
Monday, May 9, 2011

Student Blogging Challenge #8 ~ Pride Meme

This week in Challenge 2011 #8, Miss W. started off a challenge that involves a meme. A meme (which rhymes with cream) is like playing tag. When a blogger tags you with the meme, you can create a post that answers the meme and then tag others you think might want to join!  We were tagged by C-O Connection in Texas!

Here is the blogging meme:   
Describe one of the things you have done in life, that make you

with pride.

After much thought, the class worked together to write this paragraph for the meme.

     Out of all the projects we completed this year, the success we achieved through participation in the Ugandan Global Project (UGP) makes us glow with pride. Throughout the month of October, we learned about the other class members of the Ugandan Global Project: Mrs. Morris and Miss Jordan from Australia, Team Toa from China, ABC Divine Foundation School in Uganda, Mr. Salsich from Connecticut, and Mrs. Ranney from California. The numerous posts on the UGP blog were filled with  information each class shared about their community, daily life, and songs students liked to sing. As a class, we read about the African country of Uganda and were sad to learn  how difficult it is to get an education there. Many Ugandan students walk three to six miles a day to get to a school where they can gain an education. On October 22, at 10:00 A.M.,  each class in the UGP  participated in a one hour walk/run to raise money for their new Ugandan friends. 

Although it was fun to learn about time zones, currency, and the daily lives of students from other countries and cultures, the most important reason we are proud is because together we raised $20,000!  With this pledged money, the ABC Divine Foundation Primary School in Uganda was able to purchase a play lot and build a dining/kitchen hall as well. Our original goal was to earn $3,000 for them to purchase the play area, and we raised about SEVEN TIMES that amount! When we think about how much we were able to achieve together, we glow with pride! 

Below are some of the videos created from the Ugandan Global Project. It was fun to watch and relive the experience through the meme!
Here is the video we created to kick off the project:

Here is the video we created about our October walk:

Here is the video Mrs. Morris created to summarize the project:

We now tag Friends in Russia, Mrs. Levy, Adia, and Jaden!

Have you ever glowed with pride?

Is the idea of a meme new to you?   


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    That is an amazing accomplishment! Doesn't it feel great to do something so important for others?

    As I raise my children, we do our best to teach what you've accomplished in the Ugandan Global Project. Our family, goes to Mexico several times a year to build houses for families who are living in the barrio. I love watching my 5 year old and 10 year old gain so much by giving.

    Thank you for sharing this, and it is definitely worthy of this Meme.

    Kind regards,
    Mrs. Watanabe

  2. Dear Mrs Yollis and students,

    This is a very proud moment for you all. For I know BB and I found this a very proud moment and a very moving one too.

    To lend an helping hand out to others in need and then to achieve such a wonderful result really does give you a warm and good feeling inside. This is a good feeling.

    I always tell BB it is the special things you can do someone everyday really is a wonderful gift.

    BB and I for the past fours years raise money for the Cancer fund where we action things off and all the money which is raised is donated to the special organisation.
    This gives me great pride becasue BB and I are doing this in the aid of helping others.

    Great work everyone.
    From your blogging pal,

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis and Class,
    I think your meme response was interesting, precise and thoughtful! I could tell your were glowing with pride in your achievements! I could also tell that you take pride in your responses, and don't just write something quickly and thoughtlessly.
    Care and thought in your work are very important traits for hard working students!
    We didn't praticipate in the Uganda Project. However, our school raised almost $2,000 for the people in Japan after the horrific earthquake. It feels good to help other people!
    Mrs. Hembree

  4. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    That is definitely something to be proud of! It always feels great to do something to help others and you certainly went above and beyond that! You truly made a huge difference in the lives of others.

    I know I'm certainly very proud of all of you. I feel like I've gotten to know many of you better throughout this year and I know you're all great bloggers, great students, and most of all, have great hearts.

    Thank you for inspiring me to want to make a difference for others. Keep up the great work!

    Your friend,
    Mr. Avery

  5. Dear friends,

    We were really impressed by your Ugandan Global Project!!!

    This year we were able to help some poor students in our town to go to school - we helped them with stationaries, copy books, school bags and some clothes. About 500 students of our lyceum took part in this action. We think it is a small action but it makes us glow with pride - it was real help for them.

    Lyudmila and class

  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis’ class,

    I am so happy that you chose to share about the Ugandan Global Project. Even though our class was not a part of this group, I watched and was amazed. This kind of project demonstrates the incredible potential our students have for global collaboration. Children were working together to affect powerful change in our world. I know that there will be many more opportunities for meaningful collaboration. Our school would love to contribute to a similar project in the future.

    Thank you for inspiring us and showing us what is possible.
    Mrs. M❀❀re


* * *
Getting feedback is important to our writers. Let us know what you liked or what you learned.

Steps to Comment:

1. Write your comment in the box below. Be sure that you have proofread it for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students should have a parent check it!

2. Choose an identity. (If you have a gmail account, use it. If not, choose name/url. You can leave the url blank if you do not have a blog.)

3. Click "Publish your Comment". You may preview your comment before publishing if you'd like.

Important: All comments MUST be approved by me.
:-) Mrs. Yollis