
Friday, March 18, 2011

Animals, Announce Your Adaptation!

This week, Mrs. Yollis' class is learning about animal adaptations.

An adaptation is a body part or behavior that helps a living thing survive in its environment.

For example, a giraffe's long neck helps it reach the leaves in high trees on the savannas of Africa.
The giraffe's neck is a physical adaptation.

An antelope squirrel stays cool during the hot desert day by staying in its underground burrow.
This is an example of a behavioral adaptation.


Many animals have physical or behavioral adaptations. For example, polar bears of the Arctic can run on the ice without slipping. To learn about the polar bear's physical adaptation, click here!

Here is a fun animal adaptation quiz!



Use the Online World Book Encyclopedia to research an animal of your choice.
Take notes about two to three adaptations.
Be sure to include the animal's habitat.

Write a comment as if you are that animal. 
Tell us about your adaptations!

What makes your adaptations so useful? Use HTML code to bold the facts!


  1. Dear new friends,

    My name is Bucky Beaver, and I live in a freshwater pond in the woods. I am very busy right now. Actually beavers are busy all the time! We are known for being quite industrious! (I'm quite proud of my industriousness! I'm busy, busy, busy!)

    I have a few moments to spare, and I want to use that time to share two important physical adaptations I have, my teeth and my big flat tail.

    Chew, chew, chew...that's what I do! I use my front teeth to chop down trees, and then I use the trees to make a dam and my lodge. My lodge is my home where I have a family, and we raise our little kits.

    My tail is my other physical adaptation. It's so useful! First, I can use it as a rudder to guide me through the water! In addition, when I'm using my sharp teeth to gnaw down a tree, I can use my black scaly-skinned tail to help me balance!

    On no! I just heard my eldest son hit the pond with his flat tail. That's a beaver alert! I've got to swim!

    Have a beautifully busy day!

    Bucky Beaver

  2. Keeaa! Hello Mrs Yollis and Grade 3
    My family and I have several adaptations that help us survive in our alpine environment.
    We have thick plumage to protect us from the weather.

    We use our long sharp talons to dig for our food and although our bill is not as long as the kiwis, we can use it to probe between the rocks or into the snow for food.

    One of our most fun adaptations is that we are curious and intelligent.
    If we find a new object my friends and I flock around and play with it and discover as much as we can about it.
    Scientists have even given us puzzles to do when they are studying us!

    Ooh, a car has just pulled up in the mountain carpark and I like picking at the rubber around the windscreen - gotta go have some fun!


  3. Dear fellow friends,

    I am an animal which has many adaptation beacuase of the extermely cold climate I live in.

    For the Antarctic is the coldest part of the world which has an inhospitable climate to match.

    To surive I have webbed feet which ables me to be a powerful swimmer as well as a streamlined body with wings shaped just like flippers which helps my "fly" through the water.
    My body has a think lay of skin with a blubbber of fat which helps me keep warm. Another fun way of keeping warm is I love to huddle together with my firends in a circle.

    My many dark feathers on my back aren't there just for its good looks. The feathers are there so they can absorb the suns heat into my feathers which is another way of keeping my body warm.

    Must go as I am getting rather hungry.
    From your penguin freind,

  4. Dear Mrs. Ranney's Class,

    Jambo! I am Ayana, the aardvark, from the African grasslands,which are called savannas.

    My claws and my tongue are two of my physical adaptations. Shaped like spoons, my sharp claws help me tear open ant or termite nests, and my sticky, long tongue helps me lap up the delectable dinner I find in the nests!

    My claws really come in handy in many ways! In addition to helping me find my dinner, I used them to dig my 43-foot long burrow.
    I was certainly relieved that I had just finished my burrow in time to escape a fierce lion that tried to attack me yesterday!

    Before I ducked into my home, I rolled onto my back and used my claws to let that lion know who is king of this burrow!
    Rolling onto my back to defend myself is an example of one
    of my behavioral adaptations

    Now, I’m just resting here in my burrow waiting to read all about
    your adaptations!


  5. @ Hi Mrs Yollis,
    this is your fury friend the penguin to say I should have proof read my comment before submitting it to you but I was more concerned about going out in the icy water to catch some fish.
    So opps in the mist of it all I did notice I made a few mistakes.

