
Monday, December 3, 2012

Edublog Awards: Vote Daily Until December 9

Mrs. Yollis' classroom is abuzz because we have been shortlisted as finalists for several  Edublog Awards.


All the finalists are on this Google Doc.
Click the tabs at the bottom of the Google doc to view finalists in all the categories.

Voting is now open for the international 2012 awards.
Voting closes at 11:59 PM U. S. Eastern Standard Time on Sunday, December the 9th!
Here are the steps for voting:

1. Go here:

2.  Click on the drop down menu and look for your category like Best Class Blog.

3.  Click on the circle that matches your vote. The circle will turn blue when selected.  Although there are many fabulous class blogs to choose from, we recommend Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog! :-)

4.  Click on the word VOTE!

4.  Repeat steps to vote for another category like Best Student Blog and Most Influential Blog Post  

You may vote every day!
You may vote using different devices! Smart phone, iPad, laptop...
Please note only one vote per category per day will be counted per IP address.   

Former students who are nominated:

Jaden's Awesome Blog (5th grader)
Miriam's Magical Moments (5th grader) 

Mrs. Yollis is also nominated for Most Influential Blog Post:


Feel free to forward this post to friends and family!

Every vote counts!     



  1. Hello Mrs. Yollis,

    I voted for you, Ross Mannle, Jaden, and a lot of other people! I thought it was exciting to vote and it made me feel good to vote for friends. How many votes do you have so far? Is it nice to be voted for?

    I hope you win!



    1. @ Peter,

      I voted for a lot of people like you! They are: Mr. Mannell, Miriam, Mrs. Yollis (on Best Class Blog), Mrs. Yollis again (but on Influential Post: Family Blogging Month), Sarah, and other blogs/posts I forgot! What is your favorite blog?

      I think it is nice to be voted because if you have enough votes, you will win a reward (online). Do you think Mrs. Yollis will win?


    2. @ Peter and Heather,

      Thanks so much for supporting our blog and our friends! It is exciting to have this online competition. However, everyone wins through the process because we all become more connected through the nominations. I've already learned about some new blogs I'd never heard of before.

      We will find out who the top winners are when they announce it online on December 12 at 4:00 P.M. The Edublogs have an online awards ceremony! Would you like to attend and be a part of the fun?

      Mrs. Y♥llis

  2. Well done Mrs Yollis,
    My class are in the best class blog 2012. Well done for getting voted, Good luck.
    From Annalese

  3. Well done Mrs Yollis! My class were nominated too! I really have enjoyed looking round your blog. My class have been trying hard on our blog trying to get 5,000 hits by christmas. We achived it at the end of November and are now heading for 6,000 hits. I can see your class have over 100,000 hits. Do you like our blog? I am congradulating on you and your class on getting into the edu blog awards. Wow, your blog is great. Well done!
    From Anna,

  4. Well done Mrs Yollis! My class also got nominated for class blog! It is a really big achivement for us, because we have only just started our blog! Keep blogging, your amazing!
    Please vote for us! From Charlotte W

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I was voting at school. My family has not been voting.When you first had a blog what was the first post you had? How many votes do you think you got this year?




* * *
Getting feedback is important to our writers. Let us know what you liked or what you learned.

Steps to Comment:

1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

2. Choose an identity. (If you have a gmail account, use it. If not, choose name/url. You can leave the url blank if you do not have a blog.)

3. Click "Publish your Comment". You may preview your comment before publishing if you'd like.

Important: All comments MUST be approved by me.
:-) Mrs. Yollis