
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fabulous Fall!

Did you know that this year, September 22, is the first day of autumn?

In Southern California, we do not experience autumn, or fall,
the same way some places do.

However, we do feel a change in our weather, and even
the leaves of our trees sometimes change c

Have you ever wondered why leaves change color in the fall?

If you'd like to find out the answer
or learn some other fabulous fall facts,
click on this link called Awesome Autumn!


What did you learn from the Awesome Autumn! site?

What are your favorite fall sports and activities?

What do you like most about fall?


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Fall is my favorite season because it is really beautiful, when all the orange and brown leaves fall.


  2. @ Anais,

    It is so nice to hear from you! I notice that you are proofreading your comments for proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation! Super!

    Did you check out the Awesome Autumn link? It has "Why Do Leave Change Colors?" and some fun links to poems, activities, and leafy facts!

    Come back and tell us what you learned about fall!

    Mrs. Y♥llis

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I love fall because I love the colors. My favorite fall color is orange. It's my favorite because there are different shades of orange. The color orange also reminds me of pumpkins at Halloween time. Boo! Did I scare you? Ha ha.

    Is fall your favorite season?
    What is your favorite fall color?



  4. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I was excited to read your blog on "Fabulous Fall". Fall is my favorite season of the year. Great events occur during Fall.
    It is the beginning of a new school year, the kick off of football season and the beginning of the holiday season!
    I, too love the colors of fall. I look forward to the brilliant fall colors that some of the trees produce around our neighborhood. Look for them in the next couple of months!


    (Gracie's mom)

  5. Dear Mrs Yollis,
    I really like this post about Autumn.
    It really is a nice time of the year.

    What interesting facts that I found out is that the weather changes the colour of the leaves. Also the flat part of a leaf is called a board.
    Hmmm interesting.

    My fun activities that I enjoy doing is jumping on my trampoline and kicking all the leaves of my trampoline.

    I love Autumn because when my dad rakes up all the leaves I love to jump in the pile of leaves so that dad has to rake them up all over again,again.
    From your blogging buddy,
    BB (Bianca).

  6. Dear Mrs Yollis' class,

    How interesting to read that you are all saying goodbye to summer and hello to fall!

    This post was interesting to me for three reasons...

    a) We call fall - autumn in Australia

    b) Our seasons are much more straightforward. Dec, Jan, Feb is summer. March, April, May is autumn. June, July, Aug is winter and Sept, Oct, Nov is spring

    c) You have just started autumn and we have just started spring!

    I have a question for you. Do you sometimes say autumn or do you always say fall?

    My other question is do the seasons always change on the 22nd in the USA?

    The Awesome Autumn website was very interesting to read.

    I have a beautiful tree in my backyard that is deciduous. That means, in autumn each year, the leaves change colour and fall off. The tree has been bare for all of winter but in the last couple of days it has just bloomed with lovely spring blossom!

    Thank you for a terrific post and I hope someone can answer my questions.

    Your friend,
    Miss McGeady

    PS - I hope you get lots more ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀days!

  7. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    I like your post about the fall. It is really good. Why don't the leaves fall where you live? They always fall here.

    From Derek and Sean
    Mr. Salsich students

  8. Dear Mrs.Yollis and class,

    My name is Sam C. and my name is Sam L. One sport we like is to play is soccer. I like that sport because I am a good teammate.

    I have a question for you,
    what fall sport do you like?

    We like taking walks in the woods and jumping in huge leaf piles. Every year we make a big leaf pile in our yards.

    Your blogging buddies,
    Sam L. and Sam C.
    from Mr. Salsich's class

  9. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    We really like soccer for our favorite sport. Our favorite thing about fall is Halloween parties. We have a question for you. What is your favorite thing about fall?

    your blogging buddies,

    Sam k & Tyler

  10. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    We are Maggie and Amanda from Mr. Salsich's class. Some of our favorite things to do in Autumn are go pumpkin and apple picking, and jumping in leaf piles. We both love Halloween!!! We both want to know what your favorite activities are to do in fall?

