
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Visit: Germany!

By Kendall

Over the break, Kendall and her family had the opportunity to fly over to Germany in Europe. She visited with family and learned about a new country.

Here is a slide show Kendall put together! Thank you for sharing your trip!
Kendall's German Adventure on PhotoPeach

Have you ever been to Germany?

Have you ever visited a foreign country?


  1. Hello Kendall,

    I was so excited to see that you posted these pictures of Germany on the class blog! It really was a special trip for your grandfather and me because we were able to see you all in another country and introduce you to family you have never met before. It was also fun to visit Nuremberg together as a family since your grandfather was born there! The pictures you chose were a nice collection from your trip. I hadn't seen them before and enjoyed seeing them on this blog.
    Grandpa and I were happy to take you and Collin to Basel, Switzerland, too. We just wish you all could have come with us to Italy. Maybe one day we can show that country to you!

    Love from Grammy.
    Marsha Cooke (Kendall's grandmother)

  2. Dear Kendall,
    I just watched your slide presentation on your trip to Germany and really enjoyed both the pictures and the captions you wrote. Your grammy and I both had a good time with you and Collin and look forward to Family Camp at Camp Sacramento in July.
    Love, Grandpa
    Jim Cooke, Kendall's grandfather

  3. Dear Kendall,

    Thank you so much for showing us your trip to Germany. It looked like a beautiful and fascinating place. I loved the fairy castle, the park and the humungous wedges of cheese. Did you get to taste any? What was your favorite part of the trip?

    Nancy (Anais' mum)

  4. Dear Kendall,
    I enjoyed your slide show immensely! My family I visited Germany for Christmas last year because my daughter, Kari, was living and working in Frankfurt. We particularly enjoyed the Christmas Market and visiting the castle in Heidelberg. Before Kari was born, I traveled in Germany with her dad and visited some of the same places you did. My favorite spots on that trip were Munich and Rothenburg. Seeing your beautiful photos brought back many wonderful memories.
    Mrs. Ranney

  5. Dear Kendall,
    thankyou for your beautiful and wonderful slide show of Germary.
    I have never been to Germany and after looking at your post I should one day. However I have been to Europe and found that many places I visited were just as beautiful as Germany.
    Your beautiful post bought back alot of wonderful moments and memories for me.
    From what I can see in your photos your whole family had a wonderful time. What was your favorite part of your trip to Germany.
    Thankyou Kendall for a wonderful post from your friend down under AA.

  6. Dear Kendall,

    What an amazing experience for you and your family. I have visited so many places in Europe but have never once been to Germany. Those giant pretzels alone make me want to go!

    We are thinking about taking Ben and his brother to Italy next summer. You'll have to give him tips for making such a long plane ride go faster.

    Great post!

    Eric (Ben's dad)

  7. Dear Kendall,

    I loved watching your post about your trip to Germany. Someday I will travel there as well. Before I was married, my name was Miss Pfau. That is a German name! My father's side of the family is German.

    Thanks for a terrific travel post!

    Your friend,
    Mrs. Yollis

  8. Dear Kendall,

    I thought your post was really good because the pictures in the PhotoPeach made me feel like I was there in Germany. No, I haven't been to Germany or a foreign country. What was your favorite part about Germany?


  9. Dear Kendall,

    Your trip to Germany sounded like fun! Did you enjoy your trip? I wish to go there one day. What did you do there?

    My favorite picture was when you and your family took a picture together. I liked the beautiful background.

    Aaliyah :)

  10. @Mrs. Armstrong,

    Thank you so much for your comment. I really appreciate it!

    Yes, I got to try the cheese, but I only got to try two different types of cheese. My favorite part about visiting Germany would probably be touring the castles because I like seeing all of the rooms in different castles.


  11. Dear Kendall,

    I thought your post about Germany was great! My cousin lives there too! She taught me how to speak German.

    Moraiya :)

  12. Gooden tauque Kendall,

    Going to Germany sounds fun. Like my dad said I might go to Italy in the summer. I hope so because then I'll get a passport. Passports are fascinating to me. :-)


  13. Dear Kendall,

    Seems like a lot of your relatives live in Germany. Those sights are spectacular! What was the tallest sight?


  14. Dear Kendall,

    I never knew that Walt Disney built the castle at Disneyland after a castle in Germany. Thank you for sharing your facts about Germany.


  15. Dear Kendall,

    That looked like a fantastic trip! I hope to go to Germany one day. Were the hotels nice, big, or small?

    The PhotoPeach of your family was interesting because it looked like there were a lot of new buildings and old buildings.

