
Monday, April 26, 2010

Visit: Bora Bora!

By Caleb

Bora Bora is an island in the Pacific Ocean!

Would you like to visit Bora Bora?

Have you ever visited an island like Bora Bora?

Do you have any questions?


  1. Dear Caleb,

    Your vacation looked wonderful. The water in Tahiti looks like a swimming pool and the sharks seem really cool. I want to take Kendall and Collin there someday to have the same experience that you did. Thanks for sharing the video.

    (Kendall's dad)

  2. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I went on a cruise ship ,and one of the stops was Bora Bora. I fell in love with the water because it was such a pretty blue. My favorite sight was the sunset. Have you ever been to Bora Bora?

    Evelyn (Aaliyah's mom) :-)

  3. Dear Caleb,

    That was a great post about Bora Bora. Yes, I have been to an island like Bora Bora. It was Hawaii! Hawaii is just like Bora Bora because you get to swim with sharks, and you get to go in the ocean. I didn't go in the ocean that much because there were lots of rip tides. Rip tides are when the waves move side ways instead of straight, and when you are in a rip tide it can pull you straight out into the ocean.

    Yes, I do have a question. Is the ocean dark blue or light blue?


  4. Dear Caleb,

    Your post about Bora Bora was spectacular! I especially liked when the picture of the fire jugglers had the flash because I thought the picture was only black & white then right at the very last second it flashed. One question I had was what type of stingray was the one you saw the guide feed?


  5. Dear Caleb,

    Thank you for sharing your trip to Bora Bora. I really enjoyed the video and the photos looked beautiful... The only places I have been similar to Bora Bora are Hawaii (one of the U.S. states) and Gwam (one of the U.S. territories). How warm was it when you were there and what was it like to swim with the fish?


    Young (Ethan's mom)

  6. Dear Caleb,

    I was excited to see the new blog you shared today about our trip to Bora Bora! What was your favorite activity during the week: 1) riding on jet skis for a tour around Bora Bora, 2) snorkeling in the lagoon and out to the island off the beach of the hotel, 3)swimming with sharks (and feeding them!), 4) kayaking with me around the lagoon, or 5) diving off our bungalow deck into the lagoon?

    We had such a fun trip with you and your brothers. I can't wait for our next vacation this summer!


  7. @Nick,

    Thank you for composing a comment on my post. The water at Bora Bora was any shade of blue you could imagine.

    What shade of blue was the water at Hawaii?
    Do you know what species of shark you swam with in Hawaii?


  8. @Ayush,

    It was really nice of you to comment on my post.

    I'm sorry, the guide did not specify the species of stingray.

    Have yoou ever been to a tropical island similar to Bora Bora?


    P.S. The stingrays were tamed and had people feeding them for twenty years.

  9. Dear Caleb,
    Thank you for sharing your vacation in Bora Bora. We went to Tahiti and swam with the sharks and stingrays as well. You are very brave. The sharks were a bit freightening at first, especially since my mask flew off the boat as we were heading out to sea. What a great vacation. I hope to take my kids there one day. You are very fortunate to have experienced such an amazing trip!

    Nancy (Anais mom)

  10. Dear Caleb,

    I enjoyed your post about Bora Bora. I never quite got there, but I did go to Hawaii many times and just adored it. We took a sunset cruise that was just beautiful.

    What was the food like in Bora Bora? Did you try anything new and interesting?


    Mrs. Olds (Trent's Grandama)

  11. @ Caleb,

    The one island I've ever went to is Hawaii, however it was in bloom when I visited so it was tropical at the time. When the experts were putting the stingrays were in the process of being tamed, did they try to extract their venom? If so, was it successful?


  12. Dear Caleb,
    I really liked hearing about your vacation to Bora Bora. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. I have been to Tahiti before but not to Bora Bora. I went to Papeeta and to Moorea. They both were beautiful Islands. We went jet skiing in Moorea. The water was like a warm bathtub. The color was amazing, so blue and crystal clear. Did you learn how to say Thank You in Tahitian?
    Thanks for sharing.

    (Trent's Aunt)

  13. Dear Caleb
    What a cool post and looks like a great holiday.
    Can you take me next time you go?????

    Bob Adler (Trent's Dad)

  14. @Kendall's dad,

    I really appreciate you commenting on my post. Yes the trip was wonderful. Do you know what type of sharks I swam with?