    Amanda and Maggie :)
    In Mr. Salsich's class.

  11. @ Grace and Mrs. Huntington,

    Wow! Thank you so much for two outstanding comments! Your comments were used in class today to teach everyone how to write a quality comment.

    Not only were your comments free of errors, but they added so much!

    Grace, I liked how you added a little humor to your comment! Boo! :-) That is another element that can make a comment more interesting! No, fall is not my favorite season. My favorite season is summer because I love warm weather. My favorite fall color is orange!

    @ Bianca,

    Thanks for a well-written comment! We used yours as an example of how to contribute to a post! We all smiled when we read the part about you jumping in the pile of leaves and making your dad re-rake them! Funny!

    Yes, temperature changes the color of some leaves. Today was the first day of fall, and we found a few green leaves that were turning yellow!

    Mrs. Y♥llis

  12. @ Miss McGeady,

    Thank you for a fabulous fall comment! Yours was another great example we used in class to demonstrate a quality comment!

    I'll answer a few of your questions, but many students said they wanted to leave a quality reply to you...we'll see!

    I would say that most people use the word fall rather than autumn. No, fall does not always fall on September 22.

    Does anyone know anything about WHEN fall usually starts? You'll need the term:

    autumnal equinox

    to research this answer!

    Thanks again for a great contribution!

    Your friend,
    Mrs. Y♥llis

  13. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Fall is my favorite season. When we get cool mornings here in Southern California, it reminds me of fall back home in New York. Nothing smells as wonderful to me as cool, crisp autumn air. Just thinking about it makes me want to grab a warm sweater and bake an apple pie!

    Our family's favorite fall sport is football. We always root for Wake Forest, where Tucker's dad played football. Go Demon Deacons! We also love going apple and pumpkin picking. In fact, one of Tucker's younger brothers loves pumpkins so much that we draw them and have fake ones around the house all year round. This year, we even grew some pumpkins of our own in our backyard.

    I found the Awesome Autumn website very interesting. I never realized chlorophyll covered the true colors of the leaves. I really do enjoy learning new things on your educational links. Keep them coming!

    Which do you prefer--apple or pumpkin pie?

    Catherine Grace
    (Tucker's mom)

  14. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    I like fall. We have a tree in our backyard and the leaves turn yellow when they lose their chlorophyll. I learned that on the Awesome Autumn site. I like winter best because I like ski and play in the snow. What is your favorites sport in the fall? Mine is football.

  15. @ Mrs. Grace, (Tucker's mom)

    Thank you for a wonderful fall comment! We have had several super ones, and now I can use your comment as well! :-)

    Growing pumpkins sounds like a lot of fun! Do you have any on the vine? Are you planning on carving them for Halloween?

    Pumpkin and apple pie are very popular this time of year, and I know people look forward to having them for desert. However, they are not my favorites. I like cherry pie and key lime pie!

    Glad you enjoyed the Awesome Autumn site. We learned about the chlorophyll in the leaves today as well! Tomorrow...we classify the leaves that people are going to bring! (extra credit)

    @ Ben,

    Thanks for a terrific comment! Yes, the two trees in my backyard are starting to have a breakdown in their chlorophyll. Soon I will see the yellow, orange, and red...and then...the tree will be bare!

    You asked about my favorite fall sport. I don't really have one! Do you have a team you like to follow?

    Mrs. Y♥llis

  16. @ Miss McGeady,

    This is Adia from Mrs. Yollis' extraordinary third grade classroom. I would like to answer your questions about fall. For your first question the answer is
    yes, sometimes we say autumn instead of fall.

    I think that usually we say fall because it is much more shorter. In my opinion, autumn is much more prettier, smoother, and fancier so I am always saying autumn.

    For your second question the answer is a no. The seasons do not always change on the 22nd in the USA.

    I have a few questions:
    Do you have more than one tree at your house?
    If you do have more than one tree, what kind of tree is it? Do you have a favorite fall color?

