
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Halloween :: Greenscreen Fun!

Today was Halloween and our school held "Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character" Day! It was fun way to meet some new characters!

In the morning, students took turns taking a photo of their book and then posing like the character. Using our iPads and the Do Ink app we were able to quickly make some outstanding images!

Paid app (I am not being paid to endorse this product.) 

Behold! Meet our favorite book characters!


At the end of the day,  the parents put on a fabulous Halloween party! Templeton was there! Ha!

Charades and other fun games were played!

It was a spooktacular party! 

What do you think of our green screen images? 

Leave a comment as if you are that character still! Strike up a conversation with a book character! (Do not use real names.)

What new book will you be reading? 


  1. Hello everyone!

    This is Ulysses S. Grant! I was the 18th president and a Civil War hero. I had good time at the Halloween party. My favorite game was charades!

    I liked the green screen because it looked like we were really on the book cover. I liked Flat Stanley's book cover because he was a boomerang.

    Ulysses S. Grant

    1. Ethan, Jayden, Jake S., MIcah, Ava W., Hannah, Chloe SkyNovember 2, 2017 at 1:13 PM

      @ President Grant,

      It was an honor to have you at our Halloween party yesterday. We liked how you placed yourself as a character on your book for the greenscreen. You really looked exactly like yourself. That beard was absolutely perfect! Out of all the leaders of our country, you are one of our favorites!

      What is your horse's name? How old were you when you were president? Did you have code names in the military?

      Your fellow Americans,
      Ethan, Jayden, Jake S., MIcah, Ava W., Hannah,

    2. @ President Grant,

      I, one of your fellow Americans, HAVE GONE MISSING! I don't exactly know where I am. I haven't known where I was since I've been missing.

      I also don't exactly know why I have my computer with me.

      Anyway, I have gone MISSING!


  2. Dear Mrs. Yollis' Class,
    I really enjoyed coming and helping out at the Halloween party. I loved seeing all the creativity on your costume and the books you chose. It really showed me all of your personalities. I worked the charades station and it was fun to see how you started out a little shy and by the end you were great actors! I am very impressed by all you!
    Tanner's Mom

  3. I have really enjoyed looking at all of the great costumes and book covers. There is quite a lot of creativity in this classroom. It looks like it was a great party!

  4. Athena and the Grand High WitchNovember 2, 2017 at 2:00 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,
    We are Athena, and The Grand High Witch.

    We really enjoyed the Halloween party because even President Grant was there! We were so honored!
    Especially because Spider-man,The Big Bad Wolf,Pippi Longstockings and her twin sister, and even The Cat and the Hat were there.

    The Grand High Witch liked bingo the best. Athena liked the spider donuts the best.

    What are some of your favorite Halloween games? What is your favorite book character?

    Your friends,

    Athena and the Grand High Witch

    1. @ Athena and The Grand High Witch, Here are some answers to your questions: My favorite Halloween game was bingo and my favorite book character is Mal, Maleficent's daughter. I've got some questions for you: What is your favorite book character? What was your favorite greenscreen picture? What is your favorite candy? Finally, what were you for trick or treating? Sincerely, Mal

    2. Hi Mal,

      I am so exited that you answered Athena and me, The Grand High Witch. now i'm going to answer your questions:

      My favorite book character is The Grand High Witch. My favorite green screen picture is The Titanic, because it was really cool. My favorite candy is organic starburst and organic gummies. for Halloween, I went as a cupie doll.

      Sincerely, The Grand High Witch

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    I love the Green Screen Book Covers. They are all amazing.
    I love how creative the kids were with their costumes. If the kids could do it again would they pick the same character?

    I have been sending out Ethan as Captain Awesome book to friends and family and they are amazed that third graders are doing such cool projects and using Apps in the classroom in such cool ways.

    I also loved being apart of the Halloween Party. The kids all had such a good time playing Halloween games and loved the Witch Watermelon (Thanks Tina) it was really funny and yummy at the same time.

  6. Sheila (Hannah's mom)November 3, 2017 at 6:03 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    What's captivating about the green screen photos is how they draw the viewer in....even if not at the party, one can get a good sense of the various characters!

    What is your favorite part of Halloween and do you like candy?

    Thank you for creating this open forum for communication!

    Best regards,
    Sheila (Hannah's mama)

  7. Meredith (Jake's Mom)November 4, 2017 at 3:30 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis and Class:

    It was so much fun planning the class Halloween party this year. I think everyone really enjoyed all of the games we planned including the charades- which was a hit!

    I got to watch each student make their green screen picture. I was so impressed the way each student was able to adjust their picture to make it fit perfectly on the book cover. The covers look so real and the costumes were so creative!

    What was your favorite part of the Halloween activities in third grade this year?

  8. @ Waldo, Really! You have gone missing again? If I were you I'd pack an emergency case for whenever you go missing . Seriously, how did you just get lost? Tell President Grant that he has to find you before you get even more lost. Just don't go anywhere. .p.s. don't you have a .g.p.s. thingy on your computer? Just checking. Sincerely, Mal ( Maleficent's daughter)

  9. Maurizio (Mimi's Dad)November 5, 2017 at 3:26 PM

    Hi Everyone, I really enjoyed seeing the book covers and the wonderful artwork. The costumes were great, too! I grew up in Italy, where Halloween did not exist when I was a kid, so seeing all of you dressed up like that is very special for me. Was it fun trick or treating this year?

  10. Hi Class!

    I'm Mrs. M, Mimi's mom. Thank you for letting me be a part of the Halloween festivities this year! I had so much fun building the marshmallow/candy corn structures with toothpicks with all of you. Some of them were very creative!

    I'm really glad you liked my Witch head with the watermelon and grape-eyes! I had a really good time making it. Actually, it was pretty easy - I just used the pumpkin carving tool. Mimi and I stayed up late the night before making the eyeballs out of grapes, white icing and black fondant. The finishing touch was putting the Witch hat on!

    Did anybody see any really scary houses when you were out trick or treating?


    Tina M.

  11. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    Happy halloween!

    We hope you having a fun time with your new class. We are both now in 4th grade in Mrs. Stevenson's class. We are having a fun time. Are teacher has fun surprises planned. For trick or treating Brianna was miss Brianna hood and Allie was a watier. Brianna went trick or treating at the oaks, Allie went trick or treating by her house. We had so much fun!

    How are you and Buck doing?
    We miss you and Buck so much!

    Please write us back about your halloween.

    Your Former Students,
    Allie and Brianna


* * *
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:-) Mrs. Yollis