenna as well. The interview is an adaptation from the New York Times interviews done with authors called "By the Book." Here are a few of the questions. Maybe it will get a discussion started in your class.

    1. What are you reading right now?
    2. What is your favorite book? For adults, the question was, "What was your favorite book growing up?"
    3. Are you a slow or fast reader?
    4. If you could meet any author, who would it be?
    5. If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and what would you ask them?

    It was fun to think about these questions and the answers. It was also fun for me to hear Jenna's answers. I do not know if she heard mine. :)

    Well, continue writing, reading and commenting away! It sure is a great way to learn and practice with the added benefit of learning about others.


  81. Aunt Nancy (Jenna's Aunt)November 30, 2012 at 4:49 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    Thank you for introducing me to the world of blogging. The video on how to comment was very informative.

    It's wonderful to see what Jenna, my niece, is learning in the classroom. I am impressed with all the educational projects.

    I can't wait to see Jenna during the holidays when I can hear more about some of her activities.

    Jenna's Auntie Nancy

  82. Hi Jenna,

    I'm so happy being your cousin! You're such a joy to be around and I just love you!:)

    Cousin Wendy :)

  83. Hello Mrs. Yollis and class,

    We did not have Thanksgiving when I was growing up in China. In fact, we did not celebrate any holidays except Chinese New Year. We were very poor growing up. We had little food. On Chinese New Year, we might have one piece of chicken. That was the only time all year that we would have chicken. We would have sweet potatoes too.

    I went to a government school for the poor so we had no parties. One time, we were surprised with food from the U.S. They gave us rice and milk powder. That was nice. We had no bread or milk. My mother raised one hen. That hen gave one egg per day. We would steam it with water and everyone would share it. We would each get 1 or 2 spoonfuls each.

    I was lucky to have the chance to go to school because, in China, girls are not important. They do not always get to go to school, but my sister and I did. We did not go to as nice a school as my brother. He went to private school. I was still lucky to go at all. I had to walk an hour each way to go to school, but I lived there. I only came home on the weekends to wash my shoes and clothes.

    My family had the same view of girls as others in China. They are not important. This is why only the girls go up for adoption. When my mother grew nice vegetables in the yard, she made my sister and I take them to my brother. We did not get to have them.

    It was a difficult time growing up there. My father died when I was about 11. My mother had to raise 3 children alone. We had no nice clothes and my shoes never fit me.

    We are lucky to live here. It is very different. For example, in China, you are only allowed to have 1 child. Imagine that.

    Things are very different here. Jenna, we cannot wait to see you for the holidays. I wish I lived closer to you so I could see you and your brothers more often. I hope you will come to Modesto to see me for Christmas.

    Grandma Mah

  84. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class
    Family Blogging Month has been an experience to remember.
    I am still trying to come up with a story that is a play on words.What's that called again?
    The collections I have are now on display.
    My experiments went off without a problem.(safety matters)
    I am definitely ready to follow your future adventures in learning.You have excelled in the ones to date.
    Thanks for this journey,
    Grandma G

  85. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,
    I went back to try again with word play.I will not give up.I did see your candle turkey project again and my compliments to the creative mind behind it.You all are very talented craftman and craftwomen.
    Proud of you all,
    Grandma G

  86. Mochi (Jenna's doggy cousin)November 30, 2012 at 6:41 PM

    Dear Jenna
    I'm in desperate need of exercise! I loved it when you visited your Grandma Mah here in Modesto and you took me out for a nice run by the church yard. I've been cooped up in the house since the yard is being renovated. I can't wait for you to come play with me. Cookie, Snowball and Elphie are waiting to see you also.

    Your favorite puppy,

  87. Corbitt (Savannah's granddaddy)November 30, 2012 at 6:44 PM

    @ Savannah,

    Sure enjoyed you coming to Georgia for Thanksgiving. The four-wheeler’s and golf cart really got a work out. You have become a really good driver. That will be another skill you can add to your gardening skills.


    1. @ Granddaddy

      I love your comment!

      You are right the four wheelers and golf cart really got a workout. I had so much fun! :-) Thanks for leaving a great comment!


  88. Carolyn (Savannah's grandmama)November 30, 2012 at 6:56 PM

    @ Savannah

    Jobin and I are really missing you and Matthew. He was doing tricks for Addie, Parker and Owen. Addie was telling him to roll over, sit and jump to catch his ball.

    Did you enjoy your trip to Savannah? Have you worn your shirt to school? It was really cute but not as cute as the girl wearing it!! Have you eaten your candy you bought in Savannah?

    What are you learning in school this month? It won’t be long until Christmas holidays so study hard so you can learn lots. Let me how you are progressing.

    Love ya lots,

  89. @ Savannah,

    I'm sure you've loved family blogging month. Do you guys read the comments aloud in class and how do you know when someone has commented?