    I am very glad that our class and your class are in touch on the computer and I look forward to blogging to you again.


    Adia ( Mrs. Yollis' student)

  17. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    My friend Dylan is writing this comment with me. He is in Mr.Larkin's class. He thinks you are the best teacher in 3rd grade. I like to play basketball and catch but my favorite part about fall is running around and playing with my friends. Dylan's favorite stuff to do in fall is:Baseball,Handball and basketball. What do you like to do in fall?

  18. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    It's Science Girl Em. I'm here to explain why seasons in America and Australia are opposite.

    It's because the sun is in the middle and the earth rotates around the sun. In our summer, the side we live on is facing the sun, and the other side is facing away from the sun. Then in our winter, the Earth moved and our side is away and the other side is facing the sun.

    I don't really understand the middle seasons like fall and spring yet. I will research it and tell you later.

  19. @ Adia,

    I was so happy when I read your wonderful reply. Your commenting skills are already excellent! Mrs Yollis sure is an excellent teacher.

    I loved the way you used the adjectives prettier, smoother, and fancier to describe the word autumn. This was an excellent description and made your writing interesting to read.

    We have quite a few small trees in our yard. I'm not sure of the names however there is a beautiful gum tree next door. A gum tree is a eucalyptus tree that is very common in Australia.

    My favourite autumn colour is a rusty orange colour. Like my student Bianca, when I was younger I used to love jumping in piles of orange leaves!

    It is interesting that you have Halloween in autumn. We don't really celebrate Halloween here in Australia but our main autumn event is Easter. This is a very yummy time of year.

    Thank you again, Adia, for your excellent reply to me,

    Best wishes,
    Miss McGeady

  20. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I read your awesome autumn post and I went to the pumpkins and Halloween section. I learned in the Halloween section that people would dress up in costumes to scare away the ghosts and the souls. I also learned that Jack trapped the devil in a tree and he would only let him down from the tree if he stopped tempting Jack.

    My favorite fall sports are football and soccer. My favorite football team is the Eagles.

    What is your favorite sport in fall and do you believe in ghosts?

    Do you celebrate Halloween and go trick and treating?



  21. @Tucker,

    Your favorite team is the Eagles??? You do remember you were born in NY...Go JETS!!!


  22. Dear Mrs. Y♥llis,

    I really enjoyed looking at the Awsome Autumn site. I found all the information very fascinating.

    My favorite fall color is red. I especially like the darker shades.

    My favorite fall activity is jumping on all the colorful leaves. Do you enjoy jumping on leaves? My mom still does, eventhough she is a grown up!


  23. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    Did you know that fall starts every year on a different day? It can be on Sept. 22nd or Sept. 23. The word equinox comes from the Latin aequus, which means equal and nox, which means night. Around the time of the equinox, the night and day are approximately the same length of time.


  24. Hi Mrs. Yollis,
    My mom and I found your Halloween safety rules and we liked them and found them to be very useful.

    Your Student,

  25. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    Thank you for commenting back to me. My favorite team is the Buffalo Bills. I am excited that Halloween is coming soon.
    YOur student,

  26. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Fall is one of my favorite seasons! I love fall because I like to jump in the brown, red, yellow, orange, and purple leaves! I also enjoy the cool nice days. One of my favorite sports to play in the fall is baseball! I ♥ the team Dodgers! Here are some leafy facts: Most of the compound leaves grow buds before the leaf grows. The most popular fall leaf color is brown.

    Here are some questions for you:
    What is your favorite fall leaf color?
    What do you like best about fall?


  27. Hi! We are Ms Kilar's Kids. Your blog looks cool. We see a lot of leaves change color in New Hampshire.We love apple picking in the fall. Since our leaves change color in fall, we love to rake them into a pile and then jump in the leaves.

    Please visit our blog!

  28. @ Derek and Sean,

    Thank you for your amazing comment. We really like Mr. Salsich's blog. We do not know why leaves do not fall in California. Some trees have leaves that change color and then fall off...but not many. Most are evergreen trees.

