
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What is Plagiarism?

According to the New Oxford American Dictionary:

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Now that Mrs. Yollis' class is learning to research using the World Book Encyclopedia Online, it is important for everyone to understand how to share learning without just copying.

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How to share learning without becoming a plagiarist is tricky.

Step 1:   Read the passage completely.

Step 2:   Take notes on the interesting parts.
                  (IMPORTANT - Only write facts. Do not copy sentences.)

  • California
  • largest population
  • 33,871,648 people

Step 3:    Use the facts to compose your own sentences.
                    Now is a good time to add your opinion as you share.

Here are my own sentences using my California facts:

I was surprised to learn that my state, California, has the largest population of all fifty states. There are approximately  34 million California citizens. 

*     *     *     *     *

 How do you research?

How would you feel if someone took your writing and tried to pass it off as their own?

Please leave a comment with something that YOU researched. Remember, put it in your own words!


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I have been researching Komodo dragons. Did you know that they are the largest lizards on the planet? They grow up to 10 feet long and can weigh as much as 365 pounds! Komodo dragons are endangered animals, they can live up to 50 years.

    Komodo dragons have forked tongues, and their saliva is poisonous. They run so fast that they can catch a deer or water buffalo. When they have bitten their prey, the saliva will kill it within a few days. Once their prey is dead, they are able to smell and find it from far distances.

    I chose Komodo dragons to research because my favorite fantasy creature is a dragon. Komodo dragons are as close to real dragons as we are going to get here on earth.

    Your student,

    1. @ Maya,

      What a terrific comment! You have done a terrific job researching and then putting the facts in your own words. They must have a keen sense of smell to be able to find the animal from a far away distance.

      I'm curious, how many eggs does a female lay? How many months until they hatch? How does that compare to human beings?

      Your are a terrific researcher!

      Your proud teacher,
      Mrs. Y♥llis

  2. Dear Mrs Yollis,

    To answer your questions...
    The female Komodo dragon lays 15-30 eggs in one nest. The eggs will hatch in 8-9 months. A human does not lay eggs they give live birth. Female humans are pregnant for 9 months before their baby is born. Most humans give birth to one child at a time. Some humans also can give birth to twins or triples or sometimes even more than that.

    Have you ever been to the L.A. Zoo and seen the Komodo dragons that live there? I went about a month ago and saw them. It was really funny because one was digging a big hole and throwing dirt up at the glass enclosure. It seemed like the dirt was going to hit us in the face, but luckily the glass was there to stop it. It was a great trip and my mom even bought me a stuffed Komodo dragon since I liked them so much.

    Can Mr. Yollis bring the pictures he took of Komodo dragons from Komodo Island, Indonesia? I would love to see them some day.

    Your student,

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I love your post about plagiarism. It is wrong to copy other people's work and pass it off as your own!

    I researched Sacagawea. All though there are lots of tribes in North America, Sacagawea was a Shoshone Indian. Did you know that her name meant Bird Woman? She is famous for helping Lewis and Clark map the Louisiana Purchase. Her husband was a French Canadian named Toussaint Charbonneau. In 2003, America made a statue of her. Sadly, she died on Dec.20 1812.


    1. Dear Kelly love,

      Did you that Sacagawea was born in 1788 and was only 12 years old when an enemy tribe captured and sold her to T. Charbonneau. He then made her one of his wives. Yes, not a very pleasant fact. :(

      She was the only woman on the Lewis/Clark expedition and gave birth to her son during their journey.

      What a brave, strong girl!

      Aren't we glad to live in modern times? :))



    2. Dear Mommy♥,

      Thank you for your wonderful comment.It is amazing that she was married when she was 12!In these days most people marry when they are 30.I think it must be REALLY hard to travel with a baby on your back.


  4. Dear Mrs. Yollis

    Great idea to teach about plagiarism! It is not a good thing to copy other people and pass it off as your own! I think your plagiarism post is great!

    Giant pandas are interesting mammals. Did you know that the adult ones can weigh up to 200-300 pounds, but the babies weigh only 5 OUNCES? The adults also can be to 5-6 feet long.

