
Friday, January 29, 2010

Show Your School Spirit!

Today was Sports Spirit Day! 
Many students wore their favorite jerseys or team colors.

Sports Day at School! on PhotoPeach

What were some of the similarities you noticed?

What were some of the differences?


  1. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    I noticed that Kobe Bryant is a very popular basketball player. There were many fans wearing his jersey today.

    One similarity I noticed was with the baseball jerseys. Even though they were different teams, all the jerseys were blue.

    Thanks for a fun quiz!

    Your friend,

  2. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Thank you for a terrific School Spirit Day video. I enjoyed it very much. I also appreciate that you included my favorite sport, snow skiing!
    Have you ever been skiing on Mammoth Mountain?
    My favorite runs are the advanced intermediate runs that are steep and groomed. Trent prefers a run called Lower Dry Creek. On that run he can ski over jumps, go through the trees and the powder.
    I wish we were going there this weekend!

    Happy Friday!
    Mrs. Adler (Trent's Mom)

  3. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Wow! Look at how man people participated in Sport Spirt Day. I noticed that there were a lot of LA Laker fans, but I am a Denver Nugget fan. Are you a fan of any of those basketball teams?

    I also found a difference about the soccer uniforms and a similarity about the soccer uniforms. Two of the jerseys are blue and yellow, and the other one is lime green.


  4. Mrs Yollis and Class
    I really liked the video, and I liked how you made it interactive with the questions, but it dosen't actually snow in your state does it? Ice Hockey Fans? Skiing?
    Mr Webb, Room 8, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand.

  5. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I think the quiz on PhotoPeach was fantastic. Also, it was fun to answer the hockey question. I hope we can have Sports Spirit Day next year in school. Do you?

    On the World Book Web I looked up coins. When I was on the World Book Web I learned that coin collecting is one of the most popular hobbies in the world.

    Your friend,

    P.S. I really like your bowling shirt!

  6. Dear Mrs.Yollis

    I loved the Sport Spirit Day video. The best part about it was that when you got home you went right to the computer and posted those pictures.Please write back.

    Your friend,

  7. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I can tell that there are a lot of LA Laker fans in our class. Also, I can tell that they all like Kobe Bryant because all of their jersey had the number 24 on it.

    There is a difference and a similarity in the soccer uniforms. The similarty is that two of the jerseys had blue and yellow, but I can tell that they are from different teams.

    If you didn't wear the bowling shirt at sport spirit day what would you have worn?

    Your student,

  8. @ Mrs. Adler,

    You’re welcome for a terrific School Spirit Day video! ☺ I loved the skiing sweatshirt from Mammoth Mountain as well! I started skiing back in high school on Mammoth Mountain. My friends and I would often pile into the car and make the five-hour drive to Mammoth for a weekend. I have many happy memories from those trips. Great snow…well-groomed runs. The last time I was in Mammoth was during the summer, and we hiked and fished.

    A few years ago, I took up snowboarding. Since I am very much a beginner at the sport, I stick to the bunny runs!

    Wow! Trent must be an exciting skier to watch! I can imagine him skiing over jumps and through the trees! Go Trent!

    @ Sydney,

    Thanks for a great 2-point comment! (I noticed you’re using a little of the HTML code! Go girl!

    Not only were there a lot of Laker fans, they were all wearing #24! That surprised me! You asked me if I am a fan of any of those teams. I guess I’m a fan of the Lakers because they are our local team, but I don’t follow them regularly. What made you become a Denver Nugget fan?

    @ Mr. Webb (New Zealand),

    I’m glad you enjoyed the video. Yes, I tried using the “Quiz” feature on PhotoPeach and it was quite easy to set up. How did you do on it? (I threw in a few Olympic sports in the answers. I wanted the students to hear about some new sports they’ll have a chance to see in February when the Olympics begin…luge, curling, bobsled, figure skating…)

    Yes, skiing is popular for many Californians. There are opportunities to ski in the Sierra Nevada mountain range that runs along the east side of the state.

    Lake Tahoe has the largest concentration of ski resorts in North America!(However, it's a long drive for us in southern California...over eight hours. Many people will fly there.) The resorts are open from November through May. The average summit elevation in the Lake Tahoe area is around 9,000 feet (2,000 meters).

    Mammoth Mountain is a popular resort too, although it is about a five-hour drive from Los Angeles.

    There are smaller resorts near Los Angeles. One of them is a about an hour or so from L.A. So, yes, skiing is a California sport!

    Ice hockey has become more popular. Two students in my class are on teams. They play at an ice hockey rink.

    Thanks for some great questions!

    @ Nick,
    Terrific comment complete with a little HTML code! ☺

    I’m not surprised that you got the hockey question correct. What teams were represented? Did you see Mr. Webb was asking if people play hockey in California?

    I’m glad you liked my bowling shirt. It is from the 1950s!

    @ Julia,

    I’m glad you enjoyed the Sport Spirit Day video. Yes, I try to get things posted as soon as possible so everyone can enjoy the memories. What jersey did you wear?

    @ Kendall,

    Yes, I was surprised about all the Kobe Bryant jerseys. I didn’t realize that he was so popular!

    You were one of the soccer players. How long have you been playing and what positions do you play?

    You asked what I would have worn if I didn’t wear the bowling shirt…hmmm…I don’t know. Maybe I could have worn my yoga gear. Although I wouldn’t say yoga is a sport. It’s exercise. I don’t have an answer for that!

