
Friday, September 17, 2010

Lucky Hat Day! 2010

This week, Mrs. Yollis' class read "The Lost and Found", a story
in our anthology by Mark Teague.

The story is about three friends who get lost in the Lost and Found bin! Their lucky hats bring them good luck at the end of the story.

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For fun, we wore our lucky hats today!

Lucky Hat Day! 2010 on PhotoPeach

(PhotoPeach captions written by Mrs. Yollis and Jaden during Fun Friday!)
Tell us about your lucky hat?

Whose hat did you like the most and why?

What was your favorite part of the day?


  1. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    It was really fun helping to make this video.It turned out really good.I liked Grace's hat the most because of the moose on it.My favorite parts of the day were writing on our desks,Alpha smarting,and helping to make the video.What was your favorite part of the video?

  2. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    That slide show was extraordinary!
    You and Jaden did a marvelous on the words.
    I loved the music and looking at everyone's hat!
    My favorite part was when we drew on our desks!
    WOW !!!

    My favorite hat was Alexa's because it was so BIG and beautiful!

    Here is a question for Mrs. Yollis and my class:
    What is your favorite hat?

    Here is a question for everyone else:
    Do you have a lucky hat?


  3. @ Jaden,

    Thanks for a wonderful comment filled with super details! Well done!

    My favorite part of the day was watching everyone practice their math by writing on their desks. All of the answers were correct! Those lucky hats really work! I hope no one gets trapped in the bathroom by a giant squid on Wednesday. That's when we have our first math test! :-)

    Thanks for helping me write the captions for our video! They are terrific!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Mrs. Y♥llis

    P.S. Don't forget to type a space after a period. :-)

  4. @ Mrs. Yollis,

    Have a good weekend to. I keep forgeting to do the space after the period. I will try to remember.
    From Jaden:-)

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis (and Jaden),
    What a great video. I loved seeing all of the kids in their hats and I especially loved seeing what the kids are doing in your class all day. Will their be more videos like this in the future? I am so impressed with how much fun learning looks in your class.
    Have a great weekend,

  6. Dear Mrs Yollis and students,

    How wonderful that you had a Lucky hat Day. I really enjoyed your slide show of all the different styles of hats that everyone wore.

    I do have a favourtie hat that I would love to wear when I lived in the Snowy Mountains and that was my Akubra hat.
    These hats are very popular as many people on the farm land wear them. Maybe they would even consider them to be lucky hats as well.

    I really found it hard to pick a favorite hat cause you all wore hats that I would wear and like.
    Keep up the great work.
    From your friend down under AA.

  7. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    My mom and I really liked the lucky hat slide show!
    My favorite hat was Lindsey's because the dog on it was so cute.

    Your student,

  8. Dear Mrs Yollis,
    There were a lot of awesome hats.
    What a great day it looks like all of you had a great day wearing and making hats thats pretty cool.

    No I do not have a favourite hat.
    However I have a favourite hat in the video and it was the purple puppy hat.

    From Bianca (bb)

  9. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    The video was great, and I showed it to my family so they could see all the fun we had.

    My favorite hat was Kristen's hat because I like cowboy hats. I also liked that she had her name on it and that it tied on the bottom.

    My favorite part of the day was making our own hats. I made a white hat with a feather, a jewel, stickers, and a ribbon.


  10. Dear Mrs Yollis and class,

    Great post! I think you have done a great job! Well done!

    I loved the slide show!

    Mrs Yollis, great hat!

    I have some qustions for you...

    Did you have to make your hat?

    Did you have to wear a hat?

    Do you have a favourite hat and why do you like it?

    I loved your hats!
    Did you?

    Your friend from down under,



  11. Dear Mrs. Y♥llis and Class,

    I am Skye from Leopold Primary School, Australia, Victora.

    Your Lucky hat day sounds Awesome! The video was Great! I think your hats were creative and very Lucky.

    I love all the hats and I can't choose the best one.

    Happy Blogging! :-)

    From Your Friend Down Under Skye ♥

  12. Dear Mrs. Y♥llis and class,

    I loved the video post about lucky hat day. I showed it to my mom and she loved it too.