    Have you ever seen a giant panda?
    Have you seen the babies?

    Parsa (Mrs. Yollis)

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I was surprised when I heard that Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. The capital city and the largest city is Kiev. Some people think that Ukraine is not in Russia, but it certainly is. I asked my parents if Ukraine was in Russia, and they said yes it was. I know they are right because they were born there.

    Ukraine is probably most famous for their flat plains called steppes. Numerous farmers sell them to make money. They are in a lot of meals. One of my favorite meals is called borsh, and it has a lot of steppes. They are very delicious in my opinion.

    In the mid 1300s, Ukraine came under Polish and Lithuanian control. If you did not do what the people told you, you would be killed or locked up for 35 years. While you are locked up, the Polish would beat you. I would not want to disobey Polish!

    In the 1600s, soldiers called Cossacks, freed Ukraine from Polish rule. Everybody got their land back and their houses. Some mothers fought for their babies and their kids. They sacrificed their life so their kids can have a better life.

    For decades, the Soviet Union forced Ukraine to use Russian language, favored Russian culture over Ukrainian culture. Ukraine kept fighting for their freedom, and in the 1960s, Ukraine protested restrictions and got their freedom.

    Do you know any other facts about Ukraine?


  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Sea Turtles are very interesting creatures! The smallest specie is called the Kemps Ridley, which is about 28 inches, and about 70 centimeters. They can weigh about 100 pounds! That is small! The largest sea turtle is the leather back turtle, which can grow up to 4 to 8 feet, and it weighs up to 2,000 pounds! That is a lot of pounds!

    Sea turtles live in warm parts of the ocean. They eat algae, sea grass, animal crabs. The leather back turtles live in cold places, like Alaska, Canada, and Iceland. The leather back turtles eat jellyfish!

    Remember it is not good to plagiarize!


    1. Dear Sarah,

      You found many interesting facts about sea turtles. I think I know why you chose to research sea turtles. You must have really liked our trip to Hawaii and swimming with the turtles. I hope we can go back soon.

      Did you know that sea turtles can be found in all of the oceans in the world except the arctic ocean. They also can sometimes live until they are 80 years, unless of course they are eaten by a predator (hunting animal) like sharks or killed by humans.

      Thank you for your tip to never plagiarize. As a writer, I can get in big trouble if I plagiarize. It is something we never do.

      Love you,

  7. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    Our main topic is the Tasmanian devil. They are meat eating mammals, and they live in Tasmania, Australia. We think they look like a big rat. They are also called marsupials. They make screeches, and snarls. Tasmanian devils have very sharp teeth. Their tail is 1 foot long.

    We have some questions.

    Did you know they sleep in day?

    Trey and Maya

    1. Dear Maya and Trey,

      I love Tasmanian Devils, they are so cute! One of my favorite shows growing up was Bugs Bunny and I always thought Taz looked so cute. I liked how he spun around really fast and ate everything. When I saw a picture of a real Tasmanian Devil for the first time I was surprised at how different it looked from the cartoon.

      You mentioned that Tasmanian Devils sleep during the day. Do you know what that is called, when an animal sleeps during the day and is awake at night? Hampsters and Chinchillas do that too.

      I was curious about their babies. I bet they are really cute. Do they lay eggs? How do they care for their babies?

      Also, I was wondering where they make their homes. Do they climb trees and make nests? Or maybe they live in caves?

      The cartoon version got me thinking too. That Taz is mean and crazy. Are they like that in real life?

      I can't wait to hear your reply!

      A Tasmanian fan,
      (Maya's Mom)

    2. @ Lori,

      When they stay up at night they can hunt for their pray. They don't lay eggs. Tasmanian devils live in caves. Yes, they are crazy and mean.

      How long have you watched the cartoon?

      Maya and Trey

    3. Dear Maya and Trey,

      I used to watch Bugs Bunny and Taz when I was your age. I now watch them again with you (Maya) and Roman. Since I am 37 (very old!) and I started watching when I was 8, how many years have I been watching? Can you help me figure that out?

      Your dinosaur mom,

  8. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I have some facts about Iran.

