
Friday, September 15, 2017

International Dot Day ~ 2017

Today is International Dot Day!

At the beginning of the week, we created color wheels with our 4-year-old Journeys buddies. We then activated them using the augmented reality iPad app Quiver. Thank you, Mrs. Fuglestad, for the idea!  

Next, we created our own special dots using coffee filters and water. After the dots were dipped, we enhanced the dots using black line Sharpies. 

The night before Dot Day in America, Mrs. Yollis did a Google HangOut with their blogging buddies in Australia

Photo by Ms. Jordan

It was Friday in Australia so they were celebrating International Dot Day already! 

Mrs. Morris' and Ms. Jordan's third/fourth graders shared a dot day art project and asked questions of Mrs. Yollis.  Check out their slideshow connecting the dots and their school.

We are making a plan to schedule a Google HangOut with the class. What sorts of questions will you ask?  

Everyone smiled when we learned big bows are a fashion fad in Australia and America!

To culminate the week, we made a DOT-umentary for our blogging buddies in Australia. Connect the dots in our movie and learn about the important people and places at our school!

Do you have any questions for us?

What did you enjoy about International Dot Day?

Our DOT-umentary was our first movie-making experience. What did you learn about the process? 


  1. Daisy (from Australia)September 16, 2017 at 12:08 PM

    Dear Mrs Yollis and class,

    My name is Daisy and I am from Miss Jordan's class (3/4c) in Australia. I have just skyped Mrs Yollis and I heard that we are going to do some work with you and we are hopefully going to Skype your class in the future. I hope we can do this.

    I am really happy that we got to Skype your teacher Mrs Yollis. It was great. We asked her a lot of questions and hade a great time. I hope we can Skype your whole class and meet all of the lovely students.

    I have got some questions for you: are you all the same age? Do you all have a pet? Is Mrs Yollis the best teacher ever? How many of you have a brother? How many of you have a sister? Do you like your school? Did you like the Vegemite? What is your favourite part of the school? Do all the girls where the Jojo bows? Please answer my questions, it would be AWESOME!


    1. Dear Daisy,

      First, I would like to answer your questions. My Name is Will and I'm eight and a half years old. Some of us in Mrs. Yolllis' class are eight and some of us are already nine. I have three pets; a bird named Blue and two dogs, named Jetta and Maeby. I have one older sister who is ten and in fifth grade. I love school and Mrs. Yollis is a really great teacher. My favorite subjects in school are math and history. I never got to try the Vegemite, but would be curious to try it. I don't know what Jojo bows are so I can't answer that question.

      I think it's really cool that you are ONE DAY ahead of us. I really liked your slide show. I like how your school has an indoor gymnasium. I also noticed that kids at your school play cricket, which we don't play at my school. The popular sports at our school are handball and basketball. What are the most popular sports at your school? Do you have any pets? What's your favorite subject in school? What are your favorite books?

      I'm looking forward to Skyping with your class and getting to know about what it's like to grow up in Australia.


    2. Hi Daisy. This is Jake S. from Mrs Yollis' class. Most people in our class are 8 and 9. I am the oldest in the class and turned 9 in July. I love being in Mrs. Yollis' class. I really wanted her as a teacher because my older brother had her too and I enjoyed helping him blog. I also have a twin brother but at our school, twins cannot be in the same class. So he is in a different class. I love my school. I don't know what Vegemite is but I think I smelled it before. Do you like it? What is a JoJo bow? Is that names after the singer JoJo Siwa? I'm a boy so I don't wear a bow but I don't think the girls in my class do either. My favorite part of school is PE because you get to play sports outside. What is your favorite part of school?

      Jake S.

    3. @Daisy
      Here are some answers to your questions:
      The people in our class are 8 and 9. Mrs. Yollis is a great teacher! I have a little sister named Tali. I have no idea what vegemite is. Not that many people wear jojo bows but I do sometimes. My sister Tali asks "what is vegemite?"

  2. Hi Mrs. Yollis and class!
    This is Benjamin and Benjamin's mom, Lauren. We really liked the dot video. Benjamin's favorite part was when they crossed their legs when Mrs. Yollis said classroom camping. Lauren's favorite part was seeing some of the activities that everyone gets to do during the school day.

    What did some of you like best about the video? If you could pick a topic to do for a video what would you do?

    Benjamin and Lauren

  3. Dear Mrs Yollis and class,

    Happy International Dot day!

    My name is Mrs Morris and I am a teacher in Australia. I used to team teach with Miss Jordan and we would regularly collaborate with Mrs Yollis' students through our blog.

    I'm not teaching full time at the moment as I have a 4 year old and 2 year old at home. Sometimes I fill in for Miss Jordan and I was lucky enough to be there this week for some of the Dot Day activities.

    Our students absolutely loved talking to Mrs Yollis and would love to chat to her students. Miss Jordan's class had a lot of questions about your school and the sorts of things you enjoy doing.

    Would you like to talk to Miss Jordan's class sometime? What would you ask?

    I adored your video. It must have taken you a very long time to put together. I am also so impressed at how well everyone spoke on camera. I think staff here may be a little more reluctant to be filmed. Your school community are naturals!

