
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lovely Friends!

Mrs. Yollis and her students could not have been any happier today!

Bianca, from 2KM, and her wonderful mother, put together another Australian care package for the class.

Such thoughtfulness!

Not only is educational blogging good for the mind, 
it's good for the heart, too!

Today during Fun Thursday, students built a home for the koalas!

Fun!      Fun!      Fun!


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    What a wonderful treat to receive a package from your penpals in Australia! I really enjoy seeing what your class is doing every week.

    See you after vacation,

    Mrs. Madnick

  2. Dear Mrs Yollis and students,
    Bianca and I are so glad!! you received your parcel just before you all go on break. Thankyou for the lovely video. Bianca and I just love to watch it over and over. We are also so glad to see that all the Koalas appear to be very happy with there new found friends.Thankyou for a wonderful friendship of learning about each other its truly is very special. From your friends down under AA and Bianca.

  3. Greetings Mrs Yollis and students,
    I am so glad!! you received your parcel. I am impressed with the home you built for the Koala. Has he got a name as yet? What are the other Koalas getting up to? I hope they have been behaving.
    from your furry friend Bianca.

  4. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    What a thoughtful gift from Bianca and her mother, AA. I'm completely impressed with the educational connections that are being made.

    How lucky both hemispheres are!

    Mrs. Pfau
    (Mrs. Yollis' proud mum)

  5. @Mrs Pfau
    I thankyou for your very kind words and ten points for blogging. Both Bianca and I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to meet some really wonderful students and outstanding
    teachers ie Mrs Yollis and Miss McGeady. Whats even more wonderful they even make me feel that my thoughts and opinion matters and for thatI am very grateful.Also it proves that you can be in different parts of the world and you can make truly wonderful long lasting friends and frienships. Take care yours sincerely AA.

  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    When we opened the package my favorite part was when AA and her daughter Bianca gave us the little koalas. I named my little koala, April.

    Best wishes,
    Jollene :)

    P.S Have a wonderful Spring Break!

  7. Dear Mrs Yollis and class,

    I am so happy that the package from AA and Bianca arrived safe and sound. They were both so excited to be sending you all something and they certainly are enthusiastic and generous people. It's great to have such wonderful school communities.

    @ Mrs Pfau, well done for getting involved in your hardworking daughter's blog! I also believe happy birthdays are in order for you! :)

    From Miss McGeady

  8. Mrs. Yollis

    I really like this post! I like the saying "Not only is educational blogging good for the mind,it's good for the heart, too!" I love that saying! I like the koalas home too!

    How long did it take for you to make the koala's home?

  9. Hello, Mrs. Yollis!

    I think that's really nice of them to give you that package! It looks like the koalas like their new home. =) The house is very colourful and creative!

  10. @ Miss McGeady,

    Yes, I turned 80 years old on April 4, which means I was born in 1930. I am now what they call an octogenarian!

    I have fortunately enjoyed three birthday celebrations with family and friends over the last three it's fun to be eighty!

    Thanks for your birthday wishes!

    Mrs. Pfau
    (Mrs. Yollis' proud mum)

  11. @ Frank,

    I'm glad you liked my saying "Not only is educational blogging good for the mind, it's good for the heart, too!"

    We have made such wonderful friends through blogging. It really has been an unexpected pleasure from the process.

    Two boys from my class used magnetic shapes to build the koala's home. They then used flags we received from our friends to decorate the dwelling. So cute!

    I like how you asked a question in your comment. That is a good blogging skill. Asking questions keeps the conversation going! Well-done!

    @ Yana,

    The koalas LOVE their new home. Many of my students have already given their new pets a name. Jollene named hers April.

    Thanks for visiting and especially for taking the time to comment!

    Mrs. Yollis

  12. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Scarlet brought home the little koala bear, and for good luck I clipped it on my guitar. I think it is awesome how you are having your students connect with others clear across the world! Keep up the good work.

    Mark (Scarlets' Daddy)

  13. @ Mark (Scarlet's daddy)

    Thank you for your lovely comment! Those little koalas are everywhere now! Can you tell what kind of music the koala prefers? Is he more rock and roll or does he go for jazz? :-)

    I appreciate your comment about our global connections. These types of friendships are meaningful on so many levels.

    Mrs. Yollis

  14. Hi I am solana and I am from Huzzah.I think some of you will be super builders when you grow up. (I have the same stuffed koala) keep bloging talk to you soon :)


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:-) Mrs. Yollis