
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

School's Out for Summer!

Today was the last day of school! 

Parsa feverishly typed away earning an AlphaSmart completion certificate! Way to go!

Sean wore a shirt from the 100th day of school. I loved his 100 right angles!

Chloe, Shayna, and Aashi created a fabulous class diorama! Check it out!

Everyone enjoyed a final game of Jeopardy! Thanks to Bennett's mom for finding Jeopardy Labs. What the fun learning site!

A final group hug, and summer vacation officially started!

This was a humdinger of a year!  :-) 

Here is Mrs. Yollis' annual goodbye video! Enjoy!

What are some happy memories you have from the 2012-2013 school year?

What fun activities do you have planned for the summer?

If it is winter in your hemisphere, what winter activities will you enjoy? 


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Today was a very sad day for me. Wow, the school year went by fast. I was happy that I finished my Alpha Smarting. I will miss you even though I will still see you at school next year. I will always remember this year. I will never forget you. Your teaching was great, you were nice, you never gave up, and you were the best teacher I ever had. I got emotional too, but I had to be strong. I wish I could have you again. I had so much fun this year because of you and the students. I hope you have a good year next year too! I have so much more to write about but I do not know where to start. Thanks for teaching us how to blog and use technology. What was your favorite Skype we did this year?

    Your former student,

    1. Dear Parsa,

      I was extremely sad today. You're right, the year did go by fast. It feels like just yesterday when we first walked into the classroom and started to blog. However, I'm proud of completing third grade and spending time in Wisconsin with my family.

      Mrs. Yollis, You were an amazing teacher this year, and you're not like any teacher I had ever had. You've taught us about blogging and how to be safe online. I will always remember the unforgettable year we had together.

      What are you doing during summer?

      Your former student,
      Abbey :)

    2. Dear Abbey,

      I am going to many amusement parks, such as Disneyland, Six Flags, Universal Studios, and Lego land. Mrs. Yollis, everything I could thing of is when the class was together. Like Abbey said "I will always remember the unforgettable year we had together."

      Where are you going in the summer? I forgot where you were going.

      Your former student,

    3. @ Parsa,

      What a wonderful comment! Your writing has really improved and that puts a big smile on my face! I think it is because of all your quality blogging! Have you been using Word and the Readability Statistics tool?

      I was exceedingly proud of your big finish with the AlphaSmarting. You were really working hard to meet your goal, and you did it! Everyone cheered for you when you completed the task! It was an excellent example of perseverance!

      Yes, it was an emotional time on Wednesday. Although we all are looking forward to summer, our chapter together is over. For that, I am sad. We have a strong bond and luckily we can all still meet and stay connected online!

      I cannot choose a favorite Skype call (or Google Hangout). Each one was an opportunity to learn.

      It sounds like you have a very exciting summer planned visiting some amusement parks. You asked what I am doing over vacation. I will be attending ISTE (thanks to my students), flying to Montana for a wedding with my mom, and spending some quality time at our family lake cottage in Minnesota. I love our lake cottage because I get to swim in the lake and read books in a hammock!

      I will miss you, but I know we'll stay in touch!

      Your proud former teacher,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

    4. @ Abbey,

      Thank you for such a fabulous comment! (I am so very proud of my students!)

      I'm glad that that you had such a great year, I certainly did. You have become an outstanding blogger, and I look forward to following your posts! Speaking of posts, I still have your Beverly story in my SlideRocket account. Let's record the audio over the summer or when we get back so you can publish it!

      You asked what I am doing over vacation. Thanks to my students, I will be attending ISTE in June in San Antonio, Texas. Later in the summer, I will be flying to Montana for a wedding with my mom, and then I'll be spending some quality time at our family lake cottage in Minnesota. LIke your place in Wisconsin, we get to paddle around in the lake, play board games, and read.

      What will do be doing with your time in Wisconsin?

      Your proud former teacher,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

  2. Dear Mrs Yollis and class,

    Congratulations on finishing your school year. I know you've all worked very hard this year and achieved a lot.

    It has been a lot of fun being your blogging buddy. I especially enjoyed the Our World, Our Numbers project.

    I hope everyone has a lovely summer. Don't forget to keep using your skills over your break. Perhaps you will do some reading, maths or blogging.

    It is winter here in the southern hemisphere. We are having some cold and rainy weather at the moment. I hope your weather is warming up! When I was in LA last June the weather was beautiful.

    Happy holidays!

    Mrs Morris
    4KM and 4KJ

    1. @ Mrs. Morris,

      Thank you for your congratulatory comment! We worked hard this year and now deserve a restful vacation!

      I definitely enjoyed the Our World, Our Numbers blog project. I always enjoy connecting with our buddies, no matter what the subject matter.

