
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Thank You, Veterans!

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On November 11, America celebrates Veterans Day. It is the day we honor the men and women who have served in the armed forces. Veterans Day is a national holiday! 

Photo by Mrs. Yollis

Veterans: Men and women who have served in the armed forces.
Soldiers: Men and women who are currently serving in the armed forces.

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Here is a link to a wonderful BrainPop

 video about America's Armed Forces.

What did you learn about the 
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast guard?

Here are some fabulous mind maps made in class!

Kody's Mind Map

Chloe Sky's Mind Map

Arjan's Mind Map

Hannah's Mind Map

Micah's Mind Map

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Here is a link to a patriotic Veterans Day blog post by Mrs. Hembree in Seattle, Washington. Read about her father-in-law's service and see photos from his Honor Flight to see the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C.  

Photo honoring veterans at the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Photo by Joe Hembree

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Here is some information about some veterans getting their Honor Flight. Thank you to Tanner grandfather, Nonno, for this information 

Photo by Nonno

Photo by Nonno

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To help us learn about Veterans Day and the men and women who serve, I asked my students if any of their family members are in the military or are veterans. We honor our soldiers with this blog post! 

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Navy: Meet our district superintendent, Dr. Stepenosky. As you can see, he served in the Navy. From 1990 to 1994, he was on the USS Chancellorsville which was a guided missile cruiser. It was 9,000 tons and had a crew of 330. Notice the destroyer in the background.

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ARMY: Meet Jake's great-grandfather, Sam. He served in the army during WW II.

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NAVY: Meet Ethan's grandfather, Gary Smith. Gary was apart of a squadron called para-rescue men. His job in Vietnam was to jump out of helicopter and rescue pilots that were shot down. One rescue mission was photographed and was in National Geographic Magazine. Gary got a medal for bravery under fire.

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ARMY: Meet Benjamin's grandfather, who served in the U.S. Army from 1964-1966 at Fort Ord, California. He did not serve time overseas, but was stationed at Fort Ord during this time period.

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ARMY:  Meet Jackson’s great-grandpa, Bernard Paul Cody who was a L.T. Colonel in the U.S. Army and served in WW II.

ARMY: Meet another of Jackson’s military family. Here is his grandpa, Gerald Paul Cody.  He was a Major in the U.S. Army and served in Vietnam.

MARINES: Meet Jackson’s Uncle Matthew John Stone who was in the U.S. Marines and served in the Persian Gulf War. 

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Meet the Fanelli brothers, Mia's great-uncles. These men were serving in different Battalions in World War II. They ran an article in the paper in New York with this picture because somehow they all ended up in London for an accidental reunion! The uncle on the right, thankfully, is still living and just celebrated his 95th birthday last month! 

ARMY: Here is a picture of Mimi‘s grandfather, who was too young to enlist in World War II, but was in the army during the Korean War as a member of the band. He was a professional musician who played with all the greats, including Frank Sinatra, Elvis, and many more.

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ARMY: Meet Ralph Linore, Jake F.'s great-grandfather. He was a United States Army sergeant who proudly served from 1942 to 1945 in WW II. 

Are any of your relatives or friends veterans?

Please tell us about them and thank them for their service to America!


  1. Its great to see my Grandfather and Father represented here, I am proud of their service and grateful to all the servicemen and women and their families for their service and to our great nation.

  2. I liked learning about all of the veterans and their service to our country. Even though I did not get to meet the ones in my family, I am happy to see them in the blog post.

  3. Benjamin's mom, LaurenNovember 8, 2017 at 8:30 PM

    Hello Class!
    It is great to see that we have so many family members in our class that helped protect our country. We have many different branches of the military represented, which is wonderful.

    Ethan - Do you know what your grandfather is doing in the second picture? I know it was a rescue of some sort, but do you know any of the specifics of the picture?

    1. Hi Lauren and Ben,
      You were right he was making a rescue. He was in the water off Haiphong in North Viet nam. His job was to jump out of a helicopter into the ocean and swim over to a pilot who's plane had gone down. He would get a sling around his neck and body so the chopper could pull him up. Then they would put the sling back down to pull his grandfather back up. The helicopter was being shot at while they made this rescue. (We know a lot about this rescue since a Navy Photographer was on board and captured the rescue and it they submitted it to National Geographic magazine. Ethan brought the 1968 issue to show the class. They couldn't believe how old the magazine was.

