We have been talking about fractions.
A fraction has a denominator. It tells how many are in the group or set. A fraction has a numerator. It tells how many of the whole are shaded or eaten or...
To explore fractions, we took a look at the letters in our first names. Some of the letters are vowels (A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y) and the rest of the letters are consonants.
What fraction of the letters are vowels?
What fraction of the letters are consonants?
We chose two colors and color coded the vowels and the consonants in our name using complementary colors. Complementary colors are opposites on the color wheel.
Then we represented the fraction using ONE circle. Finally, we represented the fraction using ONE bar.
Here are the visual results!
Question: Why do some students have TWO circles and TWO bars? (Hint: equivalent fractions)
How is your name like another?
Does your name have more vowels or consonants?