    Thank you everyone for some great comments!
    Mrs. Yollis

  9. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    You asked me how long I have been playing soccer and what position I played. To answer your first question, I have been playing soccer for two seasons. Also, to answer you last question, I played defense the whole two seasons. I really do not like offense.


  10. Dear Mrs. Yollis,
    The sport I represented is basketball. I wore number twenty four on the L.A. Laker wich is Kobe Bryant. In my opinion he is a legend at basketball. I saw you represented bowling. It was a cool shirt. Is bowling your favorite sport?


  11. @ Gal,

    I was very surprised to learn that so many students were big fans of Kobe Bryant. Do you attend many Laker games or do you watch from home?

    No, I am not a bowler. The bowling shirt was given to me years ago from a friend. Since bowling is a sport, I decided to wear it. Plus, the shirt does not get worn very often, so it was nice to have an occasion to wear it!

    Mrs. Yollis

  12. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Yes, I watch Laker games but I do not attend. Although it is very fun to watch the games. Because my family and I are really into the game. Are you a Laker fan?


  13. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I became a Denver Nugget fan because my brothers love the Nuggets. I also like them because they are talented. My favorite person on the Nuggets is Bird Man. Do you have a favorite person in the NBa? (National Basketball Association)


  14. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    Yes, I did see that Mr. Webb asked if anybody plays ice hockey. People do play ice hockey in California but there are not ice hockey rinks out side. There are only ice rinks inside.

    I liked how Panda made a comment because it was funny.

    Your friend,

    P.S. Hope Panda leaves another comment.

  15. @ Sydney,

    You really impress me with how fast you have incorporated the HTML code into your comments! Wow!

    You asked if I have a favorite person in the NBA. I would have to say...I do not. I'm not a big sports fan. Who is Bird Man? Is he a player or a mascot?

    Did you notice I included several Winter Olympic sports in the quiz? Have you heard of any of them? Luge? Bobsled? Figure Skating?

    The Olympics begin in February, and I really follow those games. (compound sentence!)

    Mrs. Yollis

  16. Dear Mrs. Yollis' class,

    What a cool slide show about Sports Spirit Day! I enjoyed the quiz, especially the part that mentioned bobsledding and luge. I am getting excited for the Olympics to start!

    I will share the slide show with my students tomorrow. I think I'll probably hear some boos when they see the picture of all the Lakers #24 jerseys. Our hometown NBA team is the Boston Celtics, so the Lakers are our rival. However, there is no denying that the Lakers are a very good team and Kobe is one of the best ever.

    My favorite sports to watch are baseball (I love the Red Sox!) and soccer. I'm even more excited about the World Cup this summer than I am for the Olympics.

    My favorite sports to play are soccer, basketball, and ping pong.

    I wonder what sport Panda likes the best...

    Your friend,
    Mr. Salsich

  17. Dear Mr. Salsich and Mrs. Yollis’ class,

    I’m glad you enjoy my comments.

    You asked me if I have a favorite sport. Eating bamboo fills up most of my time… (My digestive system isn’t very efficient…so I have to eat 85 pounds of bamboo a day to get enough energy.)

    Once I have enough energy, I use the bamboo I haven’t eaten to pole vault. I learned about this sport during the Summer Olympics. It is a track and field event where athletes vault over a crossbar. Because some of the bamboo can grow to 130 feet, it makes for an excellent vault.

    Unfortunately, pole-vaulters have to sprint down the runway towards the crossbar. Every time I get to the end of the runway, I’m out of energy and have to eat the pole.

    Thanks for asking,

  18. Dear Mrs. Yollis' Class,

    I really liked your video clip. Sport spirit day was super fun! I wore my Laker jersey, and it is number 24 just like a lot of people in your class. Also, I really loved all of your jerseys, they are so cool!

    Collin (Kendall's brother)

  19. @ Collin (Kendall's brother)

    Thanks so much for leaving an excellent comment on our blog! I think you are our first kindergarten commenter! Congratulations!

    You, too, are a big fan of Kobe? Well, you make the FIFTH #24 Laker jersey from Sports Spirit Day. I'll have to learn more about Mr. Bryant.

    Thanks again!
    Mrs. Yollis and her class

  20. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I think the quiz you made on PhotoPeach was really fun. Even though it was easy for me because I was there. I noticed that a lot of people like number 24 on the Lakers. Also, three of the Laker fans were wearing the purple jersey.(the away jersey)


  21. Dear Mrs. Yollis class
    thanks for a fun quiz that was a cool slideshow.
    Jahnard room 8 Melville Intermediate school Hamilton waikato New Zealand

  22. dear Mrs Yollis class
    That slide show about the animals was really cool and I liked the sea lions.
    Bjork, Room 8, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand.

  23. @ Jahnard and Bjork,

    Thanks for visiting our site from New Zealand! It's funny for me to get these posts from a school today because it is still Sunday here in the United States. But, it is Monday where you are! Funny how time zones work, no?

    Glad you enjoyed our slide shows, and we hope you will visit and comment again!

    Mrs. Yollis

  24. Dear Mrs. Yollis,

    I noticed that most of the people that are basketball fans wore number 24. my favorite jersey was the ward jersey. I enjoyed the post very much.

    Mike :)

    (Jaxon's dad)

  25. @ Mike, (Jaxon's dad)

    I see that Jaxon directed you to our Spirit Day post! Yes, the Laker jersey with a #24 was very popular. After I noticed so many students with that jersey, I had to know...who is 24? I had no idea Kobe was that popular...but he is in our room!

    Are you a sports fan?

    Mrs. Yollis


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:-) Mrs. Yollis