
Monday, March 26, 2012

Learn Spanish! ¡Aprender Español!

Recently Mrs. Yollis' class read "Pepita Talks Twice!"

Pepita, who can speak both English and Spanish, decides that she doesn't want to "speak twice" anymore. When her decision creates problems she hadn't thought of, Pepita realizes that sometimes it can be a good thing to understand two languages.

The story was even written in both English and Spanish,

so we began learning some Spanish words ourselves.

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The video below, made by students in both Mrs. Ranney's and Mrs. Yollis' class, demonstrates many Spanish words we learned!


¡Bueños días! Good day!

¡Bueñas tardes! Good afternoon!

¡Bueñas noches! Good night!

¿Cómo estas? How are you?

¡Muy bien! Very well!

¡No muy bien! Not very well!

¡Que lástima! What a pity!

¡Gracias! Thank you!

De nada. You're welcome.

¡Hasta mañana! See you tomorrow!

¡Hasta luego! See you later!

Los Días de la Semana The Days of the Week

lunes Monday

martes Tuesday

miércoles Wednesday

jueves Thursday

viernes Friday

sábado Saturday

domingo Sunday

Me gusta...I like...

el pan bread

los tacos tacos

escuela school

matemáticas math

¡Que divertido! What fun!

¡Que buena idea! What a great idea!

¿Vamos a aprender Español? We're going to learn Spanish?


  1. iBuenos dias Mrs Yollis and class,

    How wonderful that you are learning Spanish words. I really do believe this is great for when I was at school I was lucky to learn another language too. Mind you I was also lucky because the other language which I learnt at school was also spoken at home too which was Italian.

    I find Italian and the Spanish language are very similar. Till this day I do know how to speak Italian however not as fluent (which is another word for speaking smoothly) as I did when I was a young child.

    Is learning another language part of your curriculum at school.

    Mrs Yollis and Mrs Ranney great video as you really made the Spanish words really come to life.

    Well its time to say Hasta Iuego,
    from your pal,

  2. Buenos dias Señora Yollis,

    I loved the book Pepita Talks Twice because Pepita can talk two languages, Spanish and English. My dad and mom are teaching me Spanish I am getting better at it! I think talking in Spanish is fun. Do you think Spanish is fun?

    I also adored your video. I know Roxana from the nurse's office. I was sick and she was working that week. Your video was clear to me. They talked very well.

    Hasta Luego,


    1. @ Ellie,

      I too loved the book Pepita Talks Twice. I'm from two Spanish countries. One is Guatemala and the other is Mexico. Also, I'm excited for the Mexican fiesta today. Can you say twenty in Spanish?


  3. Hola Sra. Yollis y chicos!

    Our Rocketeers enjoyed watching your video! We love Spanish and take it as an activity class at our school. Our Spanish teacher is Señora Sullivan. Check out this video our 3rd graders made for you! This is a song we learned for talking about the weather. Can you guess what the phrases mean?


    Sra. Deyamport & los Rocketeers

    P.S. Mrs. Deyamport used to be our Spanish teacher.

  4. ¡Buenos dias Señora Yollis!

    I am so exited for the fiesta today, and I love learning Spanish. I learned Spanish from my dads workers and more from Mrs. Yollis. Know I now how to speak Spanish and understand what they say.


  5. ¡Buenos dias Señora Yollis!

    I am so excited that we are learning Spanish now I can talk to you in Spanish. I can't what for the fiesta! Most of my friend are Spanish.

    Do you know how to make a volcano taco?

    ¡Hasta Luge!,

  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I have learned some Spanish words. It is really fun to learn other languages.

    I am so excited because of the fiesta that we are going to have. What kind of foods are going to be
    there? What kind of stuff are we going to do?


  7. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    It was fun learning Spanish this week! I think Pepia talks twice was a good book because Pepita talks two languages. My baby sitter is Spanish and I like to learn from her. I can't what for the fiesta!

    Hasta Luego,

  8. ¡Bueños dias Señora Yollis!

    I am so exited for the delicious fiesta. ¡Que bueña idea! It is a good day to do it on a
    viernes. I hope to have a wonderful fiesta viernes.


  9. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    When you told eveyone to take their reading book home, my dad read it to me in Spanish. The only Spanish words that I can remember are "Lobo ven aca". My mom reads Spanish better than me because she knows how to speak Spanish a little bit. My dad reads Spanish the best because he has been speaking Spanish for his whole life. Some of the words sounded really funny when he read in Spanish! I want to learn some more Spanish so I can talk to my cousins in Spanish and English just like Papita in the book.

    Your student,

    1. Hola amigos!

      Here is a post we wrote in response to your learning of Spanish. We hope that you leave us a comment and sing along with us!

      Hasta pronto,

      Sra. Deyamport & Los Rocketeers

  10. Señor Jake y Señor TreyApril 4, 2012 at 12:13 PM

    ¡Hola amigos!

    Muchas gracias for the link to a post about Español. We did sing along to the song. Also, we liked the music.

    We have some preguntas for you:

    • How did you find the song about the weather?
    • What other Spanish songs do you know?

    ¡Hasta mañana!

    Señor Jake y Señor Trey

  11. @Mrs.Yollis

    Soy de mexico.Tengo 6 hermanos y 3 hermanas. 3 de ellos son casados. Tengo 6 tios y 4 tias. Daniel tiene 8 tias y 12 tios de parte de mi famila.


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:-) Mrs. Yollis