    My favorite hat was Graces's, I love the reindeer. Yours was pretty nice also!

    My favorite part of the day was when we got to draw on our desks.

    Thank you for a fun filled day.

    Your student,

  13. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    This week was filled with fun surprises, like writing with ice to lucky hat day. My favorite hat was Nick's because it was so fluffy.

    I have a question, does anybody in your family have a lucky hat?

    Your student,

  14. @ Ryan,

    Thank you for saying our slide show was extraordinary! Nice word choice! Jaden and I worked quickly during Fun Friday to get those captions in. We are glad you liked our choices!

    You asked about my favorite hat. I'd say my favorite was Alexa's hat because I liked all the shapes she attached around the brim. Also, I loved the pink feather boa that she wrapped around as a hat band.

    @ Marcie, (Jaden's mom)

    Thanks for the compliment about the video! Yes, there will be more videos like this all year. It is fun for everyone to have a glimpse inside the classroom, especially on fun days like Lucky Hat Day!

    Mrs. Y♥llis

  15. @ AA and BB,

    We had a wonderful Lucky Hat Day! I love spirit days where everyone can join in and share their creativity.

    I remember the Akubra hat! Kate's grandmother wore one when she came in to talk with us about growing up in Australia! Here is a link to that slide show:

    Kate’s Grandmother Shares about Australia

    Many people liked Lindsay's purple dog hat. It looked so cute in the picture!

    Your pal,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

  16. @ Kristen,

    I'm glad that your family liked seeing our slide show! I thought Lindsay's purple dog hat was very cute, too. However, I love a cowboy hat, especially a red one! :-)

    @ Miriam,

    Thanks for a wonderfully written comment! Great detail sentences!

    I'm glad you took the time to share it with your family. That's one of the reasons why we share our day and our learning with our families!

    Mrs. Y♥llis

  17. @ Sophie, (from Australia)

    Thanks for a fabulous comment! I noticed you used some HTML code to get in some italics. Well done!

    You asked me if I made my hat. No, I did not. However, my Grandma Smillie made it back in the 1950s or 1960s! Can you believe how old that silly hat is?

    No, you did not have to wear a lucky hat. However, good luck came to those who wore one! :-)

    My favorite hat was Alexa's because she attached a lot of fun shapes around the brim of the hat AND the band was a lovely pink feather boa!

    @ Skye, (from Australia)

    Thanks for your kind words about our hats and the video! I agree with you, all of the hats were very creative!

    If you and Sophie were designing lucky hats, what would you put on them and why?

    Your American friend,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

  18. @ Hannah,

    Thanks for a wonderful comment! I'm glad you shared it with your mom. That's one of the reasons that we publish on our blog, to share our day and our learning with our parents.

    Yes, Grace's reindeer hat was a big hit! I wonder if the reindeer had a name?

    I'm glad you liked writing out the place value lessons on the desk. It is a big surface, so big numbers can be written in expanded and word form very easily.

    @ Iman,

    I like how you used the word surprises! We read many stories about surprises...the giant bee story, the two Mark Teague stories, and then our day was filled with surprises! Great word choice!

    I have another lucky hat that I wear when I am out in the sun. It is made of straw and has a big brim. It is not as fancy as the one I wore on Friday, but luckily this one keeps the sun out of my eyes!

    Does anyone in your family have a lucky hat?

    Your teacher,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

  19. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I am so happy to be in your class.This is my first time blogging.I went fishing over the weekend with my dad,have you ever gone fishing as a kid?



  20. @ Nicolas,

    Thanks for your first comment! Good for you! I'm glad that you are in my class as well!

    You mentioned you went fishing this weekend. Were you wearing your lucky hat? Did you catch anything?


    Mrs. Y♥llis

  21. lDear Mrs Yollis,

    I loved the slide show that you made.My favorite lucky hat was Lindsay's hat.The best part of the day was when we were drawing on our desks. I had a wonderful time.


