
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Barnes and Noble Fundraising!

Today, the school had a fundraiser at Barnes and Noble Books. Part of the sales from the day were donated to the school. Many teachers volunteered to read a book at the store to encourage people to come and join the fundraiser.

Mrs. Yollis chose to read a book called Beatrice's Goat by Page McBrier. 

This book is about a Ugandan girl named Beatrice whose family is given the  gift of a female goat from Heifer International. Beatrice sells the goat milk and is able to earn enough money to pay for her education.

Before Mrs. Yollis read the book, two students talked to the crowd about The Ugandan Global Project.

Many people who attended the school fundraiser donated money to the Ugandan Global Project.

Thank You!

How did you enjoy the performance?


  1. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    I like the movie you put together.
    I also have a question. Where was Miram? I thought Miram was here.

    Aaron :-D :-) :-]

  2. Hello Mrs Yollis,
    It's Tarlea again. Your blog has improved much since I last seen it!

    Happy Blogging!


  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    I liked the video. It was fun singing and hearing you read the book. Do you have a favorite book? Mine are the Magic Treehouse books.
    Your student,

  4. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I loved your performance at Barnes and Noble on Wednesday. It was evident the class worked hard to learn the songs they sang, and they performed beautifully! My family also enjoyed listening to the story of "Beatrice's Goat," read by Mrs. Yollis.

    It was such a pleasure to see how caring the students are for one another, and the collaborative effort made towards two common goals - raising money for our school and for Uganda.

    Mrs. Yollis, you set an incredible tone for your class, and I am so thrilled and thankful my daughter is a part of your enriching third grade environment. Thank you for the incredible educational opportunities you continuously provide for your students.


    Lori (Alexa's mom)

  5. @Class,
    Nice singing everyone! I wish I could have been there. My brother and sister were napping and my mother couldn't take me.

    You said "privet" perfectly.

    Have a good weekend everybody,
    Miriam ♥

  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    I love the video you put together. I like that everyone was clear and spoke loudly. My favorite song we sang was the Hello Song from Mr. Salsich's class.

    What was your favorite part about the video?

    Best regards,


  7. Dear Mrs Yollis and class,

    We're glad some people at the book store donated to the Ugandan Project!!

    I really enjoyed watching the performance of you singing "Chay Chay Koolay".

    Your class was also very very very confident!

    Your blogging Buddy,

    Jazmin (in 2KJ)

  8. Dear Mrs Yollis and Class,

    I think your post is GREAT! I ♥ how you were all SO confident when you were singing!

    I also liked how you said "G'Day Mate"!

    I thought it was great to see that you got some more people to raise Uganda!!!

    I hope to hear from you again!

    Your Blogging Buddy,
    Rhiannon. (2KM)

  9. Dear Mrs Yollis and class,

    Great post!
    I love it!

    I am very happy that you got people at the fundraiser to donate money for the Ugandan Global Project.
    I loved Beatrices Goat too! Did'nt you?

    The video was great and I liked how you said 'G'day Mate'.
    Your confident singing was great!
    I was wondering how you remembered the song? Have you been practicing or do you know it by heart?

    Again, awesome post.

    Your blogging buddy from down under,


  10. hi, I love the video! I wish I knew how to sing that song. At are music class we have books but it still is hard to learn the song sometimes. I have lots of new posts if interested in it. BYE!!! :)

  11. Dear Mrs.Yollis and Students,

    My name is Catina Magby from University Of South Alabama and I'm taking EDM310 which is a media class.I found your blog by having a require assignment from my teacher.I really enjoyed each one of you.The song was awesome.! I even got others to watch.They learned the hello song and also remembered the different languages.I will be following more of the blog post.Great Job..!!!


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:-) Mrs. Yollis