
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Final Wildlife Experience!

Our Final Wildlife Experience on PhotoPeach

Which animal was your overall favorite and why?


  1. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    I thought the rat was the best because you can do anything and it will just crawl all over you and relax. I also thought the game was very fun. Team 3 won with 5 points and everyone else got 4 points. The funniest memory was when the volture pooped in our classroom. Everyone was laughing so hard that the volture started to shake his head like he was saying no. I feel very sad these animals. Have a great summer and I hope you enjoy your ipad.

    Are you using your ipad a lot? Are you going on your blog with it? Sam says you are having a great time with it and it easier to type with.

    Your friend,

  2. Dear Mrs Yollis,
    once again an outstanding post on your wildlife animals.
    I just love that fact you give out so much information about the animals which you a taking about. I really have loved all the wildlife experience.
    However if I really had to pick I would have to say the Red tail Hawk is my favourite. Wasn`t he just a beautiful bird and so grand and proud looking. These birds really do amaze me with their power and strength.
    I really do believe they are the kings of the sky.

    Thankyou Mrs Yollis from your
    friend AA.

  3. I enjoyed reading aboutyour google adventure. I have a son going into 3rd grade next year and I hope he will have many wonderful memories or 3rd grade such as the ones you had with your students


* * *
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:-) Mrs. Yollis