Mrs. Yollis' class is great friends with 2KM and 2KJ in Victoria, Australia. Today they met to learn about each other and about the countries they each hail from.
2KM and 2KJ came to school 20 minutes early, and Mrs. Yollis' class stayed 20 minutes after school so the blogging buddies could meet. It was Tuesday afternoon in California, and it was Wednesday morning in Victoria, Australia.
Sarah and Ellie were our greeters and they lead the Skype exchange.
When 2KM and 2KJ learned that it was Sarah's birthday, they sang a lovely round of Happy Birthday!
Miss Jordan and Mrs. Morris are two terrific teachers and the classes enjoyed meeting for the first time! Because of the time zones, the classes can only meet when Daylight Saving is over in the United States, but starting in Australia. |
The classes started with a Share & Compare session about America and Australia.
Australia is 2,941,299 square miles and America is 3,794,101 square miles. About how much larger is America?
Australia's population is 22,756,782.
About 23 million.
America's population is 312,577,000.
About 313 million.
About how many more Americans are there than Australians?
Next students shared about some famous places in their countries.
Ayers Rock is one of the oldest and biggest rocks in the world. The Aboriginal people think it is a symbol of creation. |
The Golden Gate Bridge in San Fransisco opened in 1937. |
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France and stands in New York. |
It was interesting to look at the Australian bills, or notes as they like to call them. We noticed they were very colorful and pretty. Then Mrs. Morris tried to rip it in half! We were surprised, but then we learned that Australian money is plastic! Clever! What is American money made of?
Speaking of money, Sammy impressed everyone with his green million dollar bill! Ha Ha!
Ellie shared her beautiful purple amethyst.
Royce and Jarrod got a chance to see each other again. They had Skyped together on their own a few weeks ago! |
Ryley from 2KM and Rexon from Mrs. Yollis' class both brought in boomerangs. It was noted that throwing a boomerang is difficult. Well, it's not difficult to's difficult to get it to return! | | | |
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Kelly brought in a cute giraffe that her mother got on a trip to Africa. |
Even though Trey and Alyssa are new typists, they did a fantastic job taking notes on TodaysMeet! Here is the transcript!
Thank you, Sammy, for the fabulous photos!
What did you learn about Australia?
How did you like the Skype call with our blogging buddies?
How many miles apart are the two classes?