Although school ended on June 12, there are still lots of ways to contribute posts and maintain your quality writing skills during the summer.
Here are a few ideas:
1. Contribute to Yollis' 366 Project.
Email me a small photo (around 200 kb is good) to be considered for our class photo of the day blog. Be sure to include a little text to explain the photo. End with a question or two that will get readers commenting. If you don't want to contribute a photo, think about composing a comment or making up a story about the photo. Why even dogs leave comments sometimes! Teacher, parent, student, and animal contributions are welcome!
UPDATE: We have already received photos from Texas, England, Iowa, California, Washington, Germany, and Australia! Join in!
Many students are continuing to write posts over the summer! Why not leave your blogging buddies a comment or offer to write a guest post! Here are some recently published posts on some student blogs! Click on the icon (picture) to take you to a student blog.
3. Leave a quality comment for one of our blogging buddies in the southern hemisphere.
They are about halfway through their school year, and it is winter where they live. What are they learning in their classrooms? Learn along with them! Research using World Book Online and add relevant information to their blogs. They would love to hear from you!
Enjoy your summer learning!
Remember, regular practice with reading and writing makes your brain grow!
Remember, regular practice with reading and writing makes your brain grow!