    It is one of the ancient country's in the middle east.
    Iran has snow capped mountains, green valleys, and barren deserts.
    Tehran is the country's capital,and it is the largest city.Also my cousins live in Tehran.
    There is evidence of settlements in the area from almost five thousand years ago.
    The empire covered a vast territory included most of southwestern Asia, and parts of Europe and Africa.
    Seventy percent of Iran's land chiefly mountains and desert regions is almost uninhabited.

    What do you know Iran?


    1. Asheem (Atrina's mom)February 3, 2012 at 9:03 PM

      Dear Atrina,

      I am so happy that you chose to write about Iran, and I am proud of you my love.

      It is very interesting to read about different countries and their histories. Learning about your ancestral country of Iran is a great start.

      As you know, Iran was called Persia along time ago, and is known to be one of the greatest ancient civilizations in the worlds history.

      Iran is rich in natural resources such as oil. As I am sure you remember from social studies, oil is a nonrenewable resource, therefor it is considered valuable.

      Do you know of any other nonrenewable resources?
      If you do, are they specific to a certain country or area?

      Asheem( Atrina's mom)

  9. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    Today we researched gorillas it was super.

    Did you know that gorillas are the largest of the apes.
    Gorillas will not fight a human, unless a person attacks it. Males usually way around 390 pounds.

    Sammy and Matthew

  10. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I think it is a great idea to do a lesson about plagiarism! It is important that children, like me, don't become a plagiarist!

    I researched blue whales, and I think they are awesome! Blue whales are the largest living animal awesome that they weigh 150 tons. I only weigh 47 pounds! The animal they usually eat is krill. They eat it by finding a bunch of krill, and then they take in as much as they can. After their mouth is full, they blow out all the water. That sounds so good!

    In the early 1900's blue whales were almost extinct, so people started to stop hunting them. Then in the 1960's they started to come back.

    Do you know anything interesting about blue whales?


    1. Marsha (Leila's mom)February 3, 2012 at 7:44 AM

      Dear Leila,

      What a magnificent animal you chose to do your research and comment on! I really enjoyed reading all the facts about the blue whale.

      As you mentioned, the blue whale is the largest living animal, but did you know that it is also the largest animal to have ever lived on earth! It is so big that its tongue could weigh as much as an elephant!

      As large as they are, blue whales still have some predators. There have been cases of killer whales or Orcas attacking them. Also, although no longer hunted by people, blue whales are often injured or killed when they collide with ships or become tangled in fishing nets.

      I am so glad that you are learning had to properly research, and I look forward to your future comments!


    2. Dear Mommy,

      Thank you for commenting back to me!

      I had no idea that a blue whale's tongue weighs as much as an elephant! That's amazing!

      It is really horrible that blue whales get caught in fishing nets and Orcas, or killer whales, still kill them.

      I have a question for you:

      What is the life span of the blue whale?


    3. Dear Leila,

      It was my pleasure to comment to you! I appreciate you commenting back to me and asking a question.

      I did some research to answer your question and found that scientists estimate the blue whale's age by counting the layers of the dead whale's waxy earplugs. The average life span of these animals is about 80 - 90 years. The oldest blue whale found so far was about 110 years old!


  11. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I love your post! I like the idea of a post that tells you not to plagiarize.

    Rattlesnakes seem amazing to me, so I decided to write about them. Rattlers are cold blooded reptiles. Rattlesnakes have a rattle on the end of their tail. If a rattlesnake is really old, it has a really long rattle. When a rattlesnake is born, It has a short rattle.

    They use their rattles to warn other animals not to eat them. Rattlesnakes lift their tail when they are about to rattle their rattle. Sometimes, they don't give a warning before they bite.

    Rattlesnakes have very dry, scaly skin. They have diamond shaped blotches on their bodies.

    They have a poison called venom. They use their venom to kill their prey and defend themselves.

    There are 30 species of rattlesnakes. They live from Canada, all the way to Argentina.

    I hope you liked my facts.


