
Saturday, November 2, 2019

November is Family Blogging Month

Mrs. Yollis and her students  to share what they are learning and experiencing. In an effort to include more family members in our online community, we are proclaiming: 

November is Family Blogging Month!

Each student made a list of their family members.

After looking through the archive of our class blog and our Yollis 365 blog, students selected specific posts tailored to the interest of a particular relative. Selecting a good post for mom and dad, another for grandma.

A dog post is a great one for siblings!

We're inviting everyone to comment: moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, and cousins. 
We welcome friends, too!

Students will be inviting their family and friends to participate in a conversation! 
Maybe we'll get some 2-point comments

(We frequently evaluate the comments that our blog has received. In order to earn the 2-points, a comment must be error-free and add something to the post.   Many of Mrs. Yollis' third graders have already met the challenge!)

If you don't know what to say, here is a video made by Mrs. Yollis' third graders.

If you don't know How to leave a comment, here is a video tutorial about HOW to leave a comment on our blog.

How do you get comments typed and published?
Here is a video made by my students explaining how:


Here is the key we will use for  Family Blogging Month.

What do you think of our idea?

Who are you inviting to be a part of our online community?

Please leave a comment and introduce yourself!


  1. Dear Class,

    Ivy: I am so excited about Family Blogging Month because I want to know what everyone's family likes to do.

    Emily E.: This month is about learning about our family and friends. I hope family members will comment back on this blog or our Yollis 365 Blog.

    Carsyn: This will be fun to do with our family because we get to blog together!

    Evan: This month I am very excited to learn about everyone's interest. I am hoping to get my grandma to comment. She lives in Kentucky.

    Eden: I'm excited for FBM because I have never blogged before. I hope my great-grandma from Israel will blog with me. She is fun to talk with, and I'd love to teach her to blog.

    Mrs. Y♥llis' students

    1. I am looking forward to FBM also. My big sister Lucy is away at college, but she said she will be blogging with us this month. She even said she was going to invite some of her sorority sisters who I know to join in the fun with us!


  2. Dear Class,

    I'm so excited for FBM! I want to talk about my older brother J&hearts&nah. First of all lets start out with his favorite color is purple and black.His favorite animal is a sloth.His favorite thing to do is basket ball,he &hearts& the Brooklyn Nets.
    Also he was born in New York! He can speak 2 different languages!English and Hebrew!He is the best brother.


  3. Dear Class,
    I am so excited for FBM because I would like to know what my older brother, who is on a class trip to Catalina, did for 3 days. Have you ever been to Catalina before?

    1. @ Kate,

      Funny you should ask. Ivy and I just went to Catalina about 1 month ago. We went with our Trailblazers group through the Y, and spent 3 days and 2 nights there. The highlight was snorkling and seeing lots of fish. The lowlight was that a great white shark took a big chunk out of one of the scuba divers' kayaks!

      Has anyone else gone snorkling?

      Ivy's Dad

  4. @ Mrs. Yollis,

    I did research about Australia and North America and I found some similarities between the two countries. The first one is they both speak English. The second one is both use $ dollar as their currency. One difference is Australia and North America have opposite seasons, meaning if it is Winter in North America, it's summer in Australia.

    From your student,

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis' Class,

    I am very excited for FBM. This is my second time being able to participate because one of Isla's older brothers had Mrs. Yollis when he was in 3rd grade.

    I love reading all of the comments and being a part of the class; even though I've already passed 3rd grade...hahaha.

    I can't wait to follow the class blog throughout the year.

    What excites you most about FBM?

    Isla's Mom

  6. @Ivy's Dad
    My brother is going snorkling there. I hope he doesn't get bit by a great white shark. I will know more about his trip tomorrow when he gets home.
    Has anyone else ever seen a great white shark?


  7. Elijah's Sister, SkylaNovember 5, 2019 at 8:14 PM

    Hello Elijah's classmates!

    My name is Skyla. I go to the local middle school. I'm in six grade. I love to sing, dance, and draw. Two of my favorite classes are P.E and science. I love to play Mario Cart with Eli on our Wii down in the basement.

    Hope you all had fun getting to know me!

    Elijah's Sister, Skyla


* * *
Getting feedback is important to our writers. Let us know what you liked or what you learned.

Steps to Comment:

1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

2. Choose an identity. (If you have a gmail account, use it. If not, choose name/url. You can leave the url blank if you do not have a blog.)

3. Click "Publish your Comment". You may preview your comment before publishing if you'd like.

Important: All comments MUST be approved by me.
:-) Mrs. Yollis