
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jog-a-thon 2010!

Today was the health challenge jog-a-thon! 

The grass was being reseeded, so the new location was the lower yard. It was a fun location. There was  little oval track, an obstacle course, hoola hooping, and so much more!

Jog-a-thon * 2010 * on PhotoPeach

Here is a fun video from the day!

What was your favorite part about the Jog-a-thon?


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis & Class,

    Wow! What a great event! It looked like there was fitness (especially in the video that sped up your laps) and fun. Everyone looked so happy to be outdoors and participating in this great program. It made me especially happy to see Alex doing laps in her wheelchair.

    Was there a particularly good hoola-hooper in your class?

    I think my favorite part of the day would have been the ice pop treats at the end.

    Thank you for the video. It made me feel as if I was there.

    (Jaxon's mom)

  2. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Wow, looked like you all had a great workout!
    Thank you for capturing the jog-a-thon in pictures. I always learn something new when I log on. Now I know of a great place to make a slide show. Keep up the great work Mrs. Yollis! Sorry I missed the popcicles. They looked so refreshing!

    Nancy Armstrong (Anais' Mum)

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Jogging in the Jog-a-thon was very exciting! My favorite part about it was the obstical course because I loved jumping over the sticks. I noticed that I was in a lot of the photographs you took. What was your favorite part about the Jog-a-thon?


  4. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    It looks fantastic! We wish we were there :-)

    Lyudmila and class

  5. @ Ms. Palmer,

    Yes, we had a big fitness day at school! Although the track was small, it was really cozy down on the lower.

    I didn't notice that there was one person who was particularly good with the hoop...everyone seem to have great skills.

    I'm glad you enjoyed our post!

    @ Mrs. Armstrong,

    We had a wonderful time at the jog-a-thon! I'm glad you liked the PhotoPeach slide show. It is a great company and very easy to use.

    @ Kendall,

    I liked all the extra stations too. The jump roping, the hoola hooping, and obstacle course were great! Those were my favorite parts of the day.

    @ Lyudmila and class,

    Thanks for visiting and we wish you were here with us too! It was a beautiful day, even though the weatherman said it was going to rain.

    Mrs. Yollis

  6. Dear Mrs Yollis and students,
    how cool was your jog-a-thon.I loved the video as I really loved watching you all race around at a rapid pace. Talk about super fast!!! However Mrs Yollis I some how missed seeing you run in the video. You some how must have been super fast for me not to see you. As for the wave at the end that was super great as well. Ten points to Alex for doing laps in her wheelchair. You rock girl!!!
    Well must run from down under AA.

  7. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    I love jog-a-thons, but this year's jog-a-thon was a little different. It was still fun. My favorite part of the run was the obstacle course, and when we had the popsicles. What was your favorite part?



  8. Dear Mrs Yollis and students,
    looks like you all had a great work out on your jog-a-thon.I can not beleive how fast you all can run.
    Well done Alex you did a fantastic job!!!
    I also really loved the video that you made Mrs Yollis well done.
    from your friend Bianca.

  9. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    I loved the Jog-a-thon yesterday! It was so fantastic that I stil wanted to play and eat some more popsicles. In the marathon my friend had the high score record! I had fun yesterday, I hope you enjoyed the day as I did.

    Your student,

  10. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    That was a fast paced event! It is good to see everyone having fun and being active. Thank you for posting the video.

    Warm regards,
    Sonal Kumar

  11. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I really liked the post and running in the jog-a-thon.

    My favorite part about the first movie was when the action shots were in there.

    My favorite part about the second movie was when you put in the fast speed.

    I thought it was so cool how they put all those activities were so fun after we ran in the jog-a-thon.

    Your student,


    P.S. Great post!

  12. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    We had a ton of fun at the Jog-a-thon! Doing the obstacle course was Sydney's favorite event. Ben found the hula hopes interesting. We both liked the jump roping, but it was a little less fun. A girl in Mr. Detamores' class set a new jump roping record, and it was 287.

    Did you like watching us doing the wave?