    1. Dear Royce,

      What a professional sounding post! I learned some new and interesting facts about rattlesnakes. You did a great job putting the information into your own words. However, although it was well written, I really do not like the topic. We have had at least five rattlesnakes on our property and am always worried about you or your sister getting bitten.

      Maybe this post will help someone identify a rattlesnake in the future.



  12. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    Today we decided to research elephants. Elephants are the only mammal that there nose is on there trunk.

    Elephants are the only mammal that lives on land.

    African elephants live in south of the Sahara desert.

    Some people travel to Africa and parts of Asia to see elephants.

    Jordyn Etai

  13. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Scorpion have two body parts. Scorpion is usually having six to twelve eyes. They are eight inches long. We think scorpions are the coolest arachnids ever. They have a poisonous sting in their tail. They are not insects they are arachnids.

    Rexon Jakob

    1. Dear Rexon and Jakob,

      Scorpions are such amazing arachnids! Do you remember your first grade field trip to the Santa Barbara Zoo? I sure do! On display in the reptile house was a glowing scorpion. Do you know how scorpions become fluorescent?

      Your comment mentioned that scorpions have two body parts. What are they?

      In my research, I discovered that scorpions have six pairs of appendages. What are the appendages, and what do they do?

      You're so lucky to have such wonderful learning tools. Good luck and have fun with your research!

      Whitney (Rexon's mom)

  14. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I have been to Hawaii many times, and I want to learn more about it! Hawaii is known for its beauty and lovely climate! Hawaii has many lovely ways of life.

    Honolulu is the capital of Hawaii. The people that live there are called Hawaiians. They speak the Hawaiian language! Hawaii’s nickname is the Aloha island. Aloha means love in the Hawaiian language.

    The population is 1,369,301! In my opinion,that is a lot of Hawaiians!

    There are only two active volcanoes in Hawaii, and they are in Mauna Loa, and Kilauea.


    P.S. My readability grade is 7.5!

    1. Dear Sasha,

      I like Hawaii too! I have some more fun facts for you.

      - The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters. The vowels are A,E,I,O and U. The consonants are H,K,L,M,N,P and W.

      - I read in your comment that there are only two active volcanoes in Hawaii. Did you know that the Hawaiian island chain was formed by under-sea volcanoes that erupted thousands of years ago?

      - Hawaii was the 50th state admitted to the union. Can you tell me what was the date when Hawaii was declared a state?

      - Hawaii is 2,390 from California. That's a long way by boat or plane.

      Let's hope that we get to visit again sometime soon. Thank you for sharing your interest in Hawaii.


    2. Dear Mom,

      I love you so much! Hawaii became a declared state on the 21st of August 1959. I love your facts! They are so interesting!

      I remember once we were on a cruise, and we passed by a volcano! We also saw a shooting star!

      If you could choose one thing, what is your favorite thing to do in Hawaii? Mine is horseback riding! I love you M♥m! Do you you know how many times a volcano has erupted?


    3. Dear Sasha,

      I researched both volcanos, Mauna Loa and Kilauea. Mauna Loa has erupted 39 times since 1832. Kilauea has erupted 35 times since 1952. U.S. Geologists say Kilauea is one of the most active and dangerous volcanos. In recent decades (10 year time periods), eruptions have been continuous with lava flows hitting the Pacific Ocean.

      I have to say, seeing an eruption at night is awe inspiring! I was very happy to be on the deck of a ship far, far away from danger!

      I don't know that I can choose one thing that is my favorite to do in Hawaii. There is so much to do. I love driving around the islands and exploring. Do you remember when we hiked to see waterfalls and jumped off of small cliffs into the water? It is beautiful there!



    4. Dear Mom,

      I do remember that! In fact, there was this REALLY crazy guy that jumped off this cliff that was almost as tall as a skyscraper! What a belly flop!:)

      I don't want to ever go to Kilauea! All though, I do want to see the lava hit the Pacific! I think that would be extraordinary!

      I l♥ve exploring the islands too! I like it because you get to see things that you may not be able to ever again! Like, you always say that you are so upset because Ethan (my brother) and I will never be able to see Egypt!

      I love you!


  15. Dear class,

    I hope you enjoy my amazing facts about Bearded Dragons!