  22. Dear Mrs Yollis and class,

    This is a great post to put on your blog!! :cool:

    @ Ryan

    I do have a special hat it is... a cow girl hat!!!

    Jaz in 2KJ

  23. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    Lucky Hat day was awesome!
    My favorite hat was Gracie's hat.
    My favorite part of the day was Fun Friday.

  24. Dear Mrs. Y♥llis,

    I like your lucky hat. I especially like the ribbon that ties around it. I wish we had lucky hat day in my class.

    Leila (Hannah's sister)

  25. Dear Mrs.Yollis

    Your class looks so amazing, and they have increadible hats.

    Your former student,

  26. Dear Mrs. Yollis' Class,

    Wow, those are some very impressive hats! I really like the book "lost and Found" by Mark Teague, what a great way to celebrate the story.

    I also thought it was very cool that you wrote on your desks with dry erase markers! I would love to do that in class. I'll test out the desks tomorrow - did you have to do anything special to them?

    Once again, another fabulous post by our California blogging buddies!

    Mr. Salsich

  27. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    I liked the slideshow. I showed it to my grandparents in Washington D.C. My favorite hat was Ryans. I am sorry I had to miss lucky hat day.

  28. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    I showed my dad the slide show, he liked it very much. my dads favorite hat was the purple dog.


  29. @ Nicolas,

    Thanks for another terrific comment! I loved drawing on the desk as well. For one thing, there is plenty of room to write!

    @ Jaz,

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Do you have a lucky hat? If so, tell us about it!

    @ Ileanna,

    Welcome to the blog! Terrific first comment! What did you do during Fun Friday?

    Leila, (Hannah's sister)

    Wow! Welcome to our blog! Who is your teacher? We hope you'll come back and comment!

    @ Anais,

    I am so glad that you stopped by the blog and left a comment! Do you remember Lucky Hat Day? What kind of a hat did you wear?

    @ Mr. Salsich,

    Mark Teague is such a creative and funny writer. We also read one of his books called The Short Cut.

    Drawing on the desk with dry erase pens is a lot of fun. Plus, you don't waste any paper! Some colors stain a little. However, we used Clorox wipes to clean them at the end. One cloth would clean 4-6 desks. Windex would work too.

    Mrs. Y♥llis

  30. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    I wish I was at Lucky Hat Day. I was very sad to miss it. But I watched the video and thought Grayson's hat was the best hat because it had a cool shape on it. Was it a dragon? I thought writing on the desks looked fun. Do you think we'll do that again someday? If not, I'll try to do it at home if my mom lets me. I was thinking of making my own video after my brothers and I make our own lucky hats. I hope you had a happy Lucky Hat Day!


  31. @ Tucker,

    Thanks for a wonderful comment! We missed you on Lucky Hat Day!

    Yes, we practiced our math using the dry erase pens. And, yes, we will be doing it again!

    Best wishes,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

  32. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    The slide show was spectacular! My favorite part was when we drew on our desks and when we had fun Friday. My favorite hat was Alexa's hat because it was very very beautiful and huge. What was your favorite lucky hat?

    Your student,

  33. Dear Mrs Yollis, students and Alexa,
    I saw Alexa this week and she shared her excitement about your blog with me. Your class seems so energized and enthusiastic. I want to wish you a happy autumn and a wonderful school year.
    Best regards,
    Dr. Nan Zaitlen

  34. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Thank you for responding to my comment. My teacher is Mrs. Clebanoff. I hope I get into your class next year!


  35. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Hi, my name is Rachel and I am Alexa's older sister. Alexa has told me so much about you, and your blogging. When I was in third grade, I did not get the experience blogging, but now that Lexi has you, she shows me a lot! I am so exited to blog with you and your class. I wish I could do the fun stuff in fifth grade that you do in third grade. It looks like so much fun!

    All in all, I hope you have a great time blogging with the class.

    Alexa's big sis,

  36. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Wow! I can't believe how fabulous lucky hat day was. I thought that everyone's hats were terrific. I loved how our class decorated the hats. I also liked how we all had beautiful things on our hats because some of them were plain and some of them added fun decorations.

