
Friday, December 18, 2009

Best Class Blog • First Runner-Up!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who voted for us!

The winners of the Edublog Awards - 2009!

Mrs. Yollis' students are on Winter Break until
January 4, 2010.


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I loved finding out that we were first runner up for the best class blog. Also being in the movie was fun, and I'll probably come back and see this post when I'm much older. It will be fun to remember what happened in my past, and this will be one of the biggest things that happened in my childhood.


  2. Mr Yollis and Class.
    Firstly I want to congratulate you on the 'First Runners Up/Second Best Blog in the World' this is an amazing result.
    Secondly this Video has made my day, the acting was top notch and I was really thrilled when Panda became involved as well. Brilliant, well done and congratulations. Here's to first place next year for you!
    Mr Webb, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand.

  3. Dear Mrs Yollis' Class,

    CONGRATS!! That is fantastic news and I am very happy for your class!

    I LOVED your video! You all looked like professional actors!!

    I am going to check out the Edublogs award now to find out who came first! I am surprised that Mrs Yollis' Class blog did not come first!

    From your friend,
    Miss McGeady

  4. @Mr. Webb,

    Thank you for your wonderful comment about our movie! We were thrilled! Yes, Panda is always involved it our learning and...he's a great dancer!

    @Miss McGeady,

    Can you believe it? Wow!
    We were overjoyed with the news! Thanks again for your nice post promoting us. We appreciate your friendship!

    Have a wonderful break and keep in touch!

    Mrs. Yollis

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis' Class,

    I was so excited to learn that your blog was first runner up for the best class blog. What a wonderful recognition, and extremely well deserved. Your class video and dance celebrating the news warmed my heart. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and New Year, and I look forward to reading your new blog postings in the New Year.


    Mrs. Lofton
    Lindero Canyon Middle School

    P.S. I will be sharing your wonderful recognition with my own students.

  6. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    I loved the end of the movie. I wonder if Mr.B would like it. I liked that everyone started to dance at the same time.

    Your Student,


  7. Bravo on your international award, Mrs. Yollis and class. Thank you for providing such inspiring work for us all to see.

    Happy Holidays to all!
    Julie Drake
    Los Angeles County Office of Education

  8. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I really love this post better than the others! I just realized that watching is better than being in it. What did it feel like to you when you were acting?

    Your blogging buddy,

  9. @Kayla,

    I really enjoyed watching our movie too! You can feel how happy everyone was with the news. (By the way, I loved your dancing!)

    You asked me how I felt when I was acting. I did feel a little nervous because the camera was recording, and I didn't want to make a mistake. But, like always, I took a deeeeeep breath in through my nose and let it sloooooowly out through my mouth, and I felt calm and ready to act. Also, I really did feel happy about the results, so it wasn't too difficult to act that way.

    Have a great vacation!
    Mrs. Yollis

  10. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    When I found out that we were first runner up I was so excited. Then I became a little embarrassed when I spoke on camera. I am very proud to be part of our classroom blog. Wishing everybody a very happy New Year.


  11. @ Sydney,

    Thanks for such a nice comment! I think most people feel nervous when they are speaking or acting. That's human nature. As I watched your performance, you didn't look nervous at all. You were going for it!

    I'm proud to be part of this blog, too.

    Have a Happy New Year and say hi to your brothers, my former students! :-)

    Mrs. Yollis

  12. Mrs. Yollis' Class,

    Congratulations on winning First Runner Up Award! I am continually impressed by the student's comments and by their excellent acting on the video. I can't wait to share this exciting news with my class.

    Mrs. Levy

  13. @ Mrs. Levy,

    Thank you! Thank you! We feel so honored by this award.

    We loved building gingerbread houses with your first graders , and are looking forward to doing another project with our blogging buddies!

    Happy New Year!

    Mrs. Yollis

  14. Dear Mrs. Yollis and 3rd graders,

    Firstly, I must congratulate you on your recognition by Edublog. Your blog definitely deserved "Best Class Blog--First Runner-up" or higher!! I was so excited when I saw the news that I tweeted it for all those who follow me on Twitter!!
    Secondly, I do want to thank you for a delightful visit. I was one of the lucky coach/mentors who had the chance to see your class in action.
    Thank you for giving me that opportunity. I am so inspired by all of you.

    Again, congratulations on your well-deserved award!!


    Mrs. Nelson
    Math teacher

  15. Dear Mrs. Nelson,

    Thank you so much for your congratulatory comment and for all the tweets! We appreciate the support. :-)

    I'm glad that you were able to visit our class. My students still talk about what an exciting day that was for them.

    Have a wonderful break and Happy New Year!

    Mrs. Yollis

  16. Dear Mrs Yollis and Class,

    Congratulations!!!We are very glad that you are the winners!
    Your video is fantastic, we really enjoyed watching it. Your students are very talented. And we liked panda taking part in your dancing!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Your Russian friends

  17. Congratulations Mrs. Yollis and class!! Your video was Great! I loved how the panda came out and how the video was made. Once again congratulations! Keep up the good work!!

    Thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog. :D


  18. @ Kira,

    Thanks so much for your comments about our award. We are over the moon about it!

    I was delighted to add your student blog, Kira's Kafe, to our blogroll. You always have outstanding writing and obviously make an effort to proofread everything you publish. Your use of images to enhance a story is also quite good. Kira, your blog is a fantastic model for other students, and I hope you continue to write. I added you to my RSS feed, so I can follow your progress. :-)

    Happy New Year!

    Mrs. Yollis

  19. Hooray for Mrs. Yollis' Class! Congratulations on your Edublog award. I loved watching your video, you guys rock! The world is proud of you :D

  20. Dear Mrs. Yollis' Class,

    Congratulations on being the first runner up for the best class blog! Receiving 295 votes is a very big achievement. I have two questions that I hope someone from your class can answer. First, how many more votes did the first place blog get than yours? Second, next to the number of votes, the result table says 17%. What does that number mean?

    Congratulations to all of you and keep up the outstanding work!

    -Miss Anderson
    Anacapa Middle School
    Ventura, CA

  21. @ Miss Anderson from Anacapa Middle School (Also known of Mrs. Yollis' former students!)

    Thank you so much for visiting our blog and for leaving a fabulous comment! I love that you challenged the group with two math questions from the Edublog Awards data! (I told you that you were a natural teacher! :-)

    My class is out on Winter Break until January 4, but maybe someone will answer while on vacation. If not, we will definitely get the answers posted in 2010.

    Hope you are doing well and are enjoying some holiday time yourself! Say hi to your family!

    Your friend and former teacher,


    Mrs. Yollis

  22. Congratulation to you for winning from the kids in Mr. Alvaro's fifth grade class.


  23. Dear Mrs. Yollis:
    Thank you very much for your nice comment in my blog and congratulations on your award. You deserve it! Your blog is fantastic! I would like to start having a closer contact with you and your students. Maybe we could exchange some activities in our blogs. Do you agree? A big kiss from A Coruña (Spain)
    Rosa Fernández

  24. @ Julie Drake (From the Los Angeles County Office of Education)

    Thank you so much for your constant support! Winning First Runner-up for Best Class Blog was a thrill for all of us! :-)

    Happy New Year to you!

    Mrs. Yollis

  25. @ Lyudmila and our Russian friends,
    Thank you for supporting our classroom blog. We love getting comments from you and learning about Russia through your Friend blog. Looking forward to continued learning experiences in 2010!

    Happy New Year!
    Mrs. Yollis

  26. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,
    Congratulations! It is so cool that you got nominated second best blog in the world! I feel great for your class.
    Your friend from Mr. Salsich's class,


  27. Dear Mrs. Yollis's class,
    Congratulations for winning Edublogs award!
    Me and the rest of my class are very proud of you guys.
    How do you guys feel about winning?

    Your blogging buddy,
    Gracie (from Mr. Salsich's class)

  28. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,
    I really like your video it is really funny. My favorite part is when you played the music and I liked Mr. Panda.
    Mateo(; (from Mr. Salsich's class)

  29. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,
    I thought instead of your class being in second you should be in first place!!!
    your pal,
    Madison (in Mr.Salsich`s class)

  30. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    I LOVE your class blog. It is fantastic.
    Madison (in Mr. Salsich`s class)

  31. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,
    Congratulations on winning second place for best blog in the world! I loved your blog!

    Gabby (in Mr. Salsich's class)

  32. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    We just watched your awesome video and we loved it! The acting was excellent. A few of the students even have some of the lines memorized because they have watched it so many times.

    Panda did a great job celebrating with you, and there are some very talented dancers in your class.

    Some of us couldn't help dancing along because it looked like so much fun. Someday we will make a video of our dancing so that you can see our moves.

    Great job!
    Mr. Salsich's Class

  33. @ Mr. Salsich and class,

    Wow! Thanks for a boatload of super comments! It is always great to hear from our dear friends in Connecticut.

    I saw on the news that there was a big snow storm over the weekend. Hope everyone is not getting too cold. I guess it will be a true White Christmas for all of you!

    Thanks for your continued support!

    Your friend,
    Mrs. Yollis

  34. @Rosa,

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment! Congratulations to you and your class as well!

    We would love to do some projects with your students in Spain!

    ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

    Señora Yollis

  35. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Thank you for the wonderful comment back to me. You said that I did NOT look nervous, but I was so nervous! The most embarrassing thing was when I said "No way". Merry Christmas!


    P.S. My brothers loved the hello from you.( Your Former students.)

  36. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I loved to her that we were the first runner up last year ( not to mention now!)

    I found out which blog won. The blog is called "I Learn Technology". The "I" in the title is lowercase! This occurred when I was playing on Kerpoof. I didn't know how to title a picture, so I went on Google and looked it up. While I was looking at the links, I saw the blog name and the link said it would give you info on Kerpoof,so I clicked on it and there was the blog that won!


    P.S. Can you beleive I found the blog that won?


* * *
Getting feedback is important to our writers. Let us know what you liked or what you learned.

Steps to Comment:

1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

2. Choose an identity. (If you have a gmail account, use it. If not, choose name/url. You can leave the url blank if you do not have a blog.)

3. Click "Publish your Comment". You may preview your comment before publishing if you'd like.

Important: All comments MUST be approved by me.
:-) Mrs. Yollis