      Here in the northern hemisphere it is heating up. In fact, it was 85˚F (around 30˚C) yesterday! We are getting out our sandals, some shorts, and our bikes!

      Last year at this time I was looking forward to meeting you in person! I wish that was happening again this year. I know you are expecting a baby girl real soon, and we all look forward to hearing and learning about her!

      Have a wonderful winter!

      Your pal,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    This is a year I'll treasure my whole life. I am heartbroken that schools out, but I'll see you next year! Who knows, maybe will run into each other. This is not the last day seeing some of my superior friends. I'll see Bryce tomorrow. Out of all the fun things we did this year, Chinatown was my favorite. I am so excited for next school year! Interviewing Mr. Manell was a blast, seeing 4km and 4kj was one of the most exciting things in this school year!

    You were a very intelligent, caring, nice, and last but not least, superior teacher.

    Your official third grader,


    1. @ Peter,

      Wow! You continue to demonstrate strong writing ability, Peter! Not only do I love your thoughtfulness, but your vocabulary and voice are tremendous! Who was your second grade teacher? ;-) Ha! Ha!

      Yes, the Skype and Google HangOuts were a highlight for me too. It is hard to believe that we can connect like that and see our friends so clearly. That was not always the case. When I was your age, to call people long distance or in a foreign country was so expensive, no one would do it. Now, we get to hear and see our friends for free! What a world we are living in!

      Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to me. :-)

      Your proud former second grade teacher and official third grade teacher,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

  4. Congratulations on winning the trip and finishing the school year.
    You and your students create a wonderful blog site to follow. I look forward to following it next year with another group of students. My second grade students will move on to third grade and a new teacher.

    Will you be doing post from Texas about your learning again? I always get some good ideas of things to do.

    Have a wonderful summer and fun safe summer for the students in your class!

    1. @ Mrs. Todd and the Roadrunners,

      Thank you so much for your congratulations! I am thrill to be attending ISTE in a few weeks in San Antonio, Texas. I have my thoughtful students and their parents to thank for that.

      Yes, it is my hope to blog and share from ISTE. Last year when I went, the entire day...from sun up to sun down was filled with fabulous learning opportunities. However, I am going to try and find time to blog about what I'm learning while I'm there. Writing about it helps me remember what I've learned!

      You have a wonderful summer too, and I hope to connect more in the fall!

      Your friend,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    This year was amazing. I learned many things this year. One of them was right angles. That is why I wore the shirt. I realized that the right angles on my shirt look like "L"s. And then I thought what could the letter L stand for. I thought it could be for the last day.

    Out of the whole entire school year, my favorite day was the first day of school because I got to meet new friends and meet my new teacher. One of my new friends is Parsa.

    You were the best teacher I had than any other teacher. I mastered the multiplication facts and the division facts. And now I am looking forward for fourth grade, and I will miss you.

    Who was your favorite teacher?

    Your now former student,

    1. @ Sean,

      Thank you for such a thoughtful, well-written comment! Your third grade teacher is so happy! :-)

      I loved your thinking about your right angle shirt. Not only was it a good choice for the last day of school because it was a good memory, but also the L for last day! You are an excellent thinker, Sean!

      I look forward to following you on your blog. You always have good ideas and demonstrate excellent etiquette like commenting back to people.

      You asked about my favorite teacher. One of my favorite teachers was a middle school science teacher named Mr. Boyland. He knew so much about science and always explained things well. In addition, he enjoyed talking with students and answering their questions.

      What are your plans for the summer?

      Your proud former teacher,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

  6. @ Mrs. Yollis,

    I am staying home because my grandparents are flying in from Europe. My cousins, aunt and uncle is also visiting. I am excited for my grandpa to see my garden because he is a really good gardner himself. My grandparents left a comment on my blog. They said they were looking forward to eating pomegranates. In their garden at home in Denmark they have lots of stuff. Even fruits that we do not have here. The strawberries in their garden are always ripe and juicy. Sometimes we put it with cream. It just tastes like strawberries with whipped cream on it.

    I am also going to Monterey. We have to pass San Francisco because we need to visit U C Davis because my sister might go there for college.

    How long is your flights?

    Your former student,

  7. Dear Mrs Yollis and students,

    Have a wonderful restful summer holiday to you all. I have enjoyed reading your blog unfortunately I didn't manage to write a great deal of comments.

    You sure have had a wonderful time at school.

    How right Mrs Morris is yes it is winter right now and the days are rather cold and wet. Hopefully with the winter days here I plan to do alot more reading.

    Happy Holidays everyone and keep safe.

    Cheers from AA :)

  8. Hi Mrs Y♥llis,

    Isn't it exiting to be going into your holidays? My name is Olivia and I am from 4KM and 4KJ. I l♥ve to blog and I always reply to the comments on my blog and the class blog :!:

    If you or one of your students would like to have a little look at my blog then go to this address:

    I am so lucky to have my own blog because it has taught me a lot of things I need to know about blogging and they were all very good things to now know.

