
Monday, May 4, 2009

Visit Palm Springs, California!

By Kyle

A few students have written travel posts about places they have visited. One student wrote about Washington, D. C. and one wrote about Lake Tahoe.

Kyle and his father created a travel post in a special way. He uploaded his vacation photos to iMovie and then narrated the show using GarageBand.
Great use of digital media!

For those of you who don't know, here is some general information about the popular vacation spot.

Palm Springs is a desert community located 111 miles east of Los Angeles. The population of Palm Springs is about 42, 807 people. Even though Palm Springs is really hot, many people go there to play golf. In fact, Palm Springs has 125 golf courses! When I was there the temperature was in the 90s.

Please enjoy my slide show!

What do you think of Palm Springs?
How do you like Kyle's slide show?

Add a fact about Palm Springs in the comments.

* * * * *
Mrs. Ranney, one of our commenters, mentioned Tahquitz Canyon
in Palm Springs. That's where the Cahuilla Indians used to live.

Here are some photos she sent us of her trip.

Thank you Mrs. Ranney!


  1. GREAT JOB KO!!!!

    Loved it, when are you going back? Can we expect another video? Keep up the good work Big Guy.

    Luv, Dad

  2. Dear Kyle,

    I loved the movie especially when you were sleeping!

    Great job,
    Taylor S. :-)

  3. Dear Kyle,
    I really enjoyed your slide show. In particular, I liked your use of the word "jam - packed" to describe your days! Palm Springs is a favorite place of mine. One beautiful spot I have visited there is Tahquitz Canyon where Cahuilla Indians lived long ago. While visiting there a few years ago, I hiked to a spectacular 60 foot waterfall.
    Sincerely, Mrs. Ranney

  4. Dear Kyle,
    What a great video you made. It looks like you had a fun time over the break. I haven't been to Palm Springs in years but now you've planted a little seed that makes me think I may want to go back. Maybe I'll check out the waterfall Mrs. Ranney mentioned.
    Mrs. Kumar

  5. Wow. Awesome blog. Nice slideshow Kyle. That water park looks REALLY fun. I've never been 2 Palm Springs, but now I want to go real bad. See Ya Later.

    -Noah (former student of Mrs. Yollis)

    Do you remember me Kyle? I wuz on your Basketball Team

  6. Dear Kyle,
    I love your movie!It was so funny when you ended the movie by showing yourself sleeping! When I showed the movie to my parents they laughed so hard at the end when it showed you sleeping! I can't believe that many golf courses are in Palm Springs.

    Best Regards,
    Amanda :-)

    you did a great jod in that short movie. Thanks for posting it. Keep up the great work.


  8. Dear Kyle,
    I loved that you narrated the movie all by yourself! I didn't know that Palm Springs was that pretty! This summer I am going to Palm Springs. I am so excited!

    Best Regards,
    *Amanda* :-)

  9. Dear Kyle,

    I thought your post was amazing! For example, I liked that you have a slide show. It explained a lot more than the writing. Is there more than one Palm Springs?

    Your Classmate

  10. Wonderful movie Kyle!!!It's great that you put that extra effort into making this blog over the top.I think that Mrs.Yollis's idea of making a blog is very clever!

  11. Dear Mrs.Ranny
    I love the pictures of Palm Springs I especially love the picture of the waterfall.


  12. Dear Kyle,
    I love your movie! That was so cool that you made the slide show all by yourself! How did you make the slide show? Did you video tape your movie then put it on your movie, and put all the pictures together then make a slide show? Hope you anwser back!

    *Amanda* :-)

  13. Dear Kyle,

    It was a good slideshow. I wanna go to Palm Springs maybe this year.

    In 2KM we have been making slideshows on my top 10 reasons why Leopold Primary School {My School] is great.

    I Hope you had a nice Mothers Day.

    I had to play football in Australia for Leopold on Mothers Day.

    I will keep looking on your blog.

    From Riley in Miss McGeady's class 2KM

  14. Dear mrs Yollis's class,

    our class love's you blog.
    this week we have been doing doubles.some people think it is fun to do it.we have been looking at your blog a lot!

    from Lachlan

  15. Dear Mrs. Yollis's class,
    I enjoyed your blog. Those pictures make me want to go to Palm Springs.
    Matthew (Mrs. Fogelman/O'Connells class)

  16. Dear Amanda,

    Thanks for the comment. I actually did it with my dad. I did it on imovie and the voice on Gargeband.


  17. Dear Taylor S.,

    I was so exhausted at the end of every day.


  18. Mrs. Dietzs reading group is impressed with Kyle.
    From Dylan, Arvin and Riley

  19. Dear Noah,
    It is really fun in Palm Springs I'm sure you want to go some day. Soak City is a water park there and if you like water parks then thats where you want to go. I just went over Memorial Day weekend, and I had lots of fun there.


  20. Dear Kyle,

    I really really love that movie! It's so wonderful, it makes me want to go there!

    Taylor S. :D :-)

  21. Dear Kyle,

    Your slideshow was great! I love Palm Springs. My family and I visited Pal Springs last summer. We stayed at a beautiful resort. I had so much fun with my cousins playing in the pool and the big water slides!!! I am looking forward to going again so I can experience Soak City. Thanks for sharing.

    Your classmate,
    Alasia :)

  22. Hi Kyle,
    My name is Kristen Walker and I work at the Santa Barbara County Education Office. I am working with a group of teachers on incorporating technology into their classrooms and one of then gave me the link to your teacher's blog. I loved your narrated slide show about Palm Springs. It was especially fun for me to watch because I grew up there! Great job! You have really inspired me and shown me what students can do with a blog if given the chance.



* * *
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:-) Mrs. Yollis