
Friday, October 31, 2014

Spook-tacular Baking!

Aryana's mother put together a team of volunteers to help us bake! 

It was a spook-tacular project full of measuring, stirring, decorating, and devouring. 


What was your favorite part of baking? 

What is something that you enjoy baking or cooking?


  1. Mrs. Yollis and class-
    My favorite part of the day was spending the afternoon with all of you��. Of course, seeing all of the creative cupcake decorating was fun too.
    Holly (Aryana's mom)

  2. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,
    The video of the cupcake measuring, mixing, baking and decorating looked like a lot of fun! I especially liked the candy corn creatures that some of the kids made. Ruby enjoyed this project immensely - especially devouring the cupcake.

    I love to bake too. My favorite thing to bake are cookies. I discovered a passion for decorating cookies this year and now I have amassed more cookies cutters than you can imagine.

    Ruby likes to help me when I make cookies. Do you help your parents bake too? What kind of foods do you make?

    #1 Cookie Fan,
    Judy (Ruby's mom)

    1. Hi Judy,
      I wanted to tell you I help my mom bake to. We too like to make cookies,brownies,cookie sandwiches, and cheese cakes. Ruby is very nice. My mom saw your 365 post and was amazed at your decorating skills and so was I!

      Your baking buddy,

    2. Hi Aryana,
      That's great that you share your mom's love for baking and that the two of you bake together. All the goodies you mention sound very tasty and is making me hungry. I'm glad you enjoyed the 365 post. Maybe Ruby and I can see some of your creations one day. I've never made cheesecake before but it's one of my favorite desserts. Is it very difficult to make?

      Your baking compadre,
      Judy (Ruby's mom)

    3. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

      I really enjoyed baking those delicious cupcakes with the class a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I had to miss school that next day, so I did not get to decorate mine, but was able to at least eat it the very next day. Sometimes I bake cupcakes for my soccer team when it is my turn for snack after the games. I think the best part of baking is when I get to decorate and use all the different flavored icings. Hopefully we will have more baking projects in class this year.


  3. Dear Judy,
    I am so glad you commented back to me. Just the other day my mom baked a chocolate and white chocolate cookie. I brought it to school today. I really did enjoy the post about your Halloween cookies. Thank you for saying that the baked goods that we make would taste good. Of course you can see our creations someday! Cheese cake is not hard to make. My mom said you and Ruby are welcome to bake with us any time :]. I♥to bake with my mom. Ruby is very nice.

    Your baking buddy,

    1. Dear Aryana,
      A baking party would be very fun indeed! Ruby says you are very nice too and would love to bake together. Her favorite thing to do is run her fingers through the powdered sugar. She says it's really soft and fluffy.

      Like your uncle Adam mentions, Ruby and her brother help out by eating all the "mistake cookies." They are the quality control team to make sure everything tastes the way they should. Ruby is always very helpful in suggesting new designs as well. What's your favorite part of baking? Keep up the good work.

      Your baking buddy,
      Judy (Ruby's mom)

  4. Adam (Aryana's Uncle)November 15, 2014 at 8:22 PM

    I can vouch for Aryana and Holly's cheesecake - it's very delicious! If anyone wants practice baking, I'm willing to eat all of the mistakes you make.

    1. Hi Uncle Adam,
      I am so glad you commented on the blog. I'd love if you will keep commenting. Whenever I come visit again I will have a baking day or you could come here. I bet you will eat all of the mistakes! We made a batch of brownies and I said the wrong amount of flour. They still tasted good however, these brownies did not taste like the original. Oops!

      Have you seen Aunt Stasia's comments?


    2. Anastasia (Aryana's Aunt)November 21, 2014 at 8:45 AM

      I would like to join the conversation and say that I am also available to eat all the mistakes. I have a lot of experience as a tester, also. Every kitchen needs a tester, I think.

      I am baking a pan of brownies today to take to a friend's house for dinner later tonight. I need some help deciding what to do with my recipe, and hope that you can help and offer some suggestions.

      Should I put a few chocolate chips in the batter to make the brownies like fudge inside? Have you ever added these as a top secret ingredient?

  5. Dear class,
    I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. We did not bake brownies or cupcakes for Thanksgiving. My family made two pumpkin pies, cookies, and a family friend baked an apple pie. What did all of you have for dessert on Thanksgiving? How many people brought something to your house for Thanksgiving?



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:-) Mrs. Yollis