    @ Sam L. and Sam C.

    Thank you for your fantastic comment. We love Mr. Salsich's blog. We like basketball and soccer.

    Jaden and Hannah :-)

  29. @ Sam K. and Tyler,

    Thank you for your fabulous comment. I like playing basketball in the fall. Do you like playing basketball in the fall?
    Your blogging buddy,

  30. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    The Fabulous Fall link is awesome. I really enjoyed looking at it. I went on Awesome Autumn and it was fun. i really like the colors of the trees in fall, my favorite color is Yellow. I found out so many new facts about fall I didn't know about.

    Your Student,

  31. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Fall is the best time of the year. The colors of all of the trees and flowers is so beautiful. When the season changes eveything is different and so amazing.

    Do you like to be outside when it is colder in Fall or do you like the warm Summer months?

  32. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I can't believe its fall! That is because the weather is so hot out. In fall, I love how all the leaves change colors. Some of the colors are brown,red,and yellow. I also like fall because it usually has good weather to play outside because it is not too hot or too cold.

    I have a question for you.

    Do you like fall?

    Have you ever picked colorful leaves off your tree?


  33. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I am not very excited that it is fall because I think it is way too hot out. One thing I like about fall is that sometimes we get to be in the library while lunch and recess. To me, it was very very fun being in the library. I just so love the library because it is surrounded by such fabulous books.

    Doing P.E. in the classroom felt really weird because I am so used to being outside. I don't think it was that bad because it's better than being outside when we could be so hot that we can start boiling into stew. Ha Ha. Just kidding.

    Usually, I would think it is a little cold out in autumn. Wouldn't you? It would be nice if it was about 79 degrees today.

    I have some questions:
    Do you think it is sort of weird that P.E. was in the room this morning?

    Do you usually have your class go to the the library when recess and lunch are indoors?

    Are you happy that we didn't go outside today or are you sort of disappointed?

    See you tomorrow,

  34. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I love the link to "Awesome Autumn" and will use it as a resource throughout the season as we venture into fall and explore the changing leaves, different fruits, cooler weather, and fun seasonal activities such as pumpkin picking and pie baking. Thank you for sharing such an informative site for all of us to reference and enjoy!

    Fall happens to be my most favorite season of all. When the weather turns cooler, and leaves begin to fall on the ground, I am reminded of my childhood back in New York, which is where I was born and raised. I love changing my wardrobe to sweaters, boots and scarves, and get so excited to greet my children in the afternoon with some hot cocoa and baked pumpkin bread after school on a cooler day. I also love to take long walks when the weather is cooler and air is crisp. We often take family walks together, which is a very special time.

    Alexa and I spend a lot of time baking together in the fall, she is a fabulous help in the kitchen! Some of our favorites are banana bread, pumkin pie, chocolate chip pumpkin muffins and apple cake. Would it be okay to bake and share with the class for a special treat one day? I'm sure Alexa would love to do that, as would I.

    It is hard to grasp the season though, as today was 111 degrees outside. I am looking forward to cooler weather and a fantastic season of long walks and fabulous baking!

    Lori (Alexa's mom)

  35. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    Fall is actually my favorite season of the year.
    My favorite holiday in fall is Halloween.
    Here are some reasons why I love Halloween: at Halloween we get to stay out late (especially in the night). I also like wearing fun costumes, this year I would like to be a minion. I also like Halloween because we can go trick or treating and get plethora of candy!

    In the fall I also like celebrating Thanksgiving.
    What I love about Thanksgiving is that families gather up and have a big feast!

    Is fall your favorite season of the year?
    If it is, why?

    Your student,


* * *
Getting feedback is important to our writers. Let us know what you liked or what you learned.

Steps to Comment:

1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

2. Choose an identity. (If you have a gmail account, use it. If not, choose name/url. You can leave the url blank if you do not have a blog.)

3. Click "Publish your Comment". You may preview your comment before publishing if you'd like.

Important: All comments MUST be approved by me.
:-) Mrs. Yollis