
Monday, May 31, 2010

Today is Memorial Day in America

Today is the last Monday of May and that means it is Memorial Day in America!

On this solemn day, Americans honor the men and women who died in active military service.

Below is a PowerPoint presentation called National Cemeteries from El Civics.

Did you know...

Memorial Day became a federal holiday in 1971.

It was first called Decoration Day in the years following the Civil War.

On Memorial Day many Americans visit cemeteries, attend patriotic parades, and have family gatherings.

It is customary to fly the flag at half staff until noon and then raise it to the top of the staff until sunset.


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    On Saturday my family and I went to the National Cemetary and placed flags on graves for Memorial Day. It was really inspirational to see how many soldiers have died for our country. I even found a grave for a guy named Charlie and another one who had my same birthday!


  2. @ Charlie,

    What a wonderful way to honor the men and women who gave their lives in military service! I really like what you and your family did, Charlie. Did you go with a group, like the Boy Scouts, or did you just go as a family?

    I watched several Memorial Day events on t.v., but next year I think I am going to attend an event in person.

    Mrs. Yollis

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I think it is very nice to make a whole day for the soldiers that fight in the war. It was really nice of Charlie and his family to go down to the grave and put flags up for the soldiers.


  4. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    For Memorial Day, I had a barbecue at my house, and at the barbecue lots of my friends went in the pool with me. It was so fun!

    Also, for Memorial Day we held our flag up outside of our house.

    Your student,

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I feel bad for the people who risked their lives for our freedom.

    I also think that Charlie did a great thing to honor the people who risked their lives!

    Have you ever done what Charlie did?

    Your student,

  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    For Memorial Day I went to my cousins' house because they were barbecuing hot links and grilling hamburger meat. What did you do for Memorial Day?

    Aaliyah :)

  7. Dear Mrs Yollis,
    what a moving post about Memorial Day in America.
    We have a Remembrance Day here in Australia which is known as poppy day or Veterans Day. As like you we remember all the armed forces men and women and civilians in time of war. We observed it on the 11th month November on the 11th hour. However its not a public hoilday. But services are held at 11am at War Memorials, schools and towns.
    The Last Post is played on a bugler and we have a minute silence to respect our service men and women. We also buy and wear a poppy in respect too.
    Thankyou for a very moving post Mrs Yollis
    from AA.

  8. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Memorial Day was so much fun for us, because we spent a lot of time with our different family. Julia wishes every Memorial Day she can go to Washington D.C to see the graves. Sydney wishes that every Memorial Day she can go to the National Cematary and put flags on the graves just like Charlie.
    Happy late Memorial Day. Was Memorial Day fun for you?

    Julia and Sydney


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:-) Mrs. Yollis