
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Concert on the Green ~ 2010

The fabulous Mr. B. has done it again! 

Here is the third grade song, True Colors, and the grand finale of the school, Man in the Mirror.

Did you enjoy the concert?

What was your favorite part and why?


  1. Dear Mr B and Mrs Yollis
    how great was this. I found this really beautiful with you all singing together and doing the actions to the songs. However I must admit I did get a lump in my throat cause you all sang the song with such meaning and wonderful expression I LOVED it. I still have a smile on my face way down under in Australia. To each and everyone of you all I wish you all the best for the coming years and I hope you all have a safe and wonderful break and may every year you have at school be just as wonderful just like the one you have had this year. Thankyou for making me apart of your blog and school life too from your friend down under AA.

  2. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    What a wonderful performance! Once again, Mr. B put together a top notch production and you all delivered it so well. I always enjoy the songs he chooses, but I nearly had tears in my eyes when the 3rd grade sang True Colors.

    Thank you class and thank you Mr. B! Chaparral is so lucky to have you!


    (Kendall's mom)

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I think the concert was super fun because we got to sing songs, and I liked listening to all of the other grades sing. Yes, I really enjoyed the performance. My favorite part was when we sang our songs.

    I hope that next year's concert is as fun as this one!

    What was your favorite part about it?


  4. Dear Mrs. Yolis and Class,

    There is something amazing about many voices singing in unison and I especially loved the performances during the Concert On the Green.

    The third grade's song was really sweet and I agree that all the kids seemed to really let the music take them to a special place.

    Great job!


    Eric (Ben's dad)

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis, Mr. B and class,

    This will be my last comment for your wonderful third grade, and I leave you with a wide smile on my face, a few tears in my eyes and a song in my heart! I know how important it is for you to explore the joys of music, and Mr. B does a tremendous job introducing you to a wide range of musical adventures. I really enjoyed listening to the third grade perform "True Colors" and "Man in the Mirror". You all did a fabulous job! Was it hard learning all the words and the gestures to go along with them? Thank you, Mrs. Yollis, for posting this activity as well as all the others through-out the school year. It has been a wonderful third grade adventure for my husband and me. I hope you all enjoy a happy and safe summer vacation.
    Marsha Cooke (Kendall's grandmother)

  6. Dear Mr. B & Mrs. Yollis,

    I really enjoyed the Concert on the green. What hard work these children did. I loved the hand movements and choreography too. It was simply adorable. I love the songs of choice, which had allot of meaning. Have a lovely summer!

    Best Regards,

    Crystal :)
    (Moraiya's Mom)

  7. Dear Mr B and Mrs Yollis,
    what a wonderful perfomance you did at your school.
    I really enjoyed it when you all were singing the songs. It made me feel good and happy. Hope you have a nice holiday
    Your Friend Bianca.

  8. @ AA,

    Thanks so much for your kind words about our performance. Mr. B. puts so much into his music program and I think that really shows itself in the songs. The passion he feels is evident.

    We are so grateful to you for all your support this year! You have been an outstanding part of this online community, and for that...I thank you! I hope you'll continue to visit and leave comments!

    @ Shannon, (Kendall's mom)

    I agree! That Mr. B. is something else! I teared up every Friday during the practices!

    @ Kendall,

    I LOVED the concert. It's not very often we get the entire school together so that makes it special. You asked me about my favorite part. Besides the songs all of you sang, I really enjoy watching Mr. B. as he brings out the performance in everyone. You can really tell that he loves what he does.

    @ Eric, (Ben's dad)

    I agree! The power of all those voices is really moving! I also thought Mr. B. made some excellent choices this year. I loved both of the songs we presented. Mr. B. really encourages that letting go and putting it all into the music. It certainly shows! I love it!

    @ Crystal (Moraiya's mom)

    Yes, the music...the choreography...was spectacular! He always brings out the best in students. :-)

    @ Bianca,

    I makes me feel happy, too, when people sing together!

    I am looking forward to the holiday. It is always nice to have a break and just have free time.

    By the way, I just left you and your mom comments on the Death Valley post! I have been so busy this last month, I have fallen behind on my responding! :-)

    Best wishes,
    Mrs. Yollis

  9. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I loved the concert on the green.

    My favorite song out of our two is Man in the Mirror. What was your favorite song?

    I liked the fourth grade song, Route 66. Did you like that song?


  10. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I thought the Concert on the Green was awesome because the last song was so loud. It was so loud because the whole school was singing Man in the Mirror.

    My favorite part about the concert was when we ended the show with Man in the Mirror and then after we had the party.


  11. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    My favorite song that we sang was True Colors. I think all of the third graders including us was fantastic! What did you think about the concert on the green?

    Aaliyah :)

  12. Dear Mrs Yollis' class,

    2KM watched the video of the concert today and we felt like we were there.

    Congratulations to Mr B for all his hard work!

    The song choices and actions were terrific! Many of the students in 2KM were singing along.

    It must be nice to be able to have a concert on the green!

    Well done!
    Miss McGeady


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:-) Mrs. Yollis