    P.S. The answer to my question is in the PhotoPeach!

    @ Ethan's mom,

    It was very nice of you to comment on my post.

    The temperature was around 80˚F, but it was very humid so it felt about 99˚F. It was exciting to swim with the fish. We also swam with different fish like a needle fish. We also watched a barracuda swim under our hut through a glass part.

    Do you want to visit Bora Bora someday?


  15. Dear Caleb,

    Great post! Your trip looks fun. I would have loved to see the big fire show especially the part where they ate the fire. My sister my brother and I never visited an island.

    (Gal's big brother)

  16. Dear Caleb,
    We're glad you had a fun time in Bora Bora! Can't wait to see you on the exotic East Coast this summer. Ahh, the murky brown waters of the Port Royal Sound await! Not to mention the bonnet head sharks.
    Uncle Erik and Aunt Heather

  17. Dear Caleb,
    what a great post about Bora Bora I really enjoyed it. I loved the fact you went swimming with all those fishes and glad to see that they did not have you for a snack. How wonderful to see a stingray so up and close. Bianca`s dad does alot of scuba diving and he often comes home and tells us how the stringrays come up to him however I have heard that you have to watch out for their tails. Thanks for the wonderful photos I really cannot beleive how beautiful and blue the water is.I feel like you have taken me on your hoilday to Bora Bora thru your great post. sincerely AA.

  18. Hi Caleb:

    Thanks for adding your Bora-Bora photos to your classroom blog. G'Pa and I enjoyed seeing them and we were happy to see you enjoying your vacation. Beautiful places like Bora-Bora are why we have to be so careful about how we treat our Earth!


  19. @Caleb

    To answer your question, yes I would love to visit Bora Bora some day. I'm all for going to a place where there is sun, fun, sand and relaxation! I would love for my sons to have the same experience to swim in clear waters and swim with the fish as you did. Thank you again for sharing your personal experiences.


    Young (Ethan's mom)

  20. Dear Caleb,

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful post of Bora Bora. I love it. I have been to a couple of foreign countries and a few places in USA. But I have not been any place like Bora Bora. I love simming and I told my mom and dad that they need to take me to a place like Caleb to swim.


  21. Caleb,
    I would love to go to Bora Bora some day. It looks like paradise on earth,especially the beauty of the ocean, with the many fish and interesting creatures. Maybe some day we will go.

    Mrs. Lowy,
    I recently learned that Georgia O'Keefe believed that if you could find beauty in just one thing then you could find beauty in the world worth living for. She liked to show life and death together because one cannot exist without the other. The class flowers were beautiful and looked like fun!

    (Corey's mom)

  22. Dear Caleb,

    Your trip to Bora Bora sounded spectacular! I wish I went there with you! It was amazing how the sting ray had a white belly. I liked it so much that I felt like my head was going to explode! You and your brother's swim shirts were identical! I almost thought that your brother was you in the first picture!

    Ayush & Richie

  23. Dear Caleb,

    That was an awesome post! You are very brave that you went back in the water when there were sharks. The picture that was taken when you jumped off hut was really cool.

    (Gal's cousin in Isreal)

  24. Dear Caleb,

    I really enjoyed your blog about your vacation in Bora Bora. The pictures are beautiful and so clear. It's almost like I was there. I would love to take a trip to Bora Bora.

    Your favorite librarian,

    Mrs. Madnick

  25. Dear Caleb,

    Thanks for commenting back to me on you post. In my comment I said that you can swim with sharks, but I really didn't swim with the sharks. The water was so clear when I went to Hawaii.


  26. Hi,

    I enjoyed the video on Bora Bora. I read that orginally it was called Pora Pora.....(which means first born).

    I lived on a beautiful island off of Sardinia in Italy called La Maddalena. The water was beautiful like it is in Bora Bora.


    Garnett, Kendall's Great Aunt

  27. Dear Caleb,

    That was a great post about Bora Bora. It was so cool of you to go to an island like Bora Bora!

    I think that it was very brave of you to go back in the water with those black reef sharks!

    ~Kayla's dad~


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:-) Mrs. Yollis