
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Poppa's New Pants!

This week Mrs. Yollis' class is reading Poppa's New Pants by Angela Shelf Medearis. This humorous story has many similes and tons of hyperbole. (hi • per • bo •lee) Hyperbole is when a writer exaggerates to make a point. 

The story is part of the Smart Solutions Unit. In the story, Poppa buys a brand new pair of pants. Unfortunately, they are too long and need to be hemmed. He asks his relatives who are staying at the house to mend them, but they are all too tired for the task.

The problem gets solved in a way that will leave you laughing like a hyena!

Listen to the story here!

We cut  a pair of pants out of paper to recreate the story. The pants were as long as a table cloth!

In the story, some strange things happened during the night. George, Poppa's grandson, is sleeping in the kitchen because the relatives are using his bed. Throughout the night, George hears strange noises and sees ghostly shapes in the dark kitchen. He balls up like an armadillo he is so frightened! By morning, it is revealed that Poppa's new pants got shortened!

Below, we recreated the story!

A "ghost" came and measured six inches!

Drew a line...

Snip! Snip! Snip!

The pants were perfectly hemmed!

A second "ghost" took the pants.

Measured off six inches...

Snip! Snip! Snip! Then added a hem!

Shorter pants!

The final helpful "ghost" took the pants and...measured off six inches.

Snip! Snip! Snip!
The pants were too short for Poppa....

✂     ✂     ✂     ✂     ✂

Who can explain what happened?

Who were those "ghosts" during the night?

What was your favorite simile or hyperbole from the story?


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    It was very fun cutting and hemming the pants three times! I especially loved cutting six inches off the pants.

    I think it is funny that Poppa's pants were way too long, and the "ghosts" (Grandma Tiny, Aunt Viney, and Big Mamma) cut and hemmed six inches each. The first time they were cut and hemmed they were just right. The second time they were cut and hemmed, they became shorter, and the last time they were way too short!

    The pants ended up being new pants for his grandchild, George! Eighteen inches were cut off, so I understand why.

    My favorite hyperbole from the story is "We were sweating a bucketful"!

    Your student,

  2. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    In class it was a lot of fun cutting and hemming six inches off the pants, especially when I got to hem it.

    Wow! The pants in the story got so short! My favorite part about the story is that Grandma Tiny, Aunt Viney, and Big Mamma each cut six inches off of the cloth. It's funny when Grandma Tiny cut it short, but Aunt Viney cut it shorter, and Big Mamma cut it the shortest. It was funny because the relatives did not communicate to eachother that they each planned to cut the pants.

    In the end, the pants were so short that the pants fit almost perfectly for George, the child. (Even the pants were too short for George).

    My favorite simile from the story is "the fabric is as velvety soft as Old Buck's nose." I like that simile because old Buck is a horse and the author compared the soft fabric to the soft nose of the horse. I think that's funny!

    Your student,

  3. Drear Mrs. Yollis,

    I think that the pants are look'n good. : ) I loved hemming the pants and cutting them.

    I like that in the first picture they look longer than in the second picture.

    I loved the idea of making Poppa's pants and then cutting off six inches three times. It was a lot of fun!

    I agree with Hannah. My favorite hyperbole is "We were sweating a bucketful." I think it sounds funny, and I think that it sounds like there was a lot of hard working going on!



  4. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I had an enjoyable time cutting and hemming Poppa's pants! My favorite part was when we hemmed. The reason I enjoyed hemming more was because when we hemmed the pants, the pants were straighter, and I was one of the students that hemmed Poppa's new pants. It was super duper fun! Hopefully, we'll do that again. ;)

    I've got to agree with Hannah and Grace. My absolute favorite hyperbole from the story is "Poppa and I had beaten so many rugs this morning, that we were sweating a bucketful." I don't really remember the exact words that the author used, but I think it's close enough.

    My second favorite hyperbole is "Aunt Viney and Big Mama took turns covering my face with red lipstick. I almost drowned in a sea of sloppy wet kisses." I like how Angela Shelf Medearis created that hyperbole.