    Bearded Dragons have an inflatable throat pouch. They can grow to 1 to 2 feet. In addition, there range color goes from tan to brown to gold to red. They can change there color to heat there body temperature. Also, they can communicate using body signals.

    Did you know that females can lay up to 24 eggs nine times a year? Wow, I think that is a lot! They can live up to 15 years.

    I hope you enjoyed these terrific facts about Bearded Dragons.



  16. Dear Ellie and Alyssa,

    I like dolphins very much. I hope that someday I will be able to go to Hawaii and swim with the dolphins. I think that would be amazing.

    My mom mentioned to me that dolphins have a unique way of talking to each other. Do you know anything about that.

    Your ocean friend,

    1. Dear Maya,

      Thank you for the wonderful comment! Yes, I do know about their calls. They make serious clicking noises. They also sound like a screaming person. If you would like to hear it, go to World Book and type in dolphins. There is an audio clip to listen to.

      Here are some more facts. Male dolphins are called bulls, and females are called cows. I did not know that. Their pregnancy is 10 to 12 months.

      Your ocean friend,

  17. Dear Rexon and Jakob,

    I think scorpions are really cool. I can't wait until the new reptile house opens at the zoo. I really hope they have some scorpions there. I hope that I never see one around my house though. They are pretty scary. Do you know where they live? Hopefully not in Calabasas!

    Your friend,

    1. Dear Maya,

      Thank you for your comment!We agree that scorpions are very cool.Some scorpions live in Mexico.

      Rexon Jakob

  18. Dear Jake,

    I am so excited to see that you are a dragon fan too! I love any kind of dragon, even the lizard kind. I think that is really cool that they can lay up to 24 eggs. I would love to see 24 little Bearded Dragon babies running around.

    Where do Bearded Dragons live? Can you have them for pets?

    Your friend,

  19. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    Spain is a incredible country. Spain is famous for its colorful bullfights, flamenco music, sunny climate, and elegant castles. Once Spain was a great empire throughout the world. It also includes the Balearic ( ball - er -ick) Islands in the Mediterranean Sea. On Spain's northeastern border, the mighty Pyrenees mountains extends the pensula.

    Your Student,

  20. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    We adore dolphins. Dolphins have a "beak" like snout and cone shaped teeth. They are warm blooded mammals, meaning that their core body temperature is always about the same. They also have lungs, unlike fish. I did not know that.

    Dolphins, like porpoises and whales, are also called cetaceans (sih -TAY- shuhnz), and are divided into two groups, marine and river. Marine dolphins live in nearly all oceans. Marine dolphins inhabit only salt water. Some marine species live near land for most of their lives. Dolphins usually range in size from 4 to 32 feet long and weigh anywhere from 100 pounds to 10 tons.

    The most familiar type of dolphin is the bottlenose dolphin. Bottlenose dolphins have a short beak that gives an expression of a smile.

    Ellie and Alyssa

    1. Dear Ellie and Alyssa
      I really enjoyed reading your research on Dolphins. They are such amazing animals. I remember watching a tv show called Flipper when I was a kid. Have you ever heard of it?
      I was lucky enough to go swimming with dolphins in Florida a few years ago. It was an awesome experience. I remember that there was a young woman in our group who had just recently found out that she was pregnant. When she got into the water with the dolphins, they immediately recognized that she had a baby in her belly and treated her very carefully. The dolphins seemed to be protective of her. The dolphin trainer told us that dolphins have a unique ability to recognize people with special needs and treat them with the utmost care.
      I hope that we can go swimming with dolphins sometime. Thanks for all your hard work. I really enjoy all your posts.
      See you soon,
      Jamie (Ellie's dad)

    2. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

      Dear Dad,

      I was amazed with your comment! No, I have never heard of a show called Flipper.

      I would love to swim with dolphins. They sound like a lot of fun. Did the dolphins have names? If so what were there names? When can we go swimming with dolphins?

      Your daughter,

      ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  21. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I have been researching birds in general, and I have found some facts about them.

    There are about 9,700 kinds of birds.

    All kinds of birds hatch from eggs.