    Am so sorry.

    the hungry penguin.

  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis' Class,

    Buenos dias! I am Perezoso the three-toed sloth. My habitat is the rainforests of central and south America. It is very hot there with lots of rain.

    First of all, I am very different from Bucky Beaver because I am not busy, ever. I move extremely slow. This helps me survive in the rainforest because it makes it hard for predators like harpy eagles and jaguars to spot me.

    I move so slow that algae and moss grow on my fur. This also helps me stay camouflaged and hidden from predators.

    I have special claws that are bent like giant hooks. These allow me to hang upside down on branches without using any muscle energy. They work like coat hangers.

    I spend my days sleeping and munching on leaves. That's about it. I'm the king of chilling out!


  7. Dear Mrs Yollis,
    It's Tarlea again, but this year I'm in 6ML, your post sounds great with alot of information!

    If you dont mind could you take a look at 6ml being active and subscribe? the web adress is

    Thanks Tarlea

  8. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    This is Millie the Monkey. I live in the tropical regions of Africa, along with my monkey friends and family. Some of my other relatives live in South America, Asia, and Central America.

    A few physical adaptations of mine include my long arms and legs, my hands, and my long tail.

    First, come my long arms and legs. They help me climb, leap, and run. Talking about leaping, I was JUST thinking about leaping... especially when I get my feet off the smooth ground, feeling the cool air in my face... sorry, I was daydreaming as always. Anyways, back to adaptations.

    Ahem. Next, come my useful hands. My magnificent, wonderful hands help me grasp objects such as tree branches. Other than leaping, you have no clue how much my friends and I enjoy swinging from branch to branch. In fact, I was deciding whether or whether not have a swinging party tomorrow. A swinging party is when us monkeys get together and swing the whole day. Obviously, at one point we get tired, and we prepare a monkey sleepover which usually begins at 12:00 pm at night. That's when we usually go to bed. I was thinking of inviting Dilly, Chloe, and Melanie to the swinging party...Uh oh! I'm daydreaming again! Back to adaptations.

    Finally, comes my last adaptation that I'd like to say. I'm running out of time because in approximately ten minutes I have to get to a swinging party, so excuse me for making this part short. Now comes my awesome tail. My tail helps me to keep my balance, which is probably surprising to you humans because you do not have a tail, and if you did, it probably wouldn't help your balance that much. Time's out! Sorry, again! I'm gonna be late for that swinging party, and you know that I sure don't want to miss it.

    Your friend,

  9. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    My name is Pary the Platypus. You might of heard of me on the t.v show Phinius And Ferb. One adaptaion is I crush my delicious worms and other small animals I eat with tough pads on my jaws.
    Platypus live alone like me, but sometimes I get lonely and call my friend (Ivan).
    Baby platypus don't live alone. they live with their mother's for four months. I think babies are lucky.

    I hear that people in Australia call me duckbill, and so do the other animals. Well I call them a funny name back. My feet are webbed. Also I have a flat tail that helps me swim. I think I am the best swimmer in Australia. I am geting a little lonely, so I have to go.

    Pary the Platypus

  10. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    My name is Oscar Opposum. You may have seen me before. I'm usually about the size of a cat with grey or black fur. I have a pointed, pink nose and a long tail. We usually......................

    Sorry about that. A coyote walked by. I had to play dead for a moment. That's one of our adaptations that we have to help protect us. When we feel threatened, we play dead so that the predator will leave us alone. It worked!

    I have to go though! The sun is coming up. It's almost daytime so I need to get some sleep (I'm nocturnal).

    Have a good day!

    Oscar Opposum

  11. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Did you hear that! Well I did. I have great hearing. I can rotate my ears to locate sound. I hear my enemy the lion stalking me so I better run off.

    I am going to race my friend Zack Zebra. If we are in danger we could run up to 40 miles per hour.

    I live in the grasslands of southern Africa. All the zebras have stripes and it helps us stay together. My sister and I can never be identical twins even though we look alike. Each zebra has its unique set of stripes.

    Zany Zebra

  12. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    Hello, I am an African elephant named Elie. I live in Africa south of Sahara. First, let's talk about my long trunk which is a physical adaptation. I use it to eat, drink, and breath. I also get water in my trunk and put it on my back (that is how I take a shower.) I love showers!

