
Friday, March 26, 2010

Sing-a-long: Chay Chay Koo-lay!

Chay Chay Koo-lay  

 This is a call and response song. 
Please echo back to Mr. B.!

Note: Today was Pajama Day! (We don't usually wear pajamas to school!)

Leader:  Chay chay koo-lay
Leader:   Chay chay Kofisa
Leader:   Kofisa Langa  
Leader:   Kaka Shilanga
Leader:   Kum Aden Day
Leader:  Kum Aden Day HEY! (all)
Leader: Hands on your head
Leader: Hand on your shoulders
Leader: Hands on your waist
Leader: Hands on your knees
Leader: Hands on your ankles
Leader: Hands on your ankles, hey! (all)

Do you like Chay Chay Koo-lay

Did you sing with us?


  1. Dear Mrs.Yollis and class,

    I loved your video Chay Chay Koo-lay! I think it is nice that Mr. B is teaching the children music from a different culture.
    What I most like about it is the rythm and the language. I enjoyed it so much that I even want to learn the song.

    Best wishes,
    Senorina (Jollene's mom)

  2. Dear Mrs Yollis and students,

    I loved!!! the song you all sang with Mr B. How cool is Mr B.It was so wonderful how you all got into the rhythm off the music. I did too right here in Australia. I even recken I saw our red healer dog and Bianca dancing. Really love to hear songs sung in different languages. For some songs sound so beautiful in another language. Well fantastic work once again you children are so multiple (able to do lots of different things) talented. Keep dancing from your number one fan AA.

  3. Dear Mrs Yollis and students,

    I loved!!! the song you all sang with Mr B. How cool is Mr B.It was so wonderful how you all got into the rhythm off the music. I did too right here in Australia. I even recken I saw our red healer dog and Bianca dancing. Really love to hear songs sung in different languages. For some songs sound so beautiful in another language. Well fantastic work once again you children are so multiple (able to do lots of different things) talented. Keep dancing from your number one fan AA.

  4. Dear Mrs Yollis and children,
    I found your Chay Chay Koo-lay dance and song very entertaining.You all did a super job on your dance moves too. I really liked watching the young boy in the white and black pjs. He really got into the beat of the music. Mr B is a nice teacher to teach you the song and dance. Its true that my dog and I got up and dance.
    from Bianca.

  5. @ Mrs. Morales,

    Thanks so much for your kind comment! I agree with you that it is fun to learn music from other cultures. That song sticks in your head! I've been singing it nonstop since Mr. B.'s music lesson. :-)

    @ AA,

    Mr. B. is an outstanding music teacher and brings out the rhythm in everyone! Glad to hear you're dancing to our music down under! :-)

    @ Bianca,

    Thanks for saying that our Chay Chay Koo-lay song and dance was entertaining! We had such a fun time recording it and now we can enjoy it whenever we'd like!

    I love that you and your dog were dancing to the rhythms! :-)

    Your friend,
    Mrs. Yollis

  6. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    Thanks for your comment. Seeing sea turtles while snorkaling sounds really cool!

    Chay Chay Koo-Lay sounded like a lot of fun! I felt like jumping up and dancing with you too!

    Keep up the great work,

  7. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Once you hear the song Chay Chay Koo-lay it can get stuck in your head. After school when the bell rang the song was all I could think about. At first it was difficult to learn. Now its difficult to forget.

    Your student,
    Jollene :)

  8. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I really enjoyed making the movie with Mrs. Ranny's class!( I especially enjoyed making it with our p.j.s!)

    Good thing you added that it was pajama day!

    Kayla :)

  9. Dear Mrs.Yollis,

    I loved the way that you and your class all sang along and didn't stop. I loved your pajamas and tell Sam even though he's in pain he still has to sing along with the rest of the group.

    Your friend,

  10. @ Jollene,

    I agree! Chay Chay Koo-lay has been stuck in my head since Friday! :-)

    @ Kayla,

    We did have a fun morning with Mrs. Ranney's class! Yes, I think it was important for us to mention that it was pajama day so our readers don't think we wear pjs to school every day!

    @ Julia,

    We haven't heard from you in a while, and I'm so glad you are back! Great comment! All of your sentences have capital letters and end with punctuation! We love that!

    Did you sing and dance along with us while you were watching the video? I hope so!

    Mrs. Yollis

  11. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    This is my first comment from my new house! I moved today.

    First of all, I had a lot of fun on Pajama Day! My favorite part of the day was singing, "Chay Chay Koo-lay." It is a really fun song and everyone always gets into it! :-)

    What was your favorite part of Pajama Day?

    Do you like the song as much as me?


  12. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I thought it was really fun singing Chay Chay Koo-lay in our pajamas at school. I really liked the video. Yes, I liked Chay Chay Koo-lay.

    Your student,

  13. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    Your video of the Chay Chay Koo-lay song was so adorable. I think its great that Mr. B is enlightening my child and her fellow students with the beautiful music of East Africa. My child can't stop singing it now.

    Keep up the great work,
    Jollene's Dad

  14. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    It was so fun to sing the song with Mr. B. I liked it because a lot of people really got into the music.

    My favorite part about singing the song was at the end when we all said hey together. What did you think?


  15. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I really liked singing the song with Mr.B. Dancing Chay Chay Koo-lay was also fun.:-D
    How did you like my dance?

    Trent :-D

  16. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Thanks for commenting back to me!

    It was really fun making the videos. I happy when you said to do the song another time because I enjoy dancing.

    I think it was really nice of you to bring Mrs. Ranny's class into our class.

    Your student,
    Kayla =)

  17. Dear Mrs. Yollis and class,

    What a lovely video! I can't help dancing too :-)

    Lyudmila and class

  18. @ Ben,

    Congratulations on your new family house. How did you like walking to school?

    You asked me about my favorite part of pajama day. I liked when we were standing up by category. Do you remember any of the categories?

    @ Nick,

    What a fun day! I could sing that song over and over!

    @ Mr. Morales (Jollene's dad),

    Mr. B. is a fabulous music teacher and he brings out the joy in everyone! I still can't stop singing that song!

    @ Sydney,

    Yes, I liked the HEY! part as well. Everyone stopped in unison!

    @ Trent,

    I loved your dancing! You had some excellent moves and were really going for it! That's what makes music fun, when people get into it!

    @ Kayla,

    We did have a fun time with Mrs. Ranney's class. Plus, that's what friends do...they help each other out!

    @ Lyudmila and class,

    We're glad you liked our song and dance. Mr. B. is so much fun! Did you see him dancing with the shaker on his head? He's a great teacher and a lot of fun!

    Mrs. Yollis

  19. Hi Mrs. Yollis' class,

    I loved the call and response song that Mr. B. taught you guys. It gave me the biggest smile, watching you all dance with the rhythm. Great job! I enjoyed seeing you dance and sing in your pajamas. Watching your class have so much fun and learn at the same time, makes me want to enroll in Mrs. Yollis' class next year and be a kid one more time.


  20. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    This is my second time visiting your blog! I love it.

    My favorite post is "Sing-a-long: Chay Chay Koo-lay!".Kayla showed me your blog, and now I visit it every once in a while!

    I do like the song, and I did sing along. Now, I know all the words to the song!

    (Kayla's cousin)

  21. Dear Auntie Da,

    I remember that song when Mr.B. was at YB. I'm sad he left YB. :-(

    Your nephew,

    P.S. My birthday is tomorrow, and I'm going to be 9.
    :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  22. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I know that song at music class.

    Amanda and Jollene


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:-) Mrs. Yollis