
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Terse Verse :: Twitter Time!

We recently completed a unit on folktales.  
What are folk tales? 

folk tale
plural noun: folktales
  1. a story originating in popular culture, typically passed on by word of mouth.

One type of folk tale is the fairy tale. 
Fairy tales have some basic elements:

  • Often start with "Once upon a time..."
  • Involve magic and enchantment
  • Royalty 
  • Wicked characters 
  • Good characters
  • Reward goodness
  • Often end with "And they lived happily ever after."

After students read and shared several fairy tales, they worked together to summarize the fairy tale for Twitter. Because Twitter only allows 140 characters, the summary needed to be brief. 

Behold! A Twitter Terse Verse

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More Terse Verses to come! 

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HOW did we write our Terse Verses?
We used a collaborative Google Doc!

First, students signed in to the shared Terse Verse Google Doc with their partner. It was fun to watch everyone arrive on the Google Doc!  It looked like magic as a plethora of cursors moved independently. Bit by bit the terse fairy tale summaries were written.   

Students read and followed the directions at the top of the Terse Verse doc. Everyone learned how to highlight words or phrases, and how to find out the word count of the summary.  

Which fairy tale was your favorite?

What do you notice about the photos?


  1. Hello Mrs. Yollis and class,
    My fairytale was Sleeping Beauty. That is a very popular fairytale. Also, Sleeping Beauty was my favorite princess when I was little. Does anyone else remember who your favorite princess was when you were little?

    There was one page that was super disgusting and scary in the book. It was the part when the princes try to find and save Sleeping Beauty, but they get caught in the thorns that wrap around the tower and do not live happily ever after.

    I really liked typing out all our terse verses (Mrs. Yollis called them that) on our Acers.


    1. @ Abigail,

      My fairytale was Cinderella, which is also a pretty popular story. When I was little, I didn't really like princesses, I liked Hello Kitty.
      Did you like Hello Kitty when you were little?

      I loved typing our terse verses! I♥ved typing them on our acers because it helped me experience how to check how much characters we have a ready used on google drive.

      Did you like typing your terse verse?
      Why or Why not?


    2. @Heloise,
      I hope this comes through. I tried posting a few minutes ago and it didn't go through!

      I didn't really like Hello Kitty when I was little, but she is cute though!

      I really liked typing terse verses because I liked to look at how many characters we've typed too. I typed exactly the number of characters that we were allowed to!

      I hope you're having a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Hi Everyone,
    I really like all the Terse Verse! What a great idea. It makes me think about how useful it can be to tell stories in short, concise ways--folk tales were originally passed down orally and often had to be easy to memorize. Rhymes helped the process. Do you all know any saying that are easier to memorize because they rhyme? For example, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." What do you think that means?

    Best regards,

    Jocelyn (Kostaki's relative)

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I like Hansel and Gretel because there is a candy house in it. Did anyone else like this fairytale?

    Candy is my favorite dessert. I like lollipops because there are many different kinds, like bubble gum and cotton candy.

    I noticed that when the photos were taken, everybody was pretending to read the fairytale so you would not have the faces in the picture.

    I like to say that when I heard the fairy tales, all of them where great.

    Every one did a good job!

    Your Lovely Student,


* * *
Getting feedback is important to our writers. Let us know what you liked or what you learned.

Steps to Comment:

1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

2. Choose an identity. (If you have a gmail account, use it. If not, choose name/url. You can leave the url blank if you do not have a blog.)

3. Click "Publish your Comment". You may preview your comment before publishing if you'd like.

Important: All comments MUST be approved by me.
:-) Mrs. Yollis