    Second of all, I am going to talk about my ears witch is a physical adaptation too. My ears are huge. My hearing is very powerful. I can hear other elephants like my friend Kelly from 2 1/2 miles away.

    Finally, let's talk about my circus training ability which is a behavioral adaptation. Some of the tricks I can do include standing on my hed, rolling over with my huge body, and dancing.
    I absolutely love dancing!

    Got to go because I want to take a shower and dance.

    Your friend,
    Elie the elephant

  13. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I am Matthew the mountain goat. I will have rough time commenting on your blog because I am climbing up a hill right now. I live I Idaho, but some of my relatives live in Alaska, Montana, and Canada. I can't believe it..... Sorry, I was just thinking about how some of my relatives are sheep!

    Anyway, I definitely want to answer your question about the adaptions. First of all, I have to say my coat is one of my favorite adaptations, for I would not have been able to survive the long, cold winters without it.

    Secondly, I would like to mention my short, powerful legs. They help me climb to the tip tops of the steepest and the highest mountains. Unlike my cousin, Sally the Sheep, I am lucky I am not afraid of heights.

    Last, but not least, I like the adaptation of my horns. Wow, those horns are like lifesavers. They help my parents fight other animals and protect the young and themselves. Thank God, we have horns.

    Well, I have to pick up the pace climbing up this hill, so I have to go now. Bye!

    Matthew the mountain goat

  14. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I am Gracie the gorilla.

    I am a gorilla that lives in the tropical forests of Africa. I travel through forests in groups of 34 Gorillas, but my friend Greg travels in a group of two. My group is made of 14 male gorillas, 18 female, and I can’t even count the number of kid gorillas! A male leads the group of gorillas.
    (That is a behavioral adaptation.)

    From the middle of the morning to the middle of the afternoon, we gorillas take naps. Actually, I do not because I am usually restless. Little gorillas wrestle, play games, or swing on delightful…ahhh… vines. Sorry I love vines!


    Gracie the gorilla

  15. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    My name is Ginger the Giraffe. I live in Africa, in open woodlands south of the Sahara.My physical and behavioral adaptations help me survive living in my habitat.

    My long neck, my strong upper lip and tongue, my flexible nostrils, my brownish markings are some of my physical adaptations.

    I am the tallest of all the animals. What makes me tall are my very long legs and as you know my extremely long neck. One advantage that gives me is that I can munch peacefully on the higher leaves while other animals are competing with each other for lower leaves.

    I use my very long tongue and long upper lip to gather food from the branches.

    My nostrils close completely to keep out sand and dust. Whoa, that came in handy, there was just a strong gust of wind!

    I have light and dark brownish markings that help protect me from my predators by camouflaging me as I stand among trees.

    I also have some important behavioral adaptations.

    I drink a lot of water when it's available so that I can go without water for weeks if I have to. In order to drink water, because of my tremendous height, I have to bend down, put my legs apart, and lower my neck to reach it.

    Kicking our predators is also a very handy adaptation for Giraffes. One day, my mom got attacked by a lion, but she defended herself by using her strong feet to kick the lion and prevent it from hurting her. That was a very close call for my mom!

    Thanks for reading all about my adaptations. I am going to go eat some leaves now!

    Your new friend,
    Ginger the Giraffe

  16. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I'm Lazy Lion, the laziest lion in the grasslands.

    First, we take baths with our mom's tongue instead of getting in a big shower. It is kind of weird. It is also embarrassing, but it saves us a lot of money on water. The reason my mom does this to me is because I am a cub.

    Second, when I grow up to be a big scary lion I will have a mane. The mane softens us lions strikes of our enemys.

    Finally, I have strong shoulders and forelegs. They give me strength to catch my prey and get it on the ground.

    I'm sorry, but I need to go to sleep now. It's 23 minutes past my bed time!

    Lazy Lion

  17. Henry the Humpback WhaleMarch 23, 2011 at 6:44 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I am Henry the Humpback Whale.

    I am Henry the Humpback Whale. I live in all oceans. I can be up to 62 feet wide!

    I eat krill, and have a fin in the middle of my body that often has a hump. That is how I get my name. In my mouth I have 270 thin fringed plates, called baleen on each side.