    It seems like you have a great class and your mom tells me your teacher is wonderful. You are a lucky girl!

    I started a blog a few years ago but haven't posted anything for over a year. Your class blog has motivated me to blog again! Thank you!

    Aunt Aimee (Savannah's Aunt)

  90. @ Savannah,

    The Saturday after Thanksgiving when you were flying back to California, we went to the University of Georgia vs. Georgia Tech football game. It is a big game because they are rivals.

    Do you remember your mom telling you what the Georgia fans do each time before they kick the ball? I sent your mom a video of us doing it - "GOOOOOOO Dawgs", did she show it to you? If you remember, tell your class, they might think it's cool.

    Love and miss you Savannah,
    Aunt Aimee (Savannah's Aunt)

  91. Loretta (Savannah's aunt)November 30, 2012 at 10:16 PM

    Dear Savannah,

    It was so great seeing you on Thanksgiving! I really enjoying seeing you and Courtney on the four-wheeler and having fun.
    You are so cute and have such a sweet smile! And thanks for visiting us in Alabama. We were having such a good time, we didn't want you to leave!!
    Maybe we could come to California to visit you next time!!
    Keep learning and having fun with this blog. We are so proud of you!

    Aunt Loretta (Savannah's aunt)

  92. Auntie Rowena (Jenna's aunt)November 30, 2012 at 11:50 PM

    Dear Jenna,
    It's me Auntie Rowena. I just got home from work and wanted to share the beautiful sights I saw this evening on the way home. You probably know I take public transportation to and from work here in San Francisco, unlike your dad who has to drive many miles to work on the freeway everyday!

    There were so many beautifully decorated buildings and trees. They were decorated with lots of bright small white and some blue lights... Blue is one of my favorite colors! I saw wreaths hanging over the entrances of many buildings along my bus ride home, and there were many bright red bows hanging with the wreaths! How I love this time of year!

    I wish you and I could get together and take a walk in the city so I could show you all the festive decorations! You would love it...especially the Macy's store window where they have cute puppies and kittens in the show window!

    I hope we can get together soon to do this! You know this is my favorite time of the year!

    See you soon and let me know when I can see you!

    Auntie Rowena

  93. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    (Sigh) Finally... April is Family Blogging Month!

    When I was in this post's Family Blogging Month, I was one of the winners. I don't recall this exactly, but I think I got forty-nine comments. After me, a third grader with forty-seven comments won second, and another third grader won third with forty-five comments. I was very lucky to be in first place.

    In 2013, I was also in first place. This time, I got (drumroll please)...


    At first, I thought the second place winner, Keira, was just a few comments lower than me, but it turns out that Keira got only thirty-six comments. Finally, Shayna was the third place winner with twenty-nine comments. There were also novice winners, but I didn't really pay attention to their scores because we were in a different competition. Did you win for a novice?

    I am determined to win this Family Blogging Month, so you better watch out!


    1. @Heather,

      I agree, finally, April is Family Blogging Month! I have been waiting for this month since last Family Blogging Month.

      No, I did not win as a novice. I won as a master, and I was in second place. I too thought that I was only a few comments behind you but, alas, I was fifty-five comments away from you. This year, I am determined to win first place so you better watch out! How many comments do you want to contribute? What place do you want to be in?

      Even Fiercer,

    2. @ Keira,

      Yes, I know that you did not win as a novice. In second grade, you did not win in Family Blogging Month, sadly. When we were in the split class, you didn't really like to comment, but now, you have changed and now you comment as a hobby. :-D As Mrs. Yollis said, "Anybody can change their behavior." By the way, you also have a new blog, Keira's Big Ideas.

      For this Family Blogging Month, I have a goal to comment over ninety-one comments. Every year, I want to beat my record. Mrs. Yollis, what was the greatest number of comments that one single child has typed? Keira, what is your guess?

      Obviously, I want to be in first place. This has been a great trick to motivate kids to comment as much as you can. I always want to win competitions, so this was a grand trick to think that I was going to win. Don't you agree, Keira?

      Commenting can be fun, but there are some cyber safety rules.

      1) Never click on any ads
      2) Never give away your YAPPY (Your full name, your Address, your Phone number, your Password, and Your plans.)
      3) Always have adult supervision.
      4) Don't put information on the Internet if it doesn't make your proud
      5) On emails, which you will not have to worry about until you are older, don't chat with a stranger.

      I know you know all of the safety tips, but do you have any other tips about the Internet?

      The Fiercest of Fierce,


* * *
Getting feedback is important to our writers. Let us know what you liked or what you learned.

Steps to Comment:

1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

2. Choose an identity. (If you have a gmail account, use it. If not, choose name/url. You can leave the url blank if you do not have a blog.)

3. Click "Publish your Comment". You may preview your comment before publishing if you'd like.

Important: All comments MUST be approved by me.
:-) Mrs. Yollis