    I also like to be on holidays because it gives you a break from all of your hard work you do in the classroom.

    I also agree with AA keep safe but while you are doing that make sure you are having fun with your families. :P

    Keep having fun and blogging,

  9. Dear Mrs Yollis,
    I cant believe its your last day of the year.

    I hope you had a good time with your students and I think they will miss you very much.

    I also hope that you had a great time teaching those students.

    From Rochelle
    in Mrs Morrises class

  10. Dear Mrs. Yollis's Class,

    I am Keira in 4KM for 2013.

    I have enjoyed blogging with you guys. Nearly every time you would leave a blog post 4KM and 4KJ would have a look at it.

    I really think your post's were interesting.

    What are you going to do when you go on Summer Vacation?

    How hot does it get over there where you guys live?

    Have a great, safe and happy Vacation!

    I love having days off school and I love being at school.

    I love getting rugged up in front of the heater with a hot chocolate and watch TV.

    I hope use have a good Vacation!

    From your blogging buddie,
    Keira in 4KM.

  11. Dear Mrs Yollis & Class,

    Congratulations on another fantasic year!

    On behalf on 4KM, 4KJ and myself, we would like to thank you for being our blogging buddies. It has been really fun! We sure will miss our Skypes, global projects and conversations with you.

    Happy holidays guys! :)

    Millie 4KJ

  12. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Congratulations on completing another great year. It sounds like your students learned a tremendous amount. It has been interesting to see how their comments have improved in both sentence complexity and vocabulary over this past year.

    I hope you enjoy your summer and your conference in Texas.

    All the best,

  13. Hello Mrs Yollis,
    My name is Anneliese. I am in 4KJ Leopold,Vic.I would just like to wish you and your grade happy holidays. Hopefully you remember all the good times you have had throughout the school year.

    I think that it is strange that you finish your school year halfway through the year. Our holidays are in December. Our school year starts in February and ends in December.

    Happy holidays.
    Anneliese 4KJ

  14. Dear Mrs. Yollis and all,

    What a school year it's been. It's hard to believe the school year has now ended for you.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful vacation and comes back ready to enjoy new learning adventures in the new school year. :)

    Ross Mannell
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  15. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    What a wonderful year it has been!

    I loved spending the days with you and the class and have many memories about them. I have many memories that I adore, but this is the one that I can never, forget. Blogging! Every event that I thought of had blogging in it. For International Dot Day we made a post, and we also made posts for Halloween and Christmas. I didn't know what a blog was before I came to your class. When I saw posts, videos, and comments, I got interested and left a comment of my own and I succeeded!

    I hope you have a tremendous summer and I'm looking forward to seeing you next year as a 3rd grader!

    Your former 2nd grader,

  16. Dear Mrs Yollis and class,
    Hello everybody I am from 4KM Australia,
    I hope you guys have had a great year I still got half to go! You were all lucky when you go chosen to go into Mrs Yollis class you all were a bit shy at the start , are you now?
    I hope you guys had a great year and have a great vacation.
    From Logan P

  17. Dear Second and Third Graders,

    Great post. It’s very sad how you people won’t get to see each other untill the holidays are over.:cry:

    Hope you have a safe and happy holiday. We are not even half way through the year.

    A blogging pal from 4KM and 4KJ Mitchell (4KJ)

  18. Mia (Past Student)July 14, 2013 at 9:09 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Even though I was not in your 2/3 split this year, I know the feeling of leaving your wonderful educational classroom and not having the "Teacher of the Year" for a spectacular teacher anymore. I will always cherish the memories my classmates and I had in your classroom that will always remind me of you. I have enjoyed learning and helping my classmates in Ms. Silvestre's 4/5 split, but you will always stay in my heart of one of my most cherished and favored teaches I have ever had.

    It looks like all of your students have grown in educational progress and are all magnificent bloggers. All though not everybody earned a blog, I hope that all of them keep on blogging for it is an amazing hobby and an educational thing to do over the summer. By reading your students blogs, I have seen that you have taught them very well and have grown into fantastic bloggers. I know that all of your students will do extremely well in 3rd and 4th grade.

    I have just graduated 4th grade and I am moving to 5th grade this fall. Through fourth grade I have used everything you taught me in 3rd and helped me in writing. From writing short sentences from, "I like to eat icecream." to more high level vocabulary that gave me much advantages in writing reports and research papers for State Report.

    I wish all of your past second and third graders luck in school next year and hope that they have taken information that they will use next year like I have. I will try to visit you often and hope to see your new third graders!

    Best Regards,
    Mia Shpiner


* * *
Getting feedback is important to our writers. Let us know what you liked or what you learned.

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1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

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:-) Mrs. Yollis