    I was almost extinct, when commercial whaling happened in the 1900's. Our population has grown after hunting us whales was illegal.

    Henry the humpback whale

  18. Artie the AnteaterMarch 24, 2011 at 6:31 AM

    Dear new friends,

    I am a Giant Anteater who lives in South America. The color of my fur is brown. I am 6 feet long, including my tail. My tail is 3 feet long, which is half of my body. I have 6 anteaters in my family, and I have 3 brothers. My brothers and I will collect ants and termites for my big birthday celebration on Friday. My little brother, Keaton, is the best at breaking the nests, because he’s a baby and he just likes to break things. Bennett, Lawson and I will start slurping up the termites and ants and put them into a jar to save for the celebration. Anteaters have interesting physical adaptations that make collecting ants and termites easier.
    First, anteaters have claws and humans have finger nails instead. I use my claws to rip open termite and ant nests. I walk with my feet turned in to protect my sharp claws.
    Next, anteaters have no teeth. Humans have teeth to chew, but I swallow ants and termites whole. My favorite kind of ants are red ants.
    Finally, I have a tube-shaped head that has a long, slender snout. My snout fits my 2-foot long sticky tongue. I use my claws to destroy the termite and ant nest and then I put my long, sticky tongue into the nest and get my food.
    Anteaters are the best animal I know of because they have the most interesting adaptations.

    Artie the Anteater

  19. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I am Chompy the Crocodile. I .live in a murkey, stinky swamp in Florida. I like warm waters.I prefer crusing in low water.

    My brother, Crocky and I, have three important phyicial adaptations to tell you about.

    Our eyes and nose are on top of our head. This helps Crocky and I see above the water while we sneak up on prey .

    We have clear inner eye lids that help us see underwater.

    We have a slit like valve that shuts tight when we are under water. This valve in our throat helps us when we attack prey above the water.

    A Fun Fact is that we grow and grow our whole life, sometimes up to 40 feet long.

    Gotta go, Crocky and I see some tasty food.
    Crocky and Chompy (Finn)

  20. Henry the humpback whaleMarch 24, 2011 at 4:57 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I am Henry the humpback whale. I live in all oceans. I can be up to 62 feet wide!

    I eat krill, and have a fin in the middle of my body that often has a hump. That is how I get my name. In my mouth I have 270 thin fringed plates, called baleen on each side.

    I was almost extinct, when commercial whaling happened in the 1900's. Our population has grown after hunting us whales was illegal.

    Another adaptation we have is that we travel in groups, and migrate in our groups or.... well... I am always in my group...

    We are also very acrobatic. If you go out to the beach, and you are really lucky, you might see one of us flipping and jumping out of the water.

    Have you ever seen me jump and flip out of the water?

    Henry the humpback whale

  21. The Curious Spitting CobraMarch 24, 2011 at 5:01 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollissss,

    I am a venomous ssnake called the Cobra . Right now I am by the Indian rain forest ssstalking on my prey, a crunchy and scrumptious rattle snake ... sh-ch sh-ch sh-ch...Gulp!...Yumm, that was very good!

    I am 18 feet long, but my brother Ethan is 10 feet long.

    The first adaptation I will talk about..........

    Sorry, I just expanded my ribs to scare the Mongoose away. Oooh, that's an adaptation!

    I also, had to raise my body to do the same thing, and additionally it will give it a easier way to attack . Hmmm.. That's an adaptation too.

    The Mongoose also attacked me, so I sit some of my venom in it's eye. Not all cobras can spit venom in the victim's eye.


    The Curious Spitting Cobra

  22. Andrew the AlligatorMarch 24, 2011 at 5:04 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I am Andrew the Alligator and I just ate my lunch. Now I am ready to comment. I live in a river in the Southeastern United States .

    I have several adaptations that help me survive. First, my eyes are on top of my head so I can see and catch my predators for lunch. Today I had two fish, three frogs and one snake.Yum.

    Second, I have sensors near my jaws so I know what animal is coming near that I can eat for lunch.

    Last, a female alligator lays twenty to sixty eggs in a nest made out of dried leaves that is three feet wide and seven feet high . She lays so many eggs because so few hatch and become adults.