      It was amazing to see all the classes family members that served our country. Ethan and I enjoyed seeing all the different branches served. Thanks to everyone who has served our country. Also thanks to Mrs. Yollis for letting the kids showcase their families who have served.

  4. Hi Class!

    I was very moved to see all the heroes in your families. It was very touching to scroll through the photos and see what supermen really look like. I bet each of them have wonderful (and maybe not so wonderful) stories to tell us about their deployment overseas.

    My uncles are featured in this blog - the Fanelli brothers. Sons of Italian immigrants, they were three of seven children. The youngest was my father, Mimi's grandfather, featured in the next picture with a clarinet. He was so upset that he couldn't go to World War II. He was too young to go! So he stayed home while his big brothers went to war.

    But something magical happened while they were away. My father found his older brother's clarinet. He started to teach himself to play. By the time my father's brothers came back from WWII, he was an amazing clarinet player - even better than the brother whose clarinet he learned on!

    Fast foward to the Korean War in the 1950s. My dad was now a professional clarinet (and all woodwinds) player and he got drafted. Thankfully, they needed musicians in the military band, so he was safe at home in the USA playing in the band!

    I love hearing about the stories behind the photographs. Does anyone have an interesting story to tell?

    Thank you for letting me share these pictures with you.


    Mrs. M (Mimi's mom)

  5. Meredith (Jake's mom)November 9, 2017 at 8:40 AM

    Dear class,

    These are come amazing pictures. I am so glad that so many of your families kept them. Today with digital photography, we often do not print pictures and therefore a lot of people don't get to see them.

    Did you find it interesting that almost all of these pictures are in black and white? Why do you think that is?


  6. Hello Ms. Yollis,
    I enjoyed your post about the armed services. The boat club we belong to here in Florida takes on an organization every year as our charitable project for fund raising and interaction. This year we are working with the Honor Flight of South Florida. This group takes elder veterans, those from World War II, the Korean War and now starting to include some Vietnam veterans for a day trip to Washington D.C. to visit the capital. The flight is at no cost to the veteran. Companions that pay their own fare and a medical staff accompany them.
    When the veterans return at the end of the day they are met at the airport with a water salute from the fire department and a terminal full of well-wishers. Seeing the expressions on the faces of the veterans is very moving. On Veterans Day, our boat club is having a gala dinner for the organization, and auction and bake sale to raise funds.
    Best regards,
    Nonno (Tanners Grandad)

  7. Hello Mrs. Yollis and class,

    When I saw your post about Veterans Day, I took time out from editing videos to share some of my family who were in the Australian Armed Services. To share photos, I had to prepare an extended comment. Here is the link...

    Ross Mannell
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  8. Dear Class,

    Did you know that Veteran's Day originated as Armistice Day on November 11th 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War I. In 1926, Congress passed a resolution for an annual observance and in 1938, November 11th became a national holiday. In 1954 President Dwight D. Eisenhower officially changed the name of the holiday from Armistice Day to Veteran's Day.

    Thank you to all Veterans and Soldiers for their service.

    Your Friend,
    Dan (Jake's Dad)

  9. Hello Mrs. Yollis and class,

    When I saw your post about Veterans Day, I took time out from editing videos to share some of my family who were in the Australian Armed Services. To share photos, I had to prepare an extended comment. Here is the link...

    Ross Mannell
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  10. @ Class,

    I enjoyed reading the descriptions of these photograghs and learning about some of our ancestors.

    Arjan's mind map stood out to me because everything was very organized and the pictures were connected to the braches of the military. It helped me get a general idea of how the soldiers looked.

    My Grandfather, Peter, was in the army but I don't know which war he fought in because he lives in Arizona. I believe that Veterans should be honored, like how they are honored by Veterans Day.

    How many veterans are in your family? Have you ever thought about joining the Armed Forces?


  11. Anna (Mimi's cousin)November 28, 2017 at 4:28 PM

    @ Mrs. Yollis

    It was nice to look through all of these veteran pictures.

    Most people never take a moment to appreciate the heroes who fought in the war. I always heard so many good things about my Grandaddy but never met him. Its good to know the stories of your relatives that fought in the war because it gives you someone to look up to and respect.


    Anna (Mimi's cousin)


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:-) Mrs. Yollis