    Your classmate,

  16. Dear,Kendall
    I love your post, it is so awesome.I love pretzels. I would love to eat it . Was it salty?

    Your Friend,

  17. Dear Kendall,

    Your photos' are amazing! So is the PhotoPeach, and the music with it makes it even better! In my opinion, Germany looks fun to be at.

    My favorite place that I saw in your PhotoPeach is Gernach because it looks like it is beautiful in the background.What was your favorite place and why?


  18. Dear Kendall,

    Germany seems like a fun place to go to. I like your slide show. I've seen
    big pretzels like that before, but a little bit smaller. My favorite part about your post is the slide show.



  19. @Nick,

    My favorite part about Germany would probaly be seeing all the castles because I like seeing how it was when kings and qweens ruled. Thank you so much for your comment.


    Yes, I really enjoyed my trip. I did so many things in Germany I don't think I can name everything we did, but I'll try. Here are some things we did: we saw castles, we visited family, my family and I went on a horse drawn carrige, I went to many cities, and we went to a HUGE farmer's market in Munich. I did many more activities, but I just can't name them.


    The tallest sight my family and I saw was the castle called Neuschwanstein. It really was a fascinating sight to see. I got to see where the king slept! Thanks for reading my post.


    Thank you for your wonderful comment.

    The hotels I stayed in were much like ones here. Most of them were big, but only one was smaller than most. They were all very plesant.


    My favorite city was definently Rothenberg because it was so beautiful and fun activities to do. There were two stores called Teddy Land. One had only teddy bears, and the other one had a variety of different animals.


  20. Dear Kendall,

    Your slide show of Germany is terrific. You made me feel like I was there. I had no idea that Nuremberg had such nice views. Everything looked beautiful. After watching the slide show I got a craving for pretzels and cheese.


    Brett (Jared's Dad)

  21. Dear Kendall,

    What a wonderful experience you and your family had in Germany. Great photos! Thank you for sharing the different aspects of life there. I love to travel but haven't been to Germany yet. But Ethan's dad has. Can you speak German and/or were you able to learn some of the language during your stay there?

    I also noticed from your grandmother's comment that you also visited Basel, Switzerland? We had the opportunity to live in Vevey, Switzerland briefly in the past. What was your favorite experience in Switzerland?


    Young (Ethan's mom)

  22. Dear Kendall,

    I was very happy to see your post of your family trip to Germany. I understand that it was a very specail trip for your grandfather. Germany is a familiar country to me. I lived there for a few months when I was still a student and revisited it about two years ago. It is a beautiful country. People there are friendly and hardworking. I love it. One day, I will take Paul to visit this great country and be his guide to show him round.

    Matthew (Paul's dad)

  23. @Mrs. Kim,

    Thank you for your lovely comment. I really liked it!

    Yes, I learned a lot more German than I expeted to. Here are some words in German: danca (thank you), bitte (please), bitte shane (your welcome), gooden morgen (good morning), and gooden tauque (good afternoon). I really wish I could learn some more!

    Yours truly,

  24. Dear Kendall,
    Thank you for sharing photos from your trip to Germany, I loved seeing the pictures and reading your captions. I have enjoyed staying in Germany many times. Whenever we want to travel to Iran, we have to have a stop in Europe, because the trip is too long for it to be non stop. Germany is beautiful, but I have mainly stayed in Frankfort. I love the Architecture of the old buildings there, specifically the churches.
    Can you imagine traveling to a distant country on the other side of the Globe and having to stop at an airport in Europe for five to eight hours, to continue the trip for another five hours? Every time I travel back home to Iran, it takes me about 23 hours to get there, counting the wait time in the terminals. It is not shocking when you think about it, because when it is morning here in Los Angeles, it is night time in Iran.
    It looks like you all had a wonderful time.


  25. Hi Kendall!

    It's sooo neat to see the pictures of Germany and to read your blog! I look forward to seeing both you and Collin this summer!

    Love to you and your family!

    Aunt Nikki

    (Nikki Hurst)

  26. Good Morning Kendall
    Georgia and I have just been looking at your pictures from Germany.
    They are really good.
    I'm so glad we got the chance to see you all - after all the last time we saw you, you were just a baby!
    We are leaving this afternoon for Corfu, which is one of the Greek islands. Looking forward to some sunshine! We will be there for a week. Have to go and pack now!
    Love to everyone.
    (Kendall's Great Aunt in England)

  27. Dear Kendall
    I've just watched your blog. It was really good! My favourite part was when all of us were in Nuremburg! I really enjoyed the blog!

    Love from
    Georgia (your cousin)

  28. Just wondering why you went to Gernach? Do you have family ties to this town? My family is from there and because it is such a small town there is a good chance we might be related.

    Jim Weingartner


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