    Andrew the Alligator

    P.S. You are lucky I am not hungry anymore, because I would have eaten the computer.

  23. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Howdy, My name is Armie Armadillo.
    I live in a burrow near a stream in the great state of Texas.
    I have three interesting physical adaptations to tell you about. I have a very hard shell, a super long tongue and very strong claws!
    First I usemy shell to protect myself. If any predators come after me I run into the thorny bushes to escape. My shell protects me from the thorns. If I can't find some thorny bushes I can roll into a ball and the predator can't hurt me.
    Secondly, I have really strong claws. I use them to dig dig dig! I dig my burrow into the ground for my home. I also dig for yummy insects in the mosit soil near the creek.
    Last you may not know I have a super long tongue! I use this to lick up bus, worms, spiders and snails!

    It's time to go I am ready for a bug buffet! Can you dig it?

    From Armie Armadillo

  24. Kelly the KangarooMarch 24, 2011 at 7:29 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    My name is Kelly the Kangaroo, and I live in deserts and dry grasslands of central Australia with my family and friends.

    A few of my adaptations include my incredible size , powerful hind legs , and my fabulous offspring.

    First, I'm going to talk about my incredible size. I am the largest living marsupial mammal . A marsupial mammal is one that gives birth to extremely underdeveloped offspring . Male kangaroos may weigh as much as 187 pounds . That's a lot! They also stand up to 6 feet tall . Female kangaroos, like myself, usually weigh only about 110 pounds and stand up to 5 feet in height. Wow, that's way smaller, but still quite large!

    Another physical adaptation includes my powerful hind legs. My powerful hind legs grow much larger than my front legs . I hop only on my hind legs, and they move together . I use my tail to help keep my balance while hopping . My friends and I hop 30 miles an hour , and we can jump really high, too. We can jump as high as 7 feet . Pretty amazing, don’t you agree? When I graze I move slowly on all four feet, using my tail for support.

    Finally, my babies are my greatest adaptation. Kangaroos like me give birth to a single offspring one month after mating . We don’t stay pregnant for long. Ha, ha, ha! Our babies are little; they measure only about one inch long at birth . Baby kangaroos are called “joeys,” and they stay very close to their mommies, just like kids. For their first six to eight months of life, joeys spend most of their time inside each of their mommy’s pouches .

    As you can see, my adaptations include my incredible size, my powerful hind legs, and my fabulous offspring. My friends are calling me to come eat grass and have a party, so I have to go. Bye.

    Kelly the Kangaroo

  25. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Hi, my name is Chicky cheetah.

    I live in Eastern Africa. The Serengeti to be exact.

    First, I have a slender body, long legs and a small head. That helps me run faster and change directions quickly. Oh, and by fast, I mean I can run up to 70 miles per hour.

    Shhh, I'm stalking zebras. It is very hard so I need to concentrate.

    Did you know cheetahs escaped extinction 10,000 years ago? It's happening again right now, and we are not escaping. (thumbs down!)

    Chicky cheetah

  26. Helen the harp sealMarch 24, 2011 at 8:00 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Let me introduce myself. I am Helen the harp seal who lives in the Arctic.

    First, we are going to talk about my beautiful white coat. When I see a enemy I hide myself using my white fur.

    Second, I'm going to talk about my eyes. I have big bulgy eyes to see my delicious prey.

    Last but not least, My whiskers help me feel underwater.

    I got to go, I have swimming lessons!

    Helen the harp seal


  27. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I am cookoo the chameleon.I live in the forest of Madegascar,southern Asia and southern Spain.One of my adaptations is my skin.I canblend in with my surroundings,but I can only change into green,yellow and tan.The next minute I may change into brown or black.This helps me because that way I can respond to the light tempeture,result of fright,and cummunicate.

    Anothor adaptation is my grasping tail.It could support me to get a better grip on branches.

    Fianally my last adaptation is my loooooong sticky tounge.I use it to catch bugs faster.


  28. The Spitting CobraMarch 24, 2011 at 9:16 PM

    Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I am a cobra in one of the rain forestest of India. Right now I am munching on a rattle snake.

    My brother Ethan is ten feet long, but I am eighteen feet long!

    The three most mind-blowing adaptnations are the expansion in my ribs, raising my body, and spitting venom.

