
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Super Subjects and Perfect Predicates!

Mrs. Yollis' class has been working on learning about 

what it takes to create a 

We have learned that it takes two parts: 

The subject tells the person or thing the sentence is about.
The predicate tells what the subject is or does.
The predicate always includes a verb!
Here are some sample subjects the class came up with today.
In the comment section, see if you can make a complete sentence. Of course, you may use your own subject if you prefer.
My dog Rocky
The library book
Panda and Beverly
The school bell
The upper yard
The _____ flower
The lake under the Lost and Found 
The children in Mrs. Yollis' class
Here are some student-made predicates. See if you can add a subject to make a sentence. Notice the verbs are bolded!
went to the dog park. 
rode a red bike to the library.
drove to Los Angeles, California. 
played basketball against Kobe.
is under a rock in the tank.
used the Internet to look up pig facts.
watched the Super Bowl with the Giants against the Patriots.
cleaned my messy room. 
walked to the Petting Zoo to pet a mule. 
screamed when she saw the ___________.
swatted the annoying fly.
put on his stinky shoes.
Challenge: Write some quality sentences to be read in class tomorrow!

After creating your sentence and typing it into your comment, tell us what the subject is and what the predicate is, or
if you want to give us a challenge...

Ask us to tell you what the subject and predicate are!  

Good luck!


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis' students,

    I was listening in on your lessons and watched all of you create complete sentences with those little strips of paper. I thought all of the subjects and predicates made sense together.

    Here are a few sentences of my own:

    Buck, Goober, Marco, and Rocky went to PetCo to buy treats.

    subject: Buck, Goober, Marco, and Rocky
    predicate: went to PetCo to buy treats.

    The upper yard was filled with hopping cottontails who were playing tag.

    subject: The upper yard
    predicate: was filled with hopping cottontails who were playing tag.

    The delicious German chocolate cake was served at the birthday party.

    Can you tell me the subject and the predicate?

    Your pal,

    1. Dear Panda,

      You are very funny.Can you name these sentences? I have a dog.
      subject: I
      predicate: have a dog.
      Goober hops around the world.
      subject: Goober
      predicate: hops around the world
      Buck runs super fast.
      subject: Buck
      predicate: runs super fast.

      Your student

  2. Dear Mrs Yollis,

    I thought of some sentences.
    The first one is Collin played basketball against Kobe Bryant.
    Subject: Collin
    Predicate: played basketball against Kobe Bryant.

    The next one is Goober leaped on Buck's head.

    Predicate: leaped on Buck's head.

    Panda, the subject to your sentence is the German chocolate cake. The predicate is served at the birthday party. Can you tell me what the subject and predicate is in this sentence?
    Sean found Buck at the dog park eating Goober.


    1. @ Collin,

      You are correct with your subject and predicate!

      Subject: Sean

      Predicate: found Buck at the dog part licking Goober. (Buck's too nice to eat such a special friend!)

      Here is a sentence for you:

      Tall bamboo grows in my backyard, and I love to nibble on the tasty shoots.

      Can you name the subjects and predicates?

      Beware, I have written a compound sentence!

      Your bamboo-loving friend,

    2. Dear Panda,

      The subject for your senetence is bamboo. The predicate is grows in my backyard. The other subject is I. The other predicate is love to nibble on the tasty shoots. Can anyone tell me what the subject and predicate is to this senetence? The fish swam around in their lovely tank.


  3. Dear Mrs. Y♔llis,

    I never knew that you could copy then paste.
    If I had a blog that would be really cool!

    On the subject I would chose:
    Rocky because he is my dog.
    For the predicate I would chose:
    went to the park.

    I can see that Panda know a lot about sentences.


  4. Dear Mrs. Yollis

    Here is a sentence.

    The upper yard is a fun place to play hand ball.

    Subject: upper yard
    Predicate: play

    Can you tell me the subject and predicate in the following sentence?

    I watched the Super Bowl with the Giants against the Patriots.


  5. @ Mrs Yollis,

    My dad and I started our own garden together.

    subject: My dad and I
    predicate: started our own garden together

    What is the subject and predicate is this sentence?

    My friends and I like to play basketball.



  6. Dear Mrs. Y♥llis

    I thought of some other sentences like I flew to Wisconsin

    The subject is I and the predicate is flew to Wiconsin. You can put it together to make a sentence.

    Your blogging student,

  7. Dear Class,

    One of the great things about sentences is that there are so many different types. As long as it has a subject and a predicate, a sentence can be serious, sad, informative, true, false, funny, and so much more. Here are some funny sentences I have come up with using your subjects and predicates.

    My dog Rocky walked to the Petting Zoo to pet a mule.

    The children in Mrs. Yollis' class cleaned my messy room.

    The school bell is under a rock in the tank.

    Panda and Beverly watched the Super Bowl with the Giants against the Patriots.

    It is so much fun creating funny sentences. I look forward to having more fun with everything you are learning.

    Evan (Bryce's Dad)

  8. Daniel,Carson,Clay and Tristan went to the arcade.

    subject:Daniel,Carson,Clay and Tristan
    predicate:went to the arcade.