    Best wishes from Australia,
    Mrs Morris

  4. Hi It's Ethan and Ethan's mom Dee Dee. We loved the Dot Day Video.

    Ethan had two favorite parts in the DOT video. First in the video he liked when Mrs. Yollis says who doesn't like classroom camping and they crossed their legs at the same time. He thought that was funny. Secondly he liked when the camera panned around they were reading in the library.

    Dee Dee liked learning that International Dot Day is a real Day that Celebrates Creativity, Courage and Collaboration. I also liked that the kids enjoyed making the video and sharing it with kids all over the world. When I see a DOT I will think about this fun video.

    Ethan and Dee Dee

  5. Hi Daisy,

    Thanks for your comment! We think Mrs. Yollis is the BEST!
    She excites the kids with her love of technology and creative learning in the classroom.

    The kids in third grade are 8 and 9.

    Ethan has a dog named Lucky. He has one brother.
    Ethan says what the heck is Vegemite? He doesn't think he would like it but wonders if you could explain it more.

    Your blogging buddies,
    Ethan and his mom

  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    My favorite part of International Dot Day was helping the Journeys kids with the Quiver project. It was really fun and they learned very fast. It feels good to be helpful.

    I learned that it is NOT easy to make a movie. It takes a long time and there are a lot of bloopers that you don't see in the final cut. My favorite part of the process was the music part because it featured me.

    What kinds of videos would you like to see our class make?


  7. Hi Class. This is Jake S. and his mom Meredith. We just watched the Dot Day video and loved it. Jake's favorite part was listening to Mr Jim talk about trash with him. My mom's favorite part was watching the class use pictures that they drew come alive on the ipads. She had never seen that before. We loved looking at all of the beautiful dots around the classroom and around the school. Who knew that they were all over Chaparral. Does anyone know whether they celebrate Dot Day in other countries like Australia?

    Jake S and Meredith

  8. Dear Class,
    My favorite part of International Dot Day was making the fireworks. I learned making a movie is fun but a lot of work! I emailed it to my grandparents so they could watch it.
    Tanner and his mom

  9. @ Mrs Yollis and your class,

    I am looking forward to meeting your class one day.

    The circle looks fun to make. How hard was it to make the circles?

    What are the favourite places at your school that the kids like?

    Who is your favourite teacher in the school is it your teacher?

    Your favourite blogging buddy,

    1. @Zarah
      Hi its Mila! I also can't wait to meet your class!
      Here are some answers to your questions : First, the circle was very easy. It was just a piece of paper with a
      circle on it. Our 4 year old study buddies colored some and we used a special app to make it look like a ball. The thing we were doing in the movie was the same.

      Some of my favorite places at school are the library and the playground. Last but not least, I don't have a favorite teacher. I have a bunch of favorites including Mrs. Yollis.


  10. MILA
    Hi Mila I am Daisy,
    Here is the answer to your sisters question:
    What is vegemite?
    Vegemite is a spread that you are meant to spread tiny little bits on your toast so it is not to salty , and remember to always put butter on as well! I do not recommend trying a scoop of vegemite on a spoon I would taste horrible!

    Jake S

    Hi Jake,
    Happy birthday!
    You are very lucky to have Mrs Yolis as a teacher she seem very nice.
    That is very nice of you to help your brother post blog comments!
    Your school is very nice.
    Vegemite is a spread that you are meant to spread tiny little bits on your toast so it is not to salty , and remember to always put butter on as well!
    A jojo bow is a massive and colourful Bow that girls put in their hair,yes you are correct jojo bows are named after a famous dancer and you tuber called JoJo Siwa.
    My favourite part of school is P.E. As well.

  11. @Daisy
    My little sister says : thanks for telling me what vegemite is.
    I have some questions for you: are fidget spinners popular in Australia? Do you have any siblings? Do you have any pets?
    What is your favorite subject in school?
    I know you asked about pets ...I do not own any but some people in my class do. Sometimes we play with my grandma's dogs.

  12. Hi Mila,
    it's Sophie here I'm in Daisy's class in Australia, here is the answer to all your questions:
    Are fidget spinners popular in Australia?
    not really any more, they were a massive craze about 2 or 3 months ago so you could say they were a passing fad. are they popular in America? Do you have any siblings? ok I know your asking this to Daisy but I do have a brother called Paddy and a sister called Tess.
    Do you have any pets? I don't have any pets but next year I'm getting a puppy.
    What is your favourite subject at school? my favourite subject at school is PE and art.
    thank you Mila for all your questions.
    Sincerely Sophie

  13. @Sophie
    Here are some answers to your questions:
    Fidget spinners are kind of popular... but they are banned from my school. I have a little sister named Tali. I don't have any pets. Finally, my favorite subject in school is art.
    PS. I tried Vegemite and I liked it . It was really good. Daisy asked my class if we liked Vegemite (most of us hadn't tried it before)and a few weeks later, a boy from my class whose dad is from Australia, came in and let us try some.


* * *
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:-) Mrs. Yollis