    Did you know that birds are the only animals that have feathers? I never knew that. Some birds do not use their wings for flying. For example, the ostrich uses it's wings to attract mates.

    No other animal can travel faster than a bird.

    Birds belong to the vertebrate group. I think that is very interesting!

    Finally, I learned that people use bird feathers to stuff pillows and to make sleeping bags.


    1. Dear Alexandra,

      I love birds! I know that different kinds of birds are found all over the world. Also, did you know that every state has it's own state bird? What is California's state bird?

      It was interesting that you pointed out that not all birds use their wings to fly. What other birds do not fly? What other animals belong to the vertebrate group?

      Lysandra (Alexandra's mom)

    2. Dear Mommy,

      I also love birds! In fact, I think that they are very interesting creatures. I do know that that there are different kinds of birds all over the world. I also know that every state has it's own state bird. California's state bird is the California Quail. Do you know any other state birds?

      To answer your question, an animal that does not use it's wings to fly is a penguin. A penguin uses it's wings as flippers to swim. An animal that belongs to the vertebrate group is a snake.

      Your daughter

  22. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    We researched cats, and we think they are wonderful animals. They are mammals just like us. When cats are born their eyes are closed. In our opinion, that is so cute! Cats purr when they like what you're doing.

    Your cats,
    Jordyn and Alyssa

  23. @Sammy and Matthew,

    What a fun topic you chose to research! I am fascinated by gorillas and learned some interesting facts from you both. In doing my own research, I learned some more facts that I thought were worth passing along:

    * gorillas cannot swim
    * gorillas eat mostly plants and rarely drink any water
    * gorillas have a unique nose print- sort of like how each human has a unique fingerprint
    * similar to humans, gorillas have 5 fingers on each hand and 5 toes on each foot and they can grasp things with both their hands and their

    I love watching nature specials when they focus on the gorilla. Thanks for choosing such a fun topic. I really enjoyed learning more about gorillas when I did my own research.

    Have a fun day at school tomorrow.

    Dana (Sammy's mom)

  24. Dear Etai,

    It was interesting to read about your research, it's always great to learn more about different animals. I also know that the Asian elephant are more closely related to extinct mammoth than to the African elephant. They are enormous size, I believe their weight is about 4-7 tones. African elephant may live seventy years or more.

    Thank you for sharing your research about Elephnts

    Lilach( Etai's Mom)

  25. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Our local tribe, the Chumash, is an interesting group of Native Americans. Did you know that the Chumash lived on the Pacific coast of Santa Barabara. They also lived here in our community. There were six different groups.

    There were 22,000 in 1770, and sadly in 1880 there were only 300 Chumash. The Europeans brought diseases with them that the Chumash could not take. The Shamans could not cure these new diseases.

    Does anyone remember what kind of shelter the Chumash lived in?

    Logan and Madison

    1. Dear Madison,

      That is very interesting information about the Chumash Indians. I have to admit that I do not know that much about the Chumash Indians, so I googled them. Did you know that the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History has an exhibit about them. Perhaps we go go look the next time we are in Santa Barbara.

      Oh, and the Chumash Indians lived in a home called an ap.



  26. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    Today we researched gorillas. It was super!

    Did you know that gorillas are the largest of the apes?
    Gorillas will not fight a human, unless a person attacks it. Males usually weigh around 390 pounds.

    Sammy and Matthew

  27. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    We went on World Book Kids and found some facts on Hong Kong. Did you know that there are about 235 islands? Collin read a book and was surprised to read that some people live on boats and never set foot on land. They have floating restaurants, doctors, and schools.

    Would you want to live on a boat?

    C♣llin and Bennett

  28. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    By doing some research, I found out that Asia is the largest continent in both size and population. I read that Asia covers almost one-third of the world's land. About three-fifths of the world's people live in Asia?

    I've learned that plagiarism is like cheating. It is using someone else's words or research as your own. If someone took my writing and tried to pass it off as their own, I would be very angry with them. I definitely would not like it!

    I wonder if three-fifths of the world's population live in Asia, how many people would that be?



* * *
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:-) Mrs. Yollis