    My favorite hat was Lindsay's because her hat looked like a dog. I also liked my hat a lot, too!

    Did you see the blog post from my doctor, Dr. Zaitlin? I was so excited to read what she wrote.


  37. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,
    I think your lucky hats were so cool! I cannot wait to be your blogging buddy this year!

    Your Mrs. Ranney's Blogging Buddy,

  38. Dear Mrs Yollis,

    Good to hear from you!
    Also, thank you for saying it was a fabulous comment! It was so nice!

    You did'nt make your hat. Well I think it is very pretty!
    Wow! Made in the 1950's or 1960's!
    I think that hat would be about 50 or 60 years old.
    Is that correct?

    Yes, good luck would of came to those who wore one. Is'nt that why they are called lucky hats?

    Did all of your kids wear one? If they all did, that probably means that your classroom was full of luck!

    It sounds like Alexa's hat was the best? I wish I could of seen it!

    I think it was a great idea by you (and Mrs Ranney)!
    Maybe 2KM could try the same idea!

    Your friend from down under,


  39. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I just saw the video about lucky hat day. It looks like your class is great. My grandson Jaden is very lucky to have you as a teacher. He sure loves the computer.
    Carol (Jaden's grandmother)

  40. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Loved the pictures from lucky hat day! What a wonderful and fun way to start the new school year. It's easy to see why the children are so excited and happy to be members of your classroom!
    Both of us look forward to keeping up on Alexa's adventures this year, thanks to your blog. Thanks for allowing Grandparents to be included!

    Grandma Joy

  41. Good Morning Mrs. Yollis Class,
    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Finns dad wore a fun hat when he graduated Syracuse University. He was on the front page of the newspaper too. Finn's dad has a nickname, Duckie. When he graduated from college he put a stuffed animal duck on top of his cap and was on the front page on the newspaper for wearing such a unique cap and gown. If we can find the photo we will post it.

    From, Whitney

  42. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Finn has already had three official hats from Cub Scouts. First he got a Tiger Hat, than a Wolf Hat, and now he proudly wears a Bear he will have a Webelos Hat.

    From, Howard Schwartz

  43. Hello Mrs Yollis,

    I love to hear Finn talked about blogging and the Internet. I wear a hat almost everyday and would love to come in one day and show you all the hats I have. Of course, if you want. I can also tell a story to the class. All the best, Howard

  44. @ Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz,

    Thank you so much for your fun comments!

    We thought what you said about the ducky cap was very funny! It is interesting that Mr. Schwartz got published in the newspaper. We'd love to see the newspaper picture.

    We think a nickname like Ducky is funny!


    Tucker, Iman, Adia, Hannah, and Finn

  45. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I am from Mrs. Ranney's class. I love
    your lucky hats! They are beautiful!
    I am happy that we are blogging buddies!

    Ariel [Mrs.Ranney's student]

  46. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    I'm from Mrs. Ranney's class. I am glad to be your
    blogging pals this year. I think all your hats were
    very nice and I could tell you put a lot of hard work
    into all of your hats. I hope we will be doing lots of
    things together.

    Your Friend,

  47. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    My name is Jade and I am Ms. Daniels student. I really liked the video because it was about a lot of cool hats.


  48. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    Blogging with you will be a challenge for me. I have only begun to explore the benefits of the Internet world.
    Mrs. Yollis will be the teacher you look back on and say helped you exceed your potential.
    I am learning from you and I thank you.

    Learning is fun!

    Grandama Grace

  49. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    I love your lucky hats! I remember when I was doing it.

    I liked the hat with the moose on it!

    Taylor S.


* * *
Getting feedback is important to our writers. Let us know what you liked or what you learned.

Steps to Comment:

1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

2. Choose an identity. (If you have a gmail account, use it. If not, choose name/url. You can leave the url blank if you do not have a blog.)

3. Click "Publish your Comment". You may preview your comment before publishing if you'd like.

Important: All comments MUST be approved by me.
:-) Mrs. Yollis