
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Party! 2010

What was your favorite part about the party?

What are your vacation plans?


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I had a wonderful time at the party! It was fun doing the different crafts. My favorite part was when we made the tasty, yet healthy snowmen.

    My vacation plans are to travel to Vancouver, Canada with my family. We will be staying for one week, three days of which will be spent skiing in Whistler. I was there in the summer, and I can't wait to see it winter since it will be covered in snow!

    Do you have any vacation plans? Whatever you do I hope you enjoy it.

    Your student,

  2. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Our family loved watching the holiday party slide show. The class party was a lot of fun.

    Alexa enjoyed making the snowman using fruit. She said "I loved eating it afterwards." Lori had a wonderful time helping in the classroom, and visiting with students and parents. It is always such a treat to spend time in your third-grade classroom, as I don't often have a chance to look at the many projects on display throughout the room.

    We plan to travel to Big Bear next weekend and play in the snow. Given all the rain this week, we should have a lot of snow to enjoy. I plan to get caught up with photo albums from 2010, and Alexa plans to read a few good books, and relax with friends and family.

    We hope you have a wonderful couple of weeks, a happy holiday, and peaceful new year! We look forward to an incredible 2011. See you then!

    Much love,

    Lori and Alexa

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I had an amazing time at the party! I loved the fruit snowmen and the snow globe, now that's what I call a party.

    My plans are to travel to Big Bear, since we do not have snow in the winter. Most likely, my cousins will come along.

    Thank you for making the amazing slideshow and helping make the holiday celebration a success!

    You and Mrs. Grace really took a lot of time to organize an incredible party

    I have a question:
    What are your vacation plans?

    You two are fantastic!

    Thanks again.

    From your student,

  4. Dear Mrs Yollis and students,

    Wow what a great Christmas slideshow of you all getting into the spirt of Christmas.
    I really enjoyed watching each and everyone as it was so wonderful to see all your smiling faces and huge hugs.
    I loved the snowman you made using fruit what a great idea and then eating him.

    We are off to the snowy Mountains after Christmas and plan to stay at a resort. Hopefully will get some warm sun.
    As we have had some really awful cold days.
    Now have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your holidays.

    From your cold blogging buddy down under AA.

  5. Dear Mrs Yollis and Students,
    I love your slideshow. WOW I have never made a snow globe but I hope one day I will.

    Your fruit snowman looked cool. I would like to eat one.

    Mrs Yollis your flowers looked fabulous.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    From your friend in Australia,

  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    It was a stupendous blast at the party! I adored both crafts. Even though the snowman was yummier, I liked the slow globe better.

    I am counting down the days until we leave for Tahoe, California! I will ski with my best buds! I got some new skies, so I will be zooming down the mountain! I get to see my grandparents. I will be staying in their log cabin. They remodeled the cabin, so I can't wait to see what the cabin is like. My grandparents' cabin is right next to a huge lake. My dad and I discovered an island. We have built a fort using mostly wood and and some sticks.

    I will keep my snow globe on my desk.

    Do you ski or snow board or do neither or both?
    Hane you been skiing or snowboarding? Where?

    Happy holidays,

  7. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    What a great holiday party video! You have so many talents, Mrs. Producer/Director. And though you really deserve the award, you are far too young for a Lifetime Achievement Award!

    The holiday party was great but I would really like to know who designed those snow globes. Trying to fill them with water was ridiculous! I don't think the snow globe-maker had to fill 21 snow globes during one party!

    Happy Holidays!
    Love, Ryan's mom

  8. Dear Mrs Yollis,

    The party was stupendous! One of my favorite parts of the party was making my apple reindeer.I named him apple and he was a tasty snack!

    I'm supposed to be going to Big Bear too. We go and visit my grandparents.

    Happy Holidays,

  9. Dear Mrs.Yollis and class,

    The holiday party was so much fun! My favorite part about the holiday party was making the snow globes because it was my first snow globe so it was really exciting to me!

    I might go to Big Bear over the break. I've never have been to Big Bear so it is going to be new to me!


  10. Dear Mrs.Yolls'Class

    I really liked the snowman and the
    snow globes they looked cool and yummy

    From:Roman in Mrs.Webb-Scheers class

  11. Dear Mrs. Yollis:

    A relative of one of your students, I just watched the holiday party video and enjoyed it very much--and the music. It's amazing how the kids have become adept at blogging, something that didn't exist "back in the day," or should I say back in MY day?!

  12. ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥

    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I had a amazing time at the party! I agree that the snowmen were delicious! My favorite part was when we made the snowman.

    I celebrated the holiday by going to my grandparents house! It was a lot of fun because I saw my cousin Shari Lynn. Christmas is my favorite holiday because I like to have a tree in my house and I like to be with family and friends!

    How did you spend your holiday?

    What do you like about Christmas?

    I hope you had a good holiday and a great New Year!


    ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥ ♥ ☃ ♥ ☃ ♥

  13. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    My favorite part of the party was making snow globes. It was fun making a snowman out of fruit.

    We went to Arizona for four days over Christmas to visit my Grandparents. I love going to the Railroad Park to see all of the holiday lights.

    How was your vacation?



  14. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I had a great time at the Holiday party! My favorite part was making the snowmans out of fruit. Our vacation plan was to go to Big Bear, but I got sick so we could not go. We relaxed a lot and had fun. I also liked staying up late. I think that you made the holiday video spectacular I loved the part when you took a picture of my snowman and put the picture in the video. Thanks!

    I have a question:
    What did you do during winter break?



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:-) Mrs. Yollis