    Thor,and Iron Man went to Captain Americas lair.

    subject:Thor,and Iron Man
    predicate:went to Captain Americas lair.
    from Texas

  9. We have a tournament tomorrow at eight o'clock.

    predicate:have a tournament tomorrow at eight o'clock.

    I have two dogs named Jack and Skebow.

    predicate:have two dogs named Jack and Skebow.

    From Texas, Kaylee

  10. The big pink beautiful tulips bloomed.2 The ambulance siren beeped loudly.
    from, Arianna

  11. Sam went to the pool on Monday.

    predicate:Went to the pool on Monday.

    from: grace

  12. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Here is a sentence. I went to Hawaii over the summer.

    Subject: I
    Predicate: went to Hawaii over the summer.

    That is a true sentence.

    Your student,

  13. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    These are some sentences that I thought of.

    First sentence,

    Panda and Beverly rode a red bike to the library.

    subject: Panda and Beverly
    predicate: rode a red bike to the library.

    Next sentence,

    Buck cleaned my messy room.

    subject: Buck
    predicate:cleaned my messy room.

    Last sentence,

    The children in Mrs. Yollis' class used the internet
    to look up pig facts.

    subject: The children in Mrs. Yollis' class
    predicate: used the internet to look up pig facts.

    Your happy student,

  14. Dear Mrs.Y♥llis,
    I have a few sentences. Marco jumped into the pool.
    subject: Marco
    predicate: jumped into the pool.
    Marco and I raced my brother at the dog beach.
    subject: Marco and I
    predicate: raced my brother at the dog beach.

  15. Hello Mrs. Yollis and class,

    Discussion of subjects and predicates takes me back to my time as a student in primary (elementary) school. It's such as simple idea and when you understand it, you realise you have been applying subject and predicates to your sentence already.

    What is the shortest sentence I know?

    I am.

    Subject: I
    Predicate: am (from the verb 'to be')

    Your examples of sentences...

    After reading your examples in this comments section, I can see you are not only skilled in constructing sentences, you understand the distinction between subjects and predicates.

    Now, let's see, who or what was the subject of the above sentence?

    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  16. Dear Mrs. Y♥llis,

    Hear are sentences. The car crashed into the fence. My dog burried his bone.The old witch flew on a broom. My little brother swallowed a dime. A fable is a story that teaches a lesson.

  17. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I thought of four sentences. The first one is: The bat flew on a surfboard. The next one is: My sister swallowed a dime. The third one is: I was blown down by a storm. The last one is: My dog flew on a broom.


  18. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I thought of three more sentences.
    My family and I started a garden.

    Subject: My family and I
    Predicate: started a garden

    We flew to China for Spring Break.

    Subject: We
    Predicate: flew to China for Spring Break

    Jake likes the present.

    Subject: Jake
    Predicate: likes the present

    Your student,

  19. The boys raced.
    subject: The boys

  20. One day I was riding my bike and found a dog.
    subject: I
    predicate: was riding my bike and found a dog.


  21. My dog Seven loves to try to jump over the fence.
    subject: My dog Seven
    predicate: loves to try to jump over the fence
    My Nanas dog Charly loves to chase cats.
    subject: My Nanas dog Charly
    predicate: loves to chase cats

  22. I am going hunting,today at my deer lease.

    Subject: I
    Predicate: am going hunting,today at my deer lease.

    I love to play at recess with my friend.

    Subject:I Predicate: love to play at recess with my friend. Emily E.

  23. My dog,Myles, loves to play and run in our yard.
    subject: My dog,Myles,
    predicate:loves to play and run in our yard.

    I love to play at recess with all my acs friends.
    predicate: love to play at recess with all my acs friends.

  24. My baby sister, Olivia, loves to crawl.
    subject: My baby sister, Olivia,
    predicate: loves to crawl

    My dog, Cira, loves to chew on her dog bone.
    subject: My dog, Cira,
    predicate: loves to chew on her dog bone.

  25. My dog ran around the block and took a sharp turn.
    Subject:My dog
    Predict: ran around the block and took a sharp turn.
    My dog,Oliver, loves cats.
    Subject:My dog Oliver
    Predect:Loves cats


  26. My new dog, Max, is so cute and funny.
    subject: My new dog, Max,
    predicate: is so cute and funny.

    My favorite tractor is the one with tracks.
    subject:My favorite tractor
    predicate: is the one with tracks

    CLAY from Texas

  27. When I was little I went to go see the Monster trucks.
    subject I
    predicate went to go see the Monster trucks.

    I love cars so much I want one.
    love cars so much I want one.
    James from Texas

  28. Mrs. Yollis, thank you for posting about complete sentences on your blog. Our classes in Texas of grades 3-5 have enjoyed readng your blog since last year and commenting. It is a great opportunity for them to learn about blogging and enjoy contributing your blog in different ways. Kuddos to you!

    Mrs. Hamlin


* * *
Getting feedback is important to our writers. Let us know what you liked or what you learned.

Steps to Comment:

1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

2. Choose an identity. (If you have a gmail account, use it. If not, choose name/url. You can leave the url blank if you do not have a blog.)

3. Click "Publish your Comment". You may preview your comment before publishing if you'd like.

Important: All comments MUST be approved by me.
:-) Mrs. Yollis