    Ben and Sydney

  13. Dear Ms. Yollis's Class,

    From your video, it looks like you had a fun day and someone was great editing skills! I wish I was in third grade! One question, did you enjoy the obstacle course and doing the wave? Thank you again for the wonderful video!

    (Ms. Coro's Class)

  14. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    The jogathon looks like so much fun. I wish I was there.

    Do you think next time evreybody will jog around the school?

    lucy-bleu knight (Scarlet's sister)

  15. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I had a lot of fun at the Jog-a-thon! I ran like a speed jet they use for stunts. My favorite part of the Jog-a-thon was the obstacle course. The best part of the course was jumping over the strings.

    Joss (Ben's brother)

  16. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Thank you for capturing this terrific annual event in pictures and video. I have only heard of the annual jog-a-thon, but have never personally attended, so it was fun to see what it is all about. I always assumed there was only, well jogging, going on, but now I know there is a whole bunch more.

    Exercise is so important for the body and the mind and I'm glad the school supports this terrific reminder of the importance of regular fitness.

    (Kendall's mom)

  17. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Wow! The school is doing a great job with all the kids being healthy. My favorite part would probably be the obstlical course. What was your favorite part? When I saw all the popcicles they made my mouth watery.

    (Gal's dad)

  18. @ AA and Bianca,

    It was a very fun day. Even though our little oval wasn't very big, it was fun because of all the extra stations that were set up.

    You are correct, I was not running in the video. My class was cheering for the first two classes, and we ran second. I did's just not in any of the shots.

    I'm glad you liked my video. I filmed it and then sped it up! Funny, no?

    @ Jollene,

    Yes, I heard someone made a jump roping record during the Jog-a-thon. Wow! I had fun too!

    @ Mrs. Kumar,

    It was an active, fun day for sure! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! :-)

    @ Nick,

    I'm glad you enjoyed my action shots. The extra stations that the PFC set up were fun! You liked how I sped up the movie? I thought it looked funny with the music and the rapid pace. :-)

    @ Ben and Sydney,

    Yes, I loved watching the wave. Dr. Pfahler did it several times, but I didn't get a chance to get them all on film. What a fun day!

    Thanks for such great comments, everyone!

    Mrs. Yollis

  19. @ Ali,

    I love the obstacle course! The wave was great too! We had this great mother out there who ran the wave several times for our class. We were lucky that lady was there! Do you have any idea who she was?

    I wish you were in third grade too! I miss you!

    @ Lucy-Bleu (Scarlet's sister),

    I like your idea of having everyone jog around the school. That's a clever idea. Do they have a jog-a-thon at A.C. Stelle?

    Thanks for leaving a comment!

    @ Joss, (Ben's brother)

    Welcome to our blog! Yes, we had a fun time at the jog-a-thon as well! We ended up crawling under the strings rather than jumping over them. Are you in kindergarten or first grade?

    @ Mrs. Gurian,

    I'm glad you enjoyed the slide show and video. It does help parents see a little slice of the events when they cannot attend. It is also fun for the students to revisit the day. Yes, exercise is very important for the body and the mind! I know Kendall does yoga, have you ever tried it?

    Dear Ofer, (Gal's dad)

    Welcome to our blog! I agree that the school is doing a good job of promoting health! We all do better learning when we spend some time exercising. My favorite part of the day was the obstacle course. It was fun to jump rope, crawl, and hula hoop.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. We hope you visit again!

    Mrs. Yollis

  20. I really liked your videos. At our school We do Jump Rope For Heart. We go to the gym and skip for an hour. We raise money for the Heart and stroke foundation.Did you raise money in your jog-a-than.

  21. Dear Mrs. Yollis & class,

    Great job everybody! The school is so smart for having a jog-a-thon so all the students will a lot more healthy. I run a lot because, I play track. It was pretty clever to have popcicles for every student. The videos were funny and good.

    (Gal's big brother)

  22. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I had a blast at the Jog-a-thon! I think you made a great post!

    I think so many people enjoyed the video, that I just wanted to ask you if I can use it in my blog post. Can I?

    Kayla :)

  23. @ Rachel,

    Thanks for your compliment about my video. I thought it looked funny when all the kids ran around the track at a fast speed!

