
Monday, December 31, 2012

Join Our Class 365 Project!

I just added the final photo to our Yollis' 366 Project. This elementary school photo-of-the-day blog has proven to be a wonderful place to share photographs and practice all types of writing. 

 During the 2012 year, the Yollis' 366 Project received photos and comments from teachers, classes, and individual students all over the world! 

I personally thank each photographer and blogger for his/her contribution!

YOU have made the project special!

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For the 2013 year, I have changed the look of the blog. The new theme is a collage of photos. Hover over a photo and it will flip. Information about the photo is on the back of the flipped photo. Click on a photo and a new window will open.  Hopefully you will click and leave a comment! 

I invite you to join our photo-of-the-day project this year. Simply email Mrs. Yollis an original photo (around 200 kb is good).  Include some text to complement the image. Be sure to end with a question or two so you can get a conversation going!  You can submit more than one photo throughout the year, and it does not have to be taken on a specific day. Photos and text subject to approval by Mrs. Yollis. :-) 

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Click here to explore the last two years of the Daily Digital Documentation!

Do you think you or your class might contribute?

Did you participate during the last two years? If so, which photo was yours?

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Dear Mrs.Yollis,
    I am intrigued, and looking forward to participating in your 360 project.The new look is another home run idea.Happy New Year!
    Grandma G

    1. @ Grandma G.,

      I'm glad you like the new look! I knew I could count on you! We'd love some photos from your neck of the woods!

      Happy New Year to you!

      Mrs. Y♥llis

  2. @ Mrs. Yollis,

    I love the new idea of changing the 366 project! You have some fantastic ideas. The new format should help the class come up with original ideas. I can hardly wait.

    How did you come up with such a good idea?


    1. @ Daniel,

      Thanks so much for a wonderful comment! I'm very proud of you for participating with the blog on your vacation! No wonder your writing is improving!

      Since I have done the 366 (now 365) blog for two years, I thought I'd try something new for the third year. I experimented with the different designs that were offered, and I thought the collage one looked the best. What do you like about the new format?

      Do you know why it is now called a 365 blog instead of the 366?

      Your proud teacher,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis.

    What a great idea! I am delighted to hear that you are changing the 366 post!

    I can not believe what my eyes saw on this post. How did you enjoy your winter break? Mine was the best ever - enjoying time with my family it was wonderful! I admire your post.


    1. @ Peter,

      Happy New Year!

      I'm glad that you are delighted about the new 365 blog. (Fabulous vocabulary, Peter!) Did you notice that it changed from a 366 blog to a 365 blog? Do you know why? :-)

      You asked what I enjoyed about my winter break. I loved sleeping in and taking Buck on long walks. I don't get to see Buck that much during the week because I leave so early in the morning and get home so late.

      What kinds of activities did you do with your family?

      Your proud teacher,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

  4. Thanks so much for letting me know about Blogger/Blogspot's new look. I am inspired to try to document my schoolyear with pictures.

    1. @ Valerie,

      So glad that you found this post useful! Yes, I like the collage/flipcard template. However, not all of the widgets work with the new template. For example, the ClustrMap widget and the RevolverMap widgets do not work with the new look. Hopefully, Blogger will correct this in the near future.

      Good luck with your project!

      Mrs. Y♥llis

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I really enjoyed reading your post! I love the new format of your 365 project. My favorite part is when you click on it and it flips and you read the post. How did you do that?

    I really enjoy participating in your 365 project. I make sure to take my camera with me everywhere I go in case I see a photo opportunity. I will continue sending you photos of places I travel to.

    I hope you had a wonderful New Year!


    1. Dear Sarah,

      My name is Peter and I am in second grade with Mrs. Yollis. I really enjoyed the 366 post too! When I saw the 366 post, I thought it was really cool! Did you know if you go up to the options you can go to classic and it will be like the normal way. It is really cool. Did you know that?

      I'll see you on your blog!

      Your new friend,


  6. Hi I'm Lily. I think your blog is very professional and it looks great. I love it!!!
    heres a link to my blog

    1. Dear Lily,

      Thank you for commenting. I think it's cool that you have your very own blog [the girls went berserk when they saw your screen.] Thank you for saying that Mrs. Yollis's blog was very professional.

      How long have you been blogging?

      Your new friend,


  7. Hi thanks for commenting on my blog.
    Is it ok if I add your website to my blogroll??
    Keep on blogging, Lily