    First, I expand my ribs to make me look bigger to prevent the fercious enemy from eating me. That remids me about the time I expanded my ribs to get rid of the mongoose that tried to eat me!

    Next, I raise my body to have a longer jump, and to see over rocks and boulders. I also, use them to protect my self by sensing the animal or animals around me.

    Finnaly, I spit venom in the enemies eye, so it can not see. That will helps me to attack easier by just biting the victim.

    I sense a crunchy rattle snake which Ethan and I can share with my family for dinner!

    Got to go,
    The Spitting Cobra

  29. Dear Mrs. Yollis

    First, I'm Cody the coyote. I live is in the mountains, the desert, and in urban communities.. We get around as you will find my relatives in much of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and even parts of Central America.

    One of my physical adaptations is that the fur on my body and my relatives' bodies varies in color from light yellow or yellowish-gray to brownish-yellow so that we can camouflage ourselves in the bushes and leaves when we are hunting, especially in the deserts, mountains and plains. The camouflage fur also helps me hide from humans that are trying to kill me to get my fur.

    A behavior adaptation is that when we hunt, we go in groups or packs. After we bring the prey back we all share it. Another behavior adaptation is what we eat. We mostly eat rabbits and rodents, such as gophers, mice, prairie dogs, rats, and squirrels. However, we will also prey on antelope, goats, sheep, and the pets of urban residents. We also will eat insects and reptiles and during the winter, many of us in northern regions will eat the remains of large dead animals, such as cattle, deer, and elk. Although we mostly eat meat, in some areas, we will eat juniper berries, mesquite beans, watermelons, and other fruits for a few weeks of the year.

    It's getting late in the evening so I have to go hunt. I will see you later.
    Cody the coyote

  30. Dear Chicky cheetah,

    I am Gracie the gorilla. I love the adaptations that you mentioned! They are specific, true, and you found your voice.

    One fact I did not know about cheetahs was that they have a slender body. I never thought of that. Good vocabulary!

    So sorry I have to go! I am going to a party with 34 other gorillas!

  31. The Spitting CobraMarch 25, 2011 at 9:41 AM

    @ Matthew the mountain goat,

    I love the adaptations that you have. For example, you talked about your powerful legs and how they help you to climb up tall mountains. In the snake family, we have no legs at all. So can you give me a ride to the top of Mount Everest? I promise not to bite.


    The Spitting Cobra

  32. @ The Curious Spitting Cobra,

    Wow, you sound like a frightening cobra. Spitting venom in my eye would not be very pleasant! I am relived you don't live in the mountains because you would scare me to death. Crossing my hooves will hopefully help my luck of you not harming me. How did you even write the comment? I am cautious every where I go.

    Do you eat me?


  33. @The Spitting Cobra,

    I am writing to every cobra I know.
    I just wrote to The Curious Spitting Cobra, and now it is your turn. I want to make sure you don't eat me! Wow, I wonder how many cobras I have met, and how many I will have to write to. I will defiantly not invite you for tea. I am not sure if I trust you. In fact, I'm not sure if I trust any cobra!

    Well, thanks for telling me that you expand yourself to make you look bigger because now I will know the you are really not that big.

    I hope you do not eat me.

    Matthew the mountain goat

  34. The Spitting CobraMarch 25, 2011 at 9:57 AM

    Dear Henry the humpback whale,

    Wow, you can go under water which makes you a captain of the under world. Not for long because I have some other snake friends that can swim under water, so be careful I might bite.

    The Spitting cobra

    P.s. I will tell them to not bite. where under water do you live?

  35. Kelly the KangarooMarch 25, 2011 at 9:57 AM

    Dear Pary the Platypus,

    Wow, I love your adaptatations! Yes, I have watched Fhinius and Ferb. In fact, I watch it all the time. I think it is very funny because Fhinius and Ferb build a lot of things, but Kansass sees it and tells mom, but then it dissapears, and Kansass gets angry. I think that's really funny.

    Kelly the Kangaroo

  36. Henry the humpback whaleMarch 25, 2011 at 9:58 AM

    @ spitting cobra,

    I don't want to mess with you! Well... you can't come under water with me. Can you?

    Those adaptations I just read about are scaring my best friend Hansel! Especially the one when you spit venom in your foes' eyes! She is terrified of it! That is not very nice you know!