    I find it funny that first, Grandma Tiny cut six inches off. Then, Aunt Viney cut another six inches off. Last, Big Mama cut another six inches. Hey, that's funny because, Grandma Tiny cut the pants short, Aunt Viney cut them shorter, and Big Mama cut them shortest. ;)

    When we were reading the story in class, I literally got goosebumps when George, the narrator was talking about the "ghosts" in the story. I started freaking out as if a whole bunch of monsters and aliens and all those wacky creatures started attacking me. (That's a hyperbole!)

    Also when we were reading it, I made a prediction. When it said in the story about the "ghosts," the rocking chair, and the snip, snip sound, I immediately thought that the ghosts were Grandma Tiny, Aunt Viney, and Big Mama. I tried to imagine Poppa wearing those pants, which are now shorts to church. I started cracking up in my head.

    I admire the author because of the super Southern accents of the characters. Here is an example. "That's alright, y'all." I predict the y'all stands for you all. Am I correct? I think that Angela Shelf Medearis really found her voice in the story. When I grow up, I would like to be an author, and because of that, I am working on finding my voice when I write for another character in a particular story.

    Soon, I hope that we can read another creative story like this one! I wonder what our next story in our reading book will be. I can't wait to see what the smart solution will be also.

    Your student ♥ ,


  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis

    It was very exciting to do cutting and mending to the pants.

    George is telling the story "Poppa's New Pants". The ghost's in the story are Aunt Viney, Grandma Tiny, and Big Mamma.

    My favorite hyperbole from the story is "moving around like a Texas tornado".


  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I really enjoyed this story and the fun exercise of cutting the pants.When we were cutting the pants I like how long they were at first, but then they got a little short when we cut six inches off. Then we cut another six inches and it got shorter. We did it one more time and it got the shortest.

    My favorite hyperbole in the story was when George and Papa said, "We were sweating a bucketful" because it ment they were sweating a lot.


  7. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I loved, loved, loved this story! I thought it had some great lessons in it and so many instances to which I can relate.
    Sometimes, I feel like George. I too wear glasses and my vision without them is horrible. The Easter Bunny could be standing over my bed at night and all I'd see is a white blur. I can understand how George could be confused without his glasses on.
    I also enjoyed the part where people in Poppa's life want to show how much they love him by doing something kind for him. Our household can get chaotic at times, so we try to show our love for each other through kind acts every day.
    The last part of this story I completely relate to is when Poppa puts on his pants (shorts) and laughs. He very easily could have been angry that his new pants were ruined, instead he saw the love everyone had for him and laughed at the outcome. Turning lemons into lemonade is a great lesson for life. With 4 children, things don't always go as planned. Yet, the times we've been handed lemons have been some of our favorite family memories (and some delicious lemonade)!
    I really enjoyed this story; reading it made me see so much of my own life in it. It could be my favorite story so far this year.
    My favorite simile in this story is when the ladies are walking into the church and the author says, "They walked through the wooden doors of the sanctuary like walking flower gardens." Those must have been some colorful hats!

    Can anyone else relate to George? Do you wear glasses? Have you ever mistaken one thing for another?

    (Tucker's mom)

  8. Dear Catherine,
    Indeed, I have mistaken one thing for another.But first let me say, your comment had me playing back a life time of memories.Lemons to lemonade is quite the trick.
    I have always thought you were a great writer and story teller. After reading your post, "Poppa's New Pants!" became a must read moment. Expressions and message timeless in both writings.
    I mistook a cute mouse for a lint ball and play dough for a chocolate doughnut crumb.Both had me shivering in my shoes and reaching for my glasses.
    I hope to improve my writing and communication skills through blogging.I have to persevere.
    Usually, I can't sit still long enough or I have something else to do.
    Stop and smell the roses!
    Family helps family is a great lesson,even if there is a missed step.
    Grandma Grace

  9. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I really enjoyed measuring the pants!

    The pants were so short that they fit George.

    I know who the three ghosts are, but I am not going to put them in order.

    The first person is Grandma Tiny, Aunt Viney, and Big Mama.

    I've go to go because a ghost is haunting me!


  10. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    love the story Poppas new pants. Your blog is great!
    You sound as good a teacher as Mr.Deatmore. poppa's new pants was a good story in are anthology. the gousts are aunt viney , big mamma ,and grandma tiny.

    Abby(Ileanna's BFF)


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:-) Mrs. Yollis