
Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July, America!

By Mrs. Yolli

July 4th is Independence Day in America!

On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This document announced America's independence from Britain.


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I was with my family last Fourth of July, and we had a special event planned for the day.

My family had three old, tattered flags that needed to be retired. So on July 4th, we had a retirement ceremony.

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The United States Flag Code states: "The Flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning."

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First, we sang some patriotic songs!

Then, my cousin John gave a short speech. Finally, we retired the old flags to the fire.

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This year, my class learned how to fold an American flag

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What did you do on the Fourth of July?

Have you ever been to a flag retirement ceremony? 

What special national holidays are celebrated where you live?


  1. Dear Mrs Yollis and family.

    Happy 4th of July to you all!

    I, remember this time last year when you and your family planned your very special event of laying to rest your three flags. I found it very moving back then and very moving now.

    What a wonderful way and respectful way to lay to rest your old three flags.

    I really enjoyed re watching your mum playing the paino. I had a huge smile on my face. :)

    Thankyou for sharing this post.
    Do hope you are having a restful holiday too.

    From your blogging pal down under,

  2. Dear Mrs Yollis and class,

    Happy Fourth of July!

    When we talked on Skype last week you told me all about the parties, barbecues and fireworks that many Americans have on this special day. It sounds exciting!

    When Miss Jordan and I were in New York we saw a flag being folded near the Rockefeller Centre. It was quite a process and I have never seen anything like that in Australia.

    As you know, we have Australia Day on 26th January. This marks the day in 1788 when Captain Arthur Phillip, commander of the First Fleet of eleven convict ships from Great Britain, arrived at Sydney Cove.

    On Australia day we celebrate in a similar way to 4th July by having barbecues, parties, festivals etc.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

    Best wishes,
    Mrs M☀rris

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I'm happy to see that you are a patriotic family, willing to take these steps to honor the flag. You said you class learned to fold the flag last year. I wonder, does your class know how to salute the flag during a parade? It seems to me that most people have forgotten this tradition of standing at attention with their hands over their hearts when the color guard passes by. I have taught my kids how to do this, but I'm a veteran.

    When the flag passes by, I always remember the gigantic battle ensign (huge US Flag) flying on the battleship Missouri when we were steaming in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm. For a moment, it took my breath away, because I'd not seen us fly such a large flag before.

    Thanks for teaching the kids about these traditions. I think it is important.

    Bill Gx

  4. Dear Mrs Yollis,

    Happy Fourth of July to you all!

    I really liked your post about the 4th of July how you celebrate this special day with your family.

    Here in Australia we celebrate ANZAC day on April the 25th.
    We celebrate this special day to remember the fallen soilders men and women.
    We have have a dawn service and a march and parade in different parts of Australia.

    We even have special cookies called Anzac biscuits which are yummy!

    Hope you are having an awesome holiday.

    From your friend down here in Australia,

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Thank you for sharing a beautiful tradition. All too often we see on television the flag burned in desecration and it was so refreshing to see your family honor it.

    After listenng to your family sing "Your a Grand Old Flag," I started humming the the melody in the kitchen and to my surprise both Miriam and Sarah new the words and started singing.

    I hope you are enjoying your summer.


  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I loved the videos. The song God bless America and You are a Grand Old Flag was stuck in my Moms and my head all morning long. We couldn't stop singing the songs! I also taught my mom how to fold the American flag.

    My grandmother lives right next to a High school Field so we got to watch the fireworks on the field. The ending was beautiful!

    How did you spend this Fourth of July?


  7. Thank you for posting the Fourth of July celebration on how to retire tattered flags with dignity.

    Teacher from the Midwest

  8. Hello Mrs Yollis and grade 3 students. I love your blog, i think it is completely awesome!
    We would love it if you reviewed our blog and told us how to improve it. Our address is:
    I hope you like our blog. we love yours.


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:-) Mrs. Yollis