    I would really like to meet you someday! MOM! Can I have a play date with the spitting cobra?

    @ pary the platypus,

    Great comment! I think it is great that from just one post so many animals commented. For instance: lazy lion, Elie elephant, Millie monkie, and Bucky beaver.

    I just asked the spitting cobra if we could have a play date. Maybe if I'm lucky we could have a triple play date. It would be awesome!

    I have never heard of the show Phinius and Ferb. I think it is because We don't get t.v. down here. :-[

    Henry the humpback whale

  37. Dear Curious spitting cobra,

    I think your adaptation of stretching your ribs is really cool. Spitting venom in my eye is easy because I am slow. However, I have moveable eyes and could dodge your evil venom.

    Cookoo the chameleon

  38. @ Pary the Platypus,

    I sure have heard of you on t.v because I always watch Phinius And Ferb. Pary, if I were you I would do that every time. Do the tough pads also help you swim? Is your friend your on Phinius And Ferb. I have a question for you:

    Do people in different cities or countries call you duckbill?

    Cody the coyote

    P.S You are lucky that you live in a diffrent place.

  39. The spitting cobraMarch 25, 2011 at 6:13 PM

    Dear Gracie the gorilla,

    I think that it is fun to hunt in groups of 2 to 34. I know it is fun because I hunted with 39 other cobras at my friends birthday party. Not like us who hunt all alone.

    You mentioned that you are restless. I would like to now why you are restless at the moment? Also, where is a popular place for a gorilla to take a nap?

    The spitting cobra

  40. @ Ginger the Giraffe,

    It wasn't very nice of your mother to kick the Lazy Lion. The lion just wanted a leg, and I'm not just saying that because I'm friends with the lion.

    I think three legs is better, and I know how that feels. I only have three legs because I got in a fight with the spitting cobra.

    On the other hand, I love your huge neck because I can't reach high leaves in high trees, but I don't like leaves! Disgusting!

    Artie the Anteater

  41. Henry the humpback whaleMarch 29, 2011 at 11:05 AM

    Dear spitting cobra,

    I really hope that I will NOT see your friends. Are they big?

    I think I also have a hawk friend that could come to get you before your friends get to me! He could get to you first! Also I think my hawk has a friend eagle to hunt you down. Just please don't shoot venom in their eyes. If you do I will... I have not thought about it yet!

    Henry the humpback whale

  42. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I am Kooky Koala, and I live in Australia.

    A physical adaptation is my front paws. The thumb and the first finger are close together to make one part. My other three fingers make a second part. I love to use my claws to hug the tree, I love you eucalyptus tree. I wish there was something for me to eat. Oh look, there is someone coming to save me, to bring me where there is more food to eat. Koalas love to climb.Koalas can only climb trees with smooth bark . When I am climbing up a tree I want to see new things.

    One of my many enemies is the Dingo. When they are on the ground they run very quickly to the nearest tree to be safe. Even pet dogs will kill a Koala if they find it walking on the ground. My home is in the trees and that is where I feel safe.

    Kooky Koala

  43. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    Hi, I'm Alie the Kangaroo, and right now I am sitting in my mama's pouch with a whole herd called "Mobs" of other Kangaroos around me. We all live in Australia. We spend all of our time on the Australian plains and we get to eat grass and other vegetation.

    I feel so snuggly, warm and safe in mama's pouch because no one can hurt me.
    My Mother and Father will use their really strong hind legs to kick at anyone who tries to harm me, and that's how they protect me.

    The name for all pouched animals is called Marsupial. The males like my daddy are called Boomers, the females like mama are Flyers and all the young ones like me are called Joeys.

    Well daytime is over and I'm all tucked into mama's pouch, she found a nice spot on the ground where we will sleep until morning.....goodnight.

    Alie the Kangaroo

  44. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    I have three favorite animals. The bison, chameleon and the squirrel monkey. They have nothing in common, but I find things in each of them I like. The chameleon is the smallest animal of the group. The squirrel monkey is bigger and the bison is the biggest of the three!
    I like how the chameloeon can change colors. I think squirrel monkeys are really cute. And bisons are cool because they are so big and powerful!

    Your student Ben


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:-) Mrs. Yollis