    We do Jump Rope for Heart as well. It is a very good program. Do you count the skips? If so, how many can you do in the hour?
    Thanks again for leaving a comment!

    @ Tal (Gal's big brother)

    Welcome to our blog! I'm so glad you are participating in our family blogging challenge. It is so much more fun when everyone gets involved! You mentioned that you run track. What events do you do? Are you in high school?

    Thanks for stopping by! You have a wonderful sister, as I'm sure you already know!

    @ Kayla,

    Thanks for you compliment about the post.

    Yes, you can use the PhotoPeach and the YouTube video. Remember to write your own text so it isn't plagiarism.

    You might have to resize the HTML code for the PhotoPeach and the YouTube video. Remember to change the width and the height. It is a little tricky because each has a height and a width TWO TIMES. Both need to be changed at the beginning and the end of the HTML code. If you run into trouble, just let me know and I'll get you some help.

    I look forward to commenting on your post!

    Mrs. Yollis

  24. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Thanks for commenting back to me and letting me use you Youtube and PhotoPeach vidoes!

    I have one question. How do you put them on your blog?

    Your student,
    Kayla =)

  25. @ Kayla,

    Try copying the entire post...videos and all. Then paste it in your blog.

    Change the text so it is your own. Be sure to credit the creator of the slide show and video. :-)

    You might need to resize some things in your blog by changing the HTML width and height. We'll see how it looks.

    I hope that helps!

    Mrs. Yollis

  26. Dear Mrs. Yollis & Class,

    It looks like everybody likes to run. I think it was real smart that you streched before the jog-a-thon. My favorite part would be the obstical course and the pocicles.

    (Gal's cousin)

  27. Dear Noah,(Gal's cousin)

    Welcome to our blog! Gal has done a fabulous job encouraging her family members to visit our blog and comment! Her relatives in Israel even commented! I think she is our leader!

    Yes, the Jog-a-thon was a blast. Like you, the obstacle course was my favorite. Many kids enjoyed crawling under the wires!

    I hope you visit us again soon! Are you older or younger than Gal?

    Mrs. Yollis

  28. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Thanks for letting me know how to put the PhotoPeach video and the other video on my blog!

    I just published my post, and here is a link to it.

    Thanks again!

    Kayla =)

  29. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Thanks for writing back. You asked what events I play in track they are the four by one and the one hundred meter. You also asked if I am in high school. I do the high school I go to Chaminade, and I also play Football.

    (Gal's big brother)

  30. @ Tal (Gal's big brother and outstanding commenter)

    Thanks for commenting back...that what makes a comment section more interesting on a blog!

    You mentioned you run the 4 X 1. Is that a relay?

    I'm also curious, you said you were in high school. Do any of your classes have blogs or wikis? Is there much technology being used in high school?

    Thanks for being a part of our online community!

    Mrs. Yollis

  31. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    I am so glad you shared the video of the jog-a-thon. The music was very entertaining with the speed of the joggers. Great editing.

    It sure looked small this year. I have a question to the students that participated the past years. Did they like the small track compared to the larger one? What was the positive and negative to the change of size?

    Keep up the health and fitness!

    Meegan ( Scarlet's mom )

  32. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I loved the idea of your educating blog from the moment Gal showed it to me. Now i'm back in Israel, I opend it to show a friend and I was happy to see you are asking family members to comment.

    It looks like your class had a lot of fun at the jog-a-thon, my favorite part was the wave at the end of the video. I also really loved being able to see Gal in the video since i'm very far from her now.

    Thank you for sharing your class's adventures with the world.

    Shiraz (Gal's cousin from Israel, who misses her terribly)

    Can you please make sure Gal sees this post?

  33. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Thank you for commenting back to me again. You asked if the four by one is a relay it is. We do not have any blogs or wisiks. there is lots of technlogy because, the whole school got laptops. The has so much technology that instead of lots of text books we just have E books which are text books on laptops.

    (Gal's big brother)

  34. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I really liked the post. My favorite part was when you put it in fast motion. I would have to say my favorite part about the Jog-O-Thon was doing the obsticle coarse.

    (Kendall's brother)


* * *
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:-) Mrs. Yollis