
Friday, March 6, 2009

Community Service: Recycling

By Jonah

The Boys in Action community service group I belong to went to a recycling plant after school last week.

There were many things I learned that I would like to share. First of all, the trash that comes into the recycling facility is separated by people, not machines. Also, other companies come to purchase some of the items and make them into new things such as pencils, new paper items, cans, and bottles.

I feel great to know that so many people are helping the community because it helps the world stay clean and not have everything go to waste. If that happens, there will not be enough resources to live.

A few things that can be recycled: plastic containers, bottles and cans, catalogs/magazines, clean cardboard, and newspaper. No oily pizza boxes ornapkins and plates with food.

This picture shows a bunch of items waiting to be recycled.

This tree is made of fully recycled objects!

What kinds of steps are you taking to recycle?

Let us know in the comments!


  1. Dear Jonah,
    I love your enthusiasm to learn about the environment and your willingness to dedicate your time to help others in your community.

  2. Dear Jonah,

    I do two things to recycle: I use milk cartons to make art projects and I use paper as plaster for art!
    Dipping paper in